Preface v
I. The Writing on the Wall 1
II. Preliminaries 6
III. The Base 13
IV. To Gnatong 18
V. Mountain Sickness: Gnatong: Wayside Witticisms 25
VI. Over the Jalap-LÀ: Chumbi: Beards 32
VII. To Phari 42
VIII. To Kangma 51
IX. Naini: Tibetan Warfare 59
X. At Gyantse: Fighting: Foraging: Tibetan Religious Art 67
XI. The Start for Lhassa: a Digression on Supply and Transport 77
XII. To Ralung: More Supply Matters: A Visit to a Monastery 92
XIII. The Karo-LÀ 99
XIV. Nagartse: Envoys: Demolitions: Baths: Boiling Water 105
XV. Lake Palti: Drawing Blank: Pete-jong 112
XVI. Over the Kamba-LÀ: The Land of Promise 122
XVII. The Crossing of the Tsangpo: A Sad Accident 126
XVIII. The End of the Crossing: The 'Chit' in Tibet 134
XIX. Monasteries: Foraging in Monasteries: A Dream 140
XX. Reaching Lhassa: Supplies: Messing: The Lhassa Bazaar 149
XXI. Enough of Lhassa: A Trip down Country: Life in a Post: True Hospitality: A Bhutya Pony 165
XXII. The Signing of the Treaty 181
XXIII. Back to India 189

Lhassa. (From a photograph)
By permission from 'Black and White'


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