- Arkansas goldfinch, 185.
- Black-throated green warbler, 26, 28, 29.
- Bluebird, 173.
- Blue jay, 216.
- Bobolink, 30.
- Brazilian cardinal, 214.
- Catbird, 153, 158.
- Cats, 197.
- Chebec, 6, 21.
- Chewink, 159, 180-184.
- Chipmunk, 13.
- Chipping sparrow, 86.
- Clarin, 205-220, 226.
- Cowbird, 22.
- Crow, 6, 156, 166.
- Cuckoo, 62, 64, 65.
- Eave swallow, 32, 175.
- English sparrow, 200.
- Fox barking, 16.
- Golden-winged woodpecker, 18, 49, 164.
- Hermit thrush, 6, 8, 9, 10, 21, 22, 202.
- House wren, 30, 49, 189.
- Junco, 201.
- Least flycatcher, 61, 62.
- Maryland yellow-throat, 142-147.
- Meadow lark, 31, 34.
- Meadow lark, western, 191.
- Mountain whistler, 220-226.
- Night hawk, 200.
- Olive-aided flycatcher, 7, 11, 14-18.
- Oriole, Baltimore, 50, 150-153, 229-245.
- Oriole, orchard, 227-239.
- Oven-bird, 7.
- Phoebe, 33, 34, 174.
- Red-eyed vireo, 6, 155.
- Red-headed woodpecker, 35.
- Red-shafted woodpecker, 189.
- Red-winged blackbird, 166-1
Transcriber's note: The original book had unique headings on every other page, they have been placed as sidenotes in order to take them out of the middle of paragraphs. |