THAT The Intercolonial Railway connecting IS THE POPULAR ROUTE FOR SUMMER TRAVEL. UNEQUALLED FOR MAGNIFICENT SCENERY. Starting at QUEBEC it skirts for TWO HUNDRED MILES the MAJESTIC ST. LAWRENCE RIVER, thence through the FAMOUS LAKE, MOUNTAIN and VALLEY region of the METAPEDIA AND RESTIGOUCHE RIVERS and on to the WORLD-RENOWNED BRAS D'OR LAKES in Cape Breton. Connecting at Point du Chene, N. B., and Picton, N. S., for PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, "THE GARDEN OF THE GULF." No other railway in America presents to PLEASURE SEEKERS, INVALIDS and SPORTSMEN so many unrivalled attractions. The ONLY ALL RAIL ROUTE between HALIFAX and ST. JOHN. GEO. W. ROBINSON, . . . . Eastern Freight and Passenger Agent, Maps, Time Tables and Guide Books free on application.