THAT The Intercolonial Railway connecting IS THE POPULAR ROUTE FOR SUMMER TRAVEL. UNEQUALLED FOR MAGNIFICENT SCENERY. Starting at QUEBEC it skirts for TWO HUNDRED MILES the MAJESTIC ST. LAWRENCE RIVER, thence through the FAMOUS LAKE, MOUNTAIN and VALLEY region of the METAPEDIA AND RESTICOUCHE RIVERS and on to the WORLD-RENOWNED BRAS D'OR LAKES in Cape Breton. Connecting at Point du Chene, N. B., and Picton, N. S., for PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, "THE GARDEN OF THE GULF." No other railway in America presents to PLEASURE SEEKERS, INVALIDS and SPORTSMEN so many unrivalled attractions. The ONLY ALL RAIL ROUTE between HALIFAX and ST. JOHN. GEO. W. ROBINSON, . . . . Eastern Freight and Passenger Agent, Maps, Time Tables and Guide Books free on application.
MONCTON, N. B., CANADA. LAKE ERIE AND Ft. Wayne, Cincinnati, and Louisville Railroad. "Natural Gas Route." The Popular Short Line BETWEEN Peoria, Bloomington, Chicago, St. Louis, Springfield, Lafayette, Direct Connections for all Points East, West, North and South. THE ONLY LINE TRAVERSING THE GREAT NATURAL GAS AND OIL FIELDS Of Ohio and Indiana, giving the patrons of this Popular Route an opportunity to witness the grand sight from the train as they pass through. Great fields covered with tanks, in which are stored millions of gallons of oil, Natural Gas wells shooting their flames high in the air, and the most beautiful cities, fairly alive with glass and all kinds of factories. We furnish our patrons with Elegant Reclining Chair Car Seats Free, on day trains, and L. E. & W. Palace Sleeping and Parlor Cars, on night trains, at very reasonable rates. Direct connections to and from Cleveland, Buffalo, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburg, Washington, Kansas City, Denver, Omaha, Portland, San Francisco, and all points in the United States and Canada. This is the popular route with the ladies, on account of its courteous and accommodating train officials, and with the commercial traveler and general public for its comforts, quick time and sure connections. For any further particulars call on or address any Ticket Agent.
There is little need of emphasizing the FACT that the Maine Central Has been the developer of Bar Harbor, and has made this incomparable summer home the Crown of the Atlantic Coast. The Natural Wonders of the White Mountains, Are all within contact of the ever-lengthening arms of the Maine Central Railroad. The Renowned Vacation Line. Or, to those who enjoy Ocean Sailing, the statement is made that the pioneer line along the coast of Maine, making numerous landings at picturesque points, almost encircling the Island of Mt. Desert is the Portland, Mt. Desert and The New, Large and Luxurious Steamer, "Frank Jones," makes, during the summer season, two round trips per week between Portland, Rockland, Bar Harbor and Machiasport. Illustrated outlines, details of transportation, and other information upon application to