
References to the First Book are indicated by 1; those to the Second Book by 2.

-h-2.htm.html#Page_55" class="pginternal">55;
in winter, 67-202.
TroglodytidÆ, 2, 30, 199.
TurdidÆ, 2, 5, 197.
TyrannidÆ, 2, 135, 202.
Usefulness of birds to man, 1, 125-130.
Veery, 1, 47.
Vireo, Red-eyed, 1, 47.
Vireo, Warbling, 2, 57.
Vireo, Western Warbling, 2, 57.
Vireo, Yellow-throated, 2, 56, 57;
portrait, 2, 56.
Vireo Family, 2, 55, 200.
VireonidÆ, 2, 55, 200.
Vulture, Turkey, or Turkey Buzzard, 1, 50, 51; 2, 194.
Vultures, American, 2, 194, 204.
Wagtail Family, 2, 46, 199.
Warbler, Black and White, 1, 121;
portrait, 1, 120.
Warbler, Yellow, 1, 50; 2, 50.
Warbler Family, 2, 49, 200.
Warblers, 1, 62, 97.
Water, birds in, 1, 94;
for drinking and bathing, 133, 134.
Water-Thrush, 2, 52.
Water-Thrush, Louisiana, 2, 52.
Waxwing, Cedar. See Cedar-bird.
Waxwing Family, 2, 63, 200.
Whip-poor-will, 1, 107, 121; 2, 155.
Whip-poor-will, Nuttall's, 2, 157.
Wings, 1, 109-112.
Winter, birds in, 1, 66-69.
Woodcock, beak of, 1, 96;
whistling sound of wings, 111.
Woodpecker, Californian, 2, 167.
Woodpecker, Downy, 1, 50; 2, 169;<

Transcriber's Notes:

Obvious punctuation errors repaired.

The remaining corrections made are listed below and also indicated by dotted lines under the corrections. Scroll the mouse over the word and the original text will appear.

Book 2:

Page 173, "halycon" changed to "halcyon" (called halcyon days)

Page 212, book number was added to Woodcock.


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