QUANTITIES OF MATERIALS REQUIRED. ESTIMATING. ESTIMATING CONCRETE. PROTECTION FROM FREEZING WEATHER. CONCRETING IN FREEZING WEATHER. CONTRACTION AND EXPANSION JOINTS. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FARMERS' BULLETIN No. 1279 PLAIN T THE successful and economical use of concrete involves the selection of suitable materials, the correct proportioning of mixtures in the development of qualities to meet specific requirements, the proper placing and the care of the green concrete. A concrete of great strength is uneconomical if a weaker mixture will serve and a cheap or weak concrete is costly if it does not fulfill all requirements. The cost of concrete depends not only upon the price of the materials and labor but also upon the judicious use of the two. Lack of foresight in locating the mixing plant, in the design of forms, and in planning the successive operations may cause unnecessary expense, while neglect of any one of the precautions which should be observed is likely to result in unsatisfactory work. The bulletin discusses the requirements of good concrete and describes the making and placing of plain concrete according to the best practice. Washington, D. C. Issued October, 1922 PLAIN CONCRETE FOR FARM USE. |