To the Love Lands!

O, my Heart, the days are weary with the burdens that we know:
Hand in hand we'll haste and hurry to the Love Lands long ago!
Let us stroll as happy lovers down the roaring ways of men
Till the lilies of contentment blossom sweetly once again.
It was there we wove our Daydream, it was there the Promise sung,
For the world from us was hidden and our little lives were young.
There were happy lanes of laughter that our childish rambles knew,
Where the roses gave their glories in a ruddy crown for you.
Let us wander through the deserts and the dusty ways they know
To the green fields and the meadows of the Love Lands long ago!
On the road, perchance, we'll gather some of sweetness and of song,
As we thread the dim aisles fearful and the pathways lorn and long.
You remember how we pledged us all the glories of renown,—
Pledged the gold of Ind and Ophir and the greatness of the crown.
You remember how we pledged us in the fancies of our youth,
We would run the quest forever for the Holy Grail of Truth!
You remember how we pledged us we would banish want and woe,
As we laughed and sang the love-song in the Love Lands long ago!
What if we have failed to keep it?
Hard the struggle, fierce the throng,
And the shoutings of the rabble drown the glory of the song!
What if we have failed to keep it?
All the maddened mobs of hate
Hurl the stones of mirth and malice where Truth opes her timid gate!
Shall we sorrow at the wreckage that is heaped along the shore
Where the waters gnaw unceasing and endeavor sails no more!
Shall we sorrow that the laughters, left the shadows of the way,
And the cares of life unlifting fringed the rosy skies with gray?
Shall we sorrow without comfort for the dreams that fled in tears,—
For the hopes forlorn and shattered on the shores of other years?
We have lost the glare and glamor of the dreams we dreamed of old,
But the Wise of earth have brought us of their frankincense and gold.
We have lost the green of May-time, but the autumn gardens red
Hang with all the fruited wisdom for the blossoms that are dead!
We have lost our foolish boasting,—we are cleansed of evil pride,
And we face the past and future with their vistas wild and wide!
Still, my Heart, the days are heavy!
Wisdom weights and wearies so!
Let us run away together to the Love Lands long ago!


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