That New Year Resolution.

Dat New Yaar Resolution
He come to me en say:
"Ah likes de looks ob dis heah place,—
Ah hope yuh'll lemme stay!"
O, listen, listen, bruddehs!
Ah axed de angel in;
Ole Satan come en raised a row,
Ah tuhned him out again!
Dat New Yaar Resolution,
He scrumpshus company;
But dat fust day Ah's satisfied
He all too good foh me!
O, listen, listen, bruddehs!
A'll nebbeh tole yuh why,
But when ole Satan come erlong
Ah knowed it hed toh die!
Dat New Yaar Resolution!
Ah hollahed toh him: "Say!
Dis house am mighty crowded;
Ah wush yuh'd go erway!"
O, listen, listen, bruddehs!
Ah choke him in de th'oat;
En when ole Satan come erlong,
He wrop him in his coat!


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