Mister Ground Hog.

Ole Mistah Groun'-hog rouse hisse'f
Fum dat long nap he take;
He say: "Ah 'spec' Ah'd bettah move,—
It's gittin' late, my sake!"
So he jes' rub his ole eyes wide,
En dress up foh a stroll;
He wax his whiskehs up, en den
He crawl out ob his hole!
Up yondah shine de big red sun,
Eh-blazin' in the sky,
En at his side his shaddeh walk,—
So Mistah Groun'-hog fly!
He skeehed so bad he tuhn him 'roun'
En say, "Ah wake too soon;
Ah'll jes' go home en take a nap
'Twel Sunday aftehnoon!"
So Mistah Groun'-hog run en run
En crawl his deep hole in,
Toh snooze ehway foh six moah weeks
'Foh he wakes up ehgin!



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