When yuh see ole Mistah Trouble Jumpin' high ehlong yoh way, Jes' twis' yoh lips toh puckah, En whistle night en day! He'll nevah stop a minute Toh tell yuh how-de-doo, But take ehcrost de kentry En jump de fences, too! Doan' spen' yoh time eh-gazin' Up yondah at de sky: It shuah will make yoh dizzy En pain yoh lit'le eye; Jes' keep yohse'f eh-lookin' Clah down de way yuh go: De bulgine sho'ly comin' De fus' thing dat yuh know! Doan' twis' yoh neck, my bruddeh, Eh gawkin' at de sun; He'll shine up dah forebbeh No mattah whah yuh run; Jes' look out foh de bresh-piles En cross de mud-holes slow: 'Twill keep yuh mighty busy Watchin' dese hyah paths yuh go! Don't growl if Fortune didn't trust you with more. Just think what a fool she would have been to favor you with greater gifts! |