Oklahoma Sunshine


CONTENTS. VERSES. PAGE A Busy Family, 4 A Blazing Future, 185 A

"What Think Ye, Masters, of These Things?" (A Poem read on

Oklahoma Sunshine

Dreams. I. Day-dreams and play-dreams! From the rosy morn Till

My Philosophy.

Caught on the Fly.

A Busy Family.

The Kingbolt Philosopher.

Don't Grumble.

A Troublesome Set.

A Little of Love. I. With a little of Love, Dear, and something

Caught on the Fly. (2)

Don't Frown.

Jog Along.

The Kingbolt Philosopher. (2)

The Harvest Time. I. The harvest time is over! And across the

The Kingbolt Philosopher. (3)

Mister Cantaloupe.

Rainy Weather.

Get in the Game.

Caught on the Fly. (3)


A Jolly Good Game. I. You may talk as you please about Life's

A Contented Farmer.

Hell and Heaven.

Caught on the Fly. (4)

June Time.

The Candidate.

Good-bye, Dear Heart. I. Good-bye, Dear Heart! I go my own sad

The Kingbolt Philosopher. (4)

Toss a Kiss to Care.

Caught on the Fly. (5)

The Glorious Fourth.

When the Bills Come Due.

Well Prepared.

The Kingbolt Philosopher. (5)

"There's No Use to Worry."

A Prayer.

A Song of Green Valleys. I.

Ate Boys Himself.

Caught on the Fly. (6)

The Kingbolt Philosopher. (6)

"What Shall It Matter, Dear?" I. What shall it matter, Dear,

Caught on the Fly. (7)

"When the 'Phone Bell Rings."

The Negro's Warning.

The Kingbolt Philosopher. (7)

"Hands Around, My Honey."

The Spirit of Compromise.

Best of All.

The Kingbolt Philosopher. (8)

Little Sermons.

"Don't Worry or Fret, My Dearie!"

Caught on the Fly. (8)


To One Departed. I. This life, Dear Heart, seems all so small

When the Dollar Pounds the Door.

The Kingbolt Philosopher. (9)

Don't You Grumble. I. Don't you grumble at the weather when the

Enough Heaven for Him.

"Keep Away from Trouble."

Caught on the Fly. (9)

The Darky's Heaven.

No Room for Bankruptcy.

Minnows and Big Fish.

Little Sermons. (2)

Plenty of Exercise.

"Away With the Sorrow."

The Real Article.

The Bright Side. I. The bright side! The bright side! In spite

Caught on the Fly. (10)

The Weather Man's Mistakes.

In Supplication.

"When the Roas'in'-Ears Air Plenty." I. Talk about the joys of

Don't You Fret.

The Kingbolt Philosopher. (10)

"Doing Pretty Well."

Caught on the Fly. (11)

The Kingbolt Philosopher. (11)

In Prayer.

The Kingbolt Philosopher. (12)

The Little Boy Land. I. Away in the dim and the dusk of the

Caught on the Fly. (12)

The Kingbolt Philosopher. (13)

In the Best Society.

Be Strong to Dare.

When Mr. Money Comes to Town.

Caught on the Fly. (13)

Feelin' Fine.

The Little Feet.

Caught on the Fly. (14)

Love's Dream. I. Love gave me a Dream in the years that have

The Frying Pan.

The Quest.

To the World! I. To the world! To the world! Let us carol its

The Glory Train.

The Bright Day.

Caught on the Fly. (15)

The Kingbolt Philosopher. (14)

Little Sermons. (3)

Pretty Good World.

We Sat and Talked of Other Days. I. We sat and talked of other

Caught on the Fly. (16)

The World All Right.

The Kingbolt Philosopher. (15)

God Give Us Change!

"The Sooners."

Stand Pat.

The Valleys of Rest. I. What matters it, Dear, though the

The Ignorance of the Court.

The Quest for Joy. I.

Caught on the Fly. (17)

Too Busy.

"When the Crow's Feet Come."

A Welcome for Winter. I. A welcome for Winter! Though summer

Caught on the Fly. (18)

The Kingbolt Philosopher. (16)

When Willie Goes to School.

Tis Morning on the Hill-tops. I. What though the valleys

The Defeated.

See the Side-Show.

Voting Around.

Little Sermons. (4)

Love Brings the Song.

Mistah Cotton.

Hear the Song. I There are dark and gloomy corners full of

Caught on the Fly. (19)

"When Canderdates Git After Pa."

Don't Worry.

Little Sermons. (5)

"The Lord is Good to Me."

Caught on the Fly. (20)

A Doubtful Voter.

Another Vintage.

Providence Takes Care of his Own.


Give Us More.

In Yearning Mood. I. Turn back, O Time, to where the young

On the Road to Riches.

"When Troubles Come, My Honey."

Be Patient.

To the Light. I. To the Light! To the Light! Let us climb to

Little Sermons. (6)

In the Light.

Little Sermons. (7)

Wanted to Hide.

Little Sermons. (8)

The Sunshine Song. I.

Little Sermons. (9)

The Lights of Home. I. Heave ho the anchor, laddies! The ocean

Caught on the Fly. (21)

"When the Campaign Liar Quits."

Thank the Lord for Work.

"Sing a Song of Sunshine."

Mighty Lonesome.

Caught on the Fly. (22)

Better Hide Out.

Caught on the Fly. (23)

Thanksgiving Hymn.

Duly Thankful.

"When Pa Puts Up the Stove."

His Platform.

The Meal Ticket Man. (Suggested by John Golobie's recent

Our Joe's at Home Agin.

Caught on the Fly. (24)

In the Shine. I As through the world we wander Through comforts

Nice Doctrine.

Where Bill Was.

The Real Question.

The Sunshine Way. I. Wherever your feet may wander, wherever

Caught on the Fly. (25)

Never Worry.

Little Sermons. (10)

One Drawback.

Signs of Winter.

Keep Them Alive.

Little Sermons. (11)

The Christmas Fiddles. I. Tune up the Christmas fiddles!

So Santa Claus'll Come.

Mister Sorrow.

The Women and the Bill.

A Hard Winter Ahead.

The Charity Ball.

Little Sermons. (12)

The Santa Claus Boy.

Caught on the Fly. (26)

"'Twill All Come Right."

Good-bye to Trouble.

Caught on the Fly. (27)

Too Much Prosperity.

Little Sermons. (13)

To the Lonesome Fiddle.

"If Santa Claus Don't Come."

The Call of the Fiddle.

A Queer Dream.

The Same Old Gifts.

The Greatest Gift.

For the New Year. I. Through all this New Year's varied walks


If We Were Wise.


Sighs and Songs.

Caught on the Fly. (28)

The Third House.

Play Ball.

Sing a Little.

Remembered by Santa Claus.

Evil Prophets.

A New Year's Resolution.

Little Sermons. (14)

A Hard World.

A Quartette of Don'ts.

It Died Young.

To the Love Lands!

Caught on the Fly. (29)

Trudge Along.

A Fine Job.

A True Hero.

Little Sermons. (15)

Never Mind the Hills.

He Voted "Graft".

Caught on the Fly. (30)

Joy is Here.

Something Left.

Not Afraid.

A Blazing Future.

The Legislative Pass.

Little Sermons. (16)

At Rest.

Caught on the Fly. (31)

With a Song.

De Hant! I. De Hant he come en hollah f'um de honey-locus'

Caught on the Fly. (32)

Little Sermons. (17)

That New Year Resolution.

"Said Governor Tom."

Caught on the Fly. (33)

Little Sermons. (18)

Mister Ground Hog.

When Trouble Came.

Wanted a Bill or Two.

Look out for Trouble.

The Good Times Song.

Nobody Hurt.

In the Legislature.

On Behalf of the Minority.

At Valentine's Day.

Little Sermons. (19)

A Valentine.

Its Principal Work.

Life's Way.

Caught on the Fly. (34)

Uncle Joe and Statehood.

Small Bills.

Caught on the Fly. (35)

The Sunny Side.

Keep Busy.

Wait Awhile.

Little Sermons. (20)

At the End.

A Popular Preacher.

An Incurable.

Good Morning, Good Night!

Kansas Has Her Dander Up.

Caught on the Fly. (36)

Rolling on to Glory.

Don't Fall Out with Life.

Not Extravagant.

Away from the Winter.

Just be Patient.

Off the Reservation.

Caught on the Fly. (37)

Transcriber's note

Minor punctuation errors have been corrected without notice. Printer's errors have been corrected, and the changes are indicated with a mouse-hover and listed at the end of this book. All other inconsistencies are as in the original. The author's spelling has been retained.


By Freeman E. Miller,

Author of "Oklahoma and other Poems,"
"Songs from the South-West
Country," etc.

Stillwater, Oklahoma.
The Advance Printing Company.

Copyright, 1905,
Freeman E. Miller.
All Rights Reserved.

The Gospel of Sunshine is the one Supreme Evangel, the Religion of Love is Mankind's most Universal Creed. They hold in their divine Baptisms the Winning of the Heart to Happiness, the Wooing of the Soul to Heaven.

The Author.

Beginning with June 9, 1904, there was a column of verse and prose published in "The Stillwater Advance" under the caption "Oklahoma Sunshine." These were written in the moments of a busy life, amid the crowding of sterner things, and many of them found a wide circulation in the fugitive publications of the day. So many persons have offered expressions of being pleased and helped by them that they are here presented in a more permanent form. The following comprise the year from June, 1904, to June, 1905.



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