Transcriber's Notes:


Added table of contents.

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Page 8, Changed "ben" to "been" in "had been substituted."

Page 31, Retained possible typo (or uncommon spelling) "torquoise."

Page 84, corrected "cirrcumstances" to "circumstances" ("circumstances leave me").

Page 91, added missing quote after "bear good witness for us."

Page 95, corrected "slipppd" to "slipped" ("slipped readily into her pocket").

Page 121, removed unnecessary quote after "no difference in the result."

Page 135, removed unnecessary quote after "pretty, petted girl."

Page 149, "dying down to Boston" seems like an error but is reproduced as printed.

Page 174, added missing comma in "It was my own, granny."

Page 180, corrected "presenty" to "presently" ("presently he realized").

Page 190, corrected "aristrocrat" to "aristocrat."

Page 193, removed unnecessary quote after "pale and thin."

Page 194, added missing quote after "her whereabouts!"

Page 196, added missing quote after "confiding in you, Dean!"

Page 211, removed unnecessary comma from "and whip her."

Page 212, added missing quote after "fiendish Nurse Jenks."

Page 224, changed ? to , after "door on retiring."

Page 229, changed ? to . after "Wait till I question you on the subject."

Page 234, added missing quote after "and sobbing all night."

Page 263, corrected "clatttering" to "clattering" ("clattering of dishes").

Page 277, corrected "Leslie" to "Lester" in "Miss Lester you are awaiting."


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