THE LIFE STORY OF CHARLES PEACE Profusely This is the most remarkable book which has appeared during the present generation. It gives the absolutely true history of that arch criminal, the burglar and murderer, Charles Peace, who for many years masqueraded in England under many different personalities, but always as that of a respectable gentleman. He was without doubt the most depraved monster who ever preyed upon society. He was bad-mad or mad-bad and from other points of view when Justice finally caught and executed him upon the scaffold the world was well rid of him. He started his career when he was eleven years old and during the different periods when he was outside of prison, masquerading always as a respectable business man, he changed his personality when the darkness of night fell and carried out the boldest robberies and the most daring criminal schemes ever perpetrated by any one man in the history of the world. No other criminal who ever lived could compare in cunning and daring with Charles Peace, the Master Criminal. Read about it in this great book which is for sale everywhere. If you are unable to secure it from your newsdealer it will be sent to you postpaid by the publishers upon receipt of 30¢. THE ARTHUR WESTBROOK CO., Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. A. |