- agriculture
- of Argentina, 390, 412
- of Bolivia, 287, 321, 326, 337
- of Colombia, 13, 42, 76–7, 108, 112
- of Peru, 270
- Andes. See mountains
- Angostura, 142
- animals
- of Argentina, 391, 401, 404 ff.
- of Bolivia, 285, 289, 293, 296, 299, 308, 377
- of Brazil, 224, 238, 246, 249
- of Colombia, 6, 13, 36, 38, 44, 51–2, 56, 88–9, 101–3, 111, 115, 118, 127
- of Paraguay, 202, 206, 209–13, 215
- of Venezuela, 151, 167, 175–6
- ant-eater, 118, 215
- Antioquia, 113, 121
- ants, 99, 118, 133, 235, 258, 261, 317, 381
- Arauca, 148
- Arequipa, 268
- armadillo, 211
- Asuncion, 199
- Atures Cataract, 152, 154
- AymarÁ Indians, 273
- bat, 101, 209, <
htm.html#Page_203" class="pginternal">203
- Guajibo Indians, 150;
- Rapids, 155
- Guaviare River, 162
- Guiana, 180–193
- Gy-ParanÁ. See ParanÁ
- HÁvita, 67
- Huitoto Indians, 101
- Iguana. See reptiles
- Inca civilization, 355 ff.
- Indians, customs:
- (beena), 186;
- (dances), 229, 257;
- (“death-doctor”), 274;
- (dress), 25;
- (festival of San Juan), 100;
- (friendly offerings), 252;
- (funeral), 68;
- (marriage), 93;
- (religion), 28, 322
- tribes:
- AymarÁ, 273;
- CuÑa, 131;
- Guajibo, 150;
- Huitoto, 101;
- Maquiritare, 172–3;
- Mundrucu, 262;
- Nhambiquara, 232 ff.;
- ParecÍs, 228;
- Parintintin, 262;
- Patamona, 185 ff.;
- Piaroa, 159;
- Quechua, 277, 281, 321, 347, 356 ff.;
- SirionÓ, 318;
- YuracarÉ, 295 (mission of), 300 ff.
- industries, 79, 147, 156, 169, 204
- insects
- of Argentina, 385, 421
- of Bolivia, 291, 317
- of Brazil, 235, 258, 261
- of Colombia, 78, 80, 99, 118, 133
- of Paraguay, 206, 219
- of Venezuela, 192
- ivory-nut, 108
- jaguar, 102, Sacre River, 228
- Saint Ignacio, 19
- Salavery, 266
- Salencio, 65
- Salta, 367
- Salvajito, 154
- San Agustin, 85
- San Antonio River, 291
- San Borja Rapids, 152
- San Cocho, 76
- San Fernando de Atabapo, 157, 162
- San Jorge Rapids, 149
- San Juan, 74 f.;
- feast of, 100
- SÃo Feliz Rapids, 256
- SirionÓ Indians, 318
- sloth, 88
- SotarÁ, 23
- Sucre, 346 ff.
- sugar, 13
- TamanÁ, 70
- tannin, 204
- Tapirapoan, 223
- Tarabuco, 346
- Tiahuanaco, 270
- Titicaca Lake, 269
- Todos Santos, 295
- tonca-bean, 147
- torture. See beena
- Totora, 328
- Treasure Rock, 149
- tribes. See Indians
- Trinidad, 200
- Tucuman, 382 f.
- Tumatumari, 182
- turtle, 151, 166
- UrucÚm, 209
- Vagre, 152
- Valdivia, 114
- Valle de las Papas, 80
- Vermejo, 337 ff.
- Vichada River, 159
- vineyards, 412
- vizcacha, 401;
- hunting of, 405 ff.
- Volcan, 373 f.
- wasps, 219
- Yarumal, 113
- yerba matÉ, 202, 394
- Yungas, 287–291
- YuracarÉ Indians, 295;
- mission to, 300 ff.
- Zamuro, 153