The cock-of-the-rock at home Frontispiece
Buenaventura 4
Cattle grazing in the Cauca Valley 14
Port of Guanchito 14
Cerro Munchique 30
A deserted Indian hut on the Cerro Munchique 30
The Caldas fast on a sand-bar in the Cauca River 44
Bamboo rafts on the Cauca River 44
The town of Salento 50
The lake on the paramo of Santa Isabel 58
Snow on the paramo of Ruiz 58
Native of Juntas de TamanÁ with trail-haunting blacksnake 68
The author with natives of Juntas de TamanÁ 68
NÓvita, the largest town in the ChocÓ 72
Threshing wheat 78
Indian hut in the Valle de las Papas 78
The village of Santa Barbara 86
A corner of San Augustin 86
A mountain stream, such as the Rio Naranjos, where the cock-of-the-rock spends its existence 88
Tree-fern, typical of the Andean forests 98
The high, flat-topped panorama of the Andes 102
The town of Valdivia 108
The Cauca River at Puerto Valdivia 108
A naturalists’ camp in the forest 116
A native hunter with a red howling monkey 116
The porters en route to the Paramillo 124
CuÑa Indians at Dabeiba 124
Our camp on the Paramillo 126
Dabeiba on the Rio Sucio 130
The village of Maipures 156
The Hilo de Oro at the end of the voyage 156
A rubber-camp on the Upper Orinoco 170
Unloading for the portage, Raudal del Muerto 172
The Cerro Duida 172
Wismar on the Demerara River 182
Tumatumari on the Potaro River 182
Camp on the Rio Negro in the Gran Chaco of the Paraguay 200
Selling oranges in the market at Asuncion 200
A street in Buenos Aires 204
Porto Gallileo on the Rio Pilcomayo 204
Fort of Coimbra on the Rio Paraguay 206
S.S. Nyoac on the Paraguay River 214
CorumbÁ 214
Colonel Roosevelt in the Brazilian chapadÃo

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