ABORTION. The practice on the increase, and not due to a single cause, 113, 114, 115, 116. is it ever justifiable? 111. meaning of the term, 110. criminal, 101. Catholic Church is decisive on, 112. Abrupt termination of pregnancy constitutes a disease, 117. Abscess in peritonitis, 278. in perimetritis, 278. of the breast, 340. Abuses of surgery, 19. “A bad getting up,” 204. A husband should not cease to be a gentleman, 94. A little reflection, 250. Academicians’ view of fetal life, 102. Acton, Dr. “A warning against sexual dangers,” 92. After the delivery, 334. Anatomy of the female organs, 119. Anteflection of the womb, 242. Anteversion of the womb, 240. Antidotes to poisons, 389, 390, 391. Antiseptic precautions, 75. Apostoli, Georges, Dr., 298, 301. Arnold, Prof., on cancer, 218. BABY, barbarous practice of bathing, 337. care of the, 337. first toilet of the, 338. Bacteria, 286. “Bad getting up,” 144. Bandaging after delivery, 250. Bartholow, Prof., 296. Beef tea, 412. Bennet, John H., 400. Berkeley, Bishop, 47. Bladder, catarrh of, 163. catarrh, and other diseases, 157. chronic catarrh of, 164. hemorrhage of, 168. in pregnancy, 308. irritability of, 252. nervous irritability of, 166. paralysis of, 167. ulceration of, 163. Braid, Dr. (discoverer of hypnotism), 54. Brain, fat an essential food for the, 400. Braine, Dr. Woodhouse, 51. Breast, or mammÆ, of the pregnant woman, 318. abscess of, 340. Bright’s disease, 397. Broken bones, 378. Bronchitis, 350. Brown-SÉquard, 394. Burns and scalds, 382. classification of, 383. useful application for, 385. CAMPBELL, DR. HENRY F., 254. Cancer, Prof. Arnold on diagnosis of, 218. Carbolic acid, poisoning from, 389. Carbonic-acid poisoning in chlorosis, 135. Carpenter, Prof. W. B., 48. Castration, 274. Catarrh of the womb, 219. cause of, 213. symptoms of, 215. vaginal and uterine, 177. Catarrhal inflammation of the womb, 209. of the mouth, 342. Cellulitis, pelvic, 285. in childbed, 288. Cervical endometritis, 211. Charcot, Dr. Experiments in hypnotism, 54. on “Impersonal Sleep,” 54. Chickenpox, 375. Childbed fever, my first case, 74. Children are common objects of love, 96. will of, 53. diseases of, 356. Chlorosis, iron in, 137. Chronic inflammation of the womb, 104. causes of, 105. Clothing to avoid taking cold, 190. Coated tongue, 341. Cohnheim, Prof., his theory of inflammation, 147. Coition and conception widely different processes, 106. Coitus, injury of interruption or incomplete, 96. Cold, injurious effects of taking, 184, 185. Colic of infants, 360. Conception, independent of the sexual act, 107. Conjugal onanism, Dr. Devay, 96. Constipation, 366. causes of, 366. treatment of, 367. Continence, 95. Convulsions in children, 361. Corset waist, 191. Cow, exercise of, 401. Cows’ milk, 403. cream of, 403. density of, 403. Croup, 348. false, 349. membranous, 349. Cutler, Dr. Ephraim, 298. Cystitis, acute, 161. chronic, 162. DALTON, PROF., on menstruation, 130. Dame Nature, 41. Danger of overheating, 189. Darwinian theory applicable to the overcrowded professions, 17. Days of doctrines and rules, 17. Delusions as to the curative value of drugs, 36. Depraved associates pave the way to feticide, 114. Descartes, 48. Diarrhoea, 357. prescription for, 357. in pregnancy, 320. Diet, 392. morbid fancy for, 392. for pregnant women, 324. Digestion, 396. of fats and starches, 399. Diphtheria, 346. Disease is as much a vital process as health, 37. Diseases of children, 341. that are conjured up in the minds of susceptible persons, 25. Disinfection of the lying-in woman in Germany, 289. Dispersing electrode, 299. Divided skirts, 194. Dobell, Dr. Horace, 189. Drowning, 387. treatment for, 388. Drug diseases of Hahnemann, 43. Drugs are physical agents, 44. DÜvelius, Dr., 212. Dysmenorrhoea, 138. prescription for, 142. inflexion, 244. Dyspepsia, or indigestion, 137, 138. Elastic garters, 193. Electricity in diseases of women,297. as a remedy, 294. in catarrhal inflammation, 302. in subinvolution, 303. medical, 296. without puncture, 200. Electrodes and poles, 295. Electro-puncture, 298. Emergency treatment in sudden accidents, 377. Endometritis, 209. acute and chronic, 210. Engelman, Dr., 299. English law on “quickening,” 104. Epileptic fits cured by a “Christian Scientist,” 57. Equestrian tights, 195. Erosions often mistaken for cancer, 218. Eruptive fevers, 370. Evans, Dr., 47. Exclusiveness that has characterized the professions, 16. Exercise, must be interesting, 63. in the open air, 62. Expectation or attention influences the bodily functions, 50. FAITH cures disease, 55. Falling of the womb, or prolapsus, 231. Fallopian tubes, 124. Fats, digestion of, 399. Feeding, intervals between, 395. Ferguson, Dr., 400. Feticide, 101. Fire, clothing on, 384. Flexion of the uterus, 139. Flexions and versions due to abortions, 117. Floor of the pelvis, 228. Flux, 358. Fly-blister, causing inflammation of the urethra, 152. Food, repugnance to, 393. liquid for invalids, 393. Fractures, 378. Fright causes and cures disease, 58. Frostbite, 385. treatment for, 387. Functional diseases, 56. GALVANOMETER, 300. General causes of uterine and pelvic diseases, 61. Germ theory of disease, 77. German measles, 372. Germans, river-bathing of, 77. Germicidal properties of drugs, 176. Girls should be independent to choose their choice, 66. Gonorrhoeal infection, statistics of, 276. Goodells, Prof., on “abuses of uterine treatment,” 22. on uterine symptoms, 140. Graafian follicles, 263. Growth of the uterus from the moment of conception, 72. HEMORRHAGE of the womb, 143, 144. of wounds, 381. arrest of, 382. Hemorrhoids, causing inflammation of urethra, 152, 322. in irritability of bladder, 166. Heroic treatment, 42. Hippocrates’s view of fetal life, 102. Histology of inflammation, 145. How a woman should lie after confinement, 335. Human ovum, size of, 264. Hygiene of gynecology, 78, 79. Hypnotism, 52. Hysteria, amenable to mind cure, 56. ICE-BAGS, 291. Imagination is the realm of the soul, 49. Impersonal sleep of Dr. Charcot, 54. Improprieties of dress, 68, 69, 70. Imprudence during menstruation, 71. In the realm of thought there is no monopoly, 15. Indigestion, 356. Infants fed on cows’ milk, 406. overfeeding of, 394. Infection, 287. gonorrhoeal, 81. innocent, 81. Inflammation, 145. of the womb, 196. chronic, 203. Interpolar regions, 297. Intra-abdominal pressure, 233. Involution, 73. Iron pills in chlorosis, 137. KNEE-CHEST posture, 254. in relaxed vagina, 180. in falling of the womb, 236. LAITY, object of educating the, 18. Landois, Prof., on the curative force in the lower animals, 39. Little girls, muco-purulent secretion of the vagina, 152. Lochial discharge, 84. Lung fever, 352. Lying on the back after confinement, 73. MALTHUS, law of, 99. Man, instinctive desire of, 89. Mania for cutting operations, 21. Marital excesses, and prevention of conception, 87. Marital excesses the mainspring of disease, 91. Married women exposed to infectious contamination, 80. Martin, Dr., of Chicago, 300. Massey, Dr. G. Batton, 297. Measurements of the healthy uterus, 71. Mechanical age, 19. Menopause and puberty, 129. Menorrhagia and metrorrhagia, 143, 144. Menstrual disorders, 131. Menstruation and menstrual disorders, 126. Menstruation, average period of, 128. precocious, 132. source from which the blood comes, 128. Menstruation suspended during pregnancy, 129. Menstruation, climate and temperament, 127. Menstruation, diversity in ages, 126. Mental photography in the hypnotic state, 54. Mesmerism, 52. Metritis, 196. acute, 198. causes of, 199. chronic, 203. cold applications in, 201. Metrorrhagia, 143. Milk, 400. analysis of, 408. arrowroot with, 410. boiled, 404. condensed, 410. gruel for, 410. diarrhoeal diseases from, 406. from the country, 402. promiscuously mixed, 402. quantity to be taken, 405. sterilizing the, 406. shake, 404. Milk-leg, 290. Mill, John Stuart, 99. MilliampÈre, 300. Moral restraint, 90. More thought required to make good mothers than to file briefs or write prescriptions, 68. Morning-sickness, 300. Morphine habit vice asthma, 60. Mouth, catarrh of the, 342. putrid sore, 342. Mucous membrane, 182. Mumps, 344. Murchison, Dr., 397. Mystic union of the soul with the body, 102. Nervous and congestive dysmenorrhoea, 140. Nervous system in chlorosis, 135. Nervousness, due to excessive mental application, 63. Negative pole, 301. Nine years of my professional life, 15. Noeggerath, Dr., on gonorrhoeal infection, 276. OBJECT of educating the laity, 18. Ovaries, 124. chronic inflammation, 270. cysts or tumors of, 264. diseases of, 263. displacement of, 266. incomplete or rudimentary, 266. supernumerary, 265. Ova, number discharged at the menstrual period, 131. PAIN in the abdominal walls, 321. Painful sensations from imaginary causes, 48. Painless childbirth, 325. Palpitation of the heart, 321. Parametritis, 285. Parotitis, 344. Pelvis, true, 120. false, 119. floor of the, 228. Perimetritis and peritonitis, 275. Perineum, 121. Period of fruitfulness, 264. Peritonitis and perimetritis, 275. Peritonitis, treatment of, 282, 283. criminal abortion the cause, 281. Piles, 322. Playfair, Dr., 401. Pneumonia, 352. treatment for, 354. Precocious talents should not be forced, 64. Pregnancy, breasts become enlarged in, 308. bladder trouble in, 321. capricious appetite in, 307. deposit of coloring matter, 308. duration of, 305. diet in, 324. extrauterine, 305. false, 306. menstruation during, 306. nausea and vomiting, 319. salivation of the mouth, 307, 319. simulating, 314. unnatural, 305. Pregnant woman, precautions to, 316. clean linen for the, 318. proper clothing for, 315. Preliminary signs of labor, 330. Preparation of homoepathic dilutions, 44. Prolapsus, or falling of the womb, 231. Protophytes, 286. Psychical exaggeration, 140. Ptomaines are developed from uncleanliness, 83. Puberty and menopause, 129. Puerperal or childbed fever, 77, 78, 290. Pulsation of the fetal heart, 311. Putrefactive germs, 286. Putrid or septic poison, 287. Pyosalpinx, 285. Quinsy, 344. REPARATIVE energy of nature, 38. Reparative process after confinement, 233. Retroflexion in pregnancy, 256. treatment of, 252. Retroflexion of the womb, 247. Retroflexion, replacement of, 254, 255. Retroversion of the womb, 246. Round ligaments of the womb, 248. Rose-rash, 372. Rumbold, Dr. Thos. F., 184. SALPINGITIS, 259. Sawyer, Dr. Herbert C., 58. Scalds, 382. Schelling, William Joseph, 47. Scrofulous diseases, 400. Sexual desire, Prof. Carpenter on, 89, 90. Sexual instinct not unholy and depraved, 109. Signs and symptoms of pregnancy, 305. Signs of chronic inflammation of the womb, 207. Skin, or integument, 182. Somnambulism, 52. Soor, 343. Sore nipples, 339. Soxhlet, Prof., 406. Spasms in children, 361. measurements of, 105. Spruce, 343. Stages of labor, 332. Sterility in flexion, 244. in ovaritis, 272. due to abortion, 118. Sterilization of milk, 407. Stoics’ view of fetal life, 102. Stricture of the neck of the womb, 139. Stupidity of the masses, 23. Subinvolution of the womb, 73. Sugar, digestion of, 398. Superfluous garments, 70. Sympathy will cause disease, 58. Syringe, proper selection of a, 181. TEMPERATURE for living-rooms, 189. Terror causes or cures disease, 58. The bed for confinement, 329, 330. The choice of a physician, 328. The care of the baby, 337. The nurse, 328. The righting of the organ, 331. ThermÆ, 76. Thrush, 341. Tonsilitis, 344. Too much mischievous doctoring, 24. Tubal dropsy, 259. Tuke, Dr. Daniel H., 50. Tying the cord, 336. UNCLEANLINESS a cause of disease, 76. Union suits, 194. Urethra, 121. gonorrhoeal infection of, 152. in pregnancy, 155. in the newly married, 156. inflammation of, 150. irritation of, 150. neuralgia of, 155. Urethritis and neuralgia of the urethra, 150. caused by eruptive fevers, 152. Urethritis in pregnancy, 153. papillated growths and mucous polypoids, 153. Uterus, 123. anteflexion, 242. anteversion, 240. changes after confinement, 72. measurements after confinement, 72. natural position and support, 226, 227. prolapsus, or falling of the, 236. retroflexion, 247. retroversion, 246. treatment for prolapsus, 236. versions and flexions, 240. VAGINA, 122. catarrh of, 175. catarrh in children, 177, 178. acute and chronic inflammation of the, 172. gonorrhoeal infection of, 174. knee-chest posture in catarrh of the, 180. relaxed, mistaken for falling of the womb, 179, 180. Vaginal douches after confinement, 335. Vaginal injections, directions for their use, 85, 86. Versions and flexions due to abortions, 117. Virchow, Prof., theory of inflammation, 146. WARMING a dwelling, 186. Weapon ointment, 41. What is mind-cure? 46. What is termed mind-cure is not mind-cure, 40. When the soul becomes associated with the body, 107. When to begin to train mothers, 65. Whey, 409. While in childbed, 328. Whites, 176. Whom to teach, 15. Whooping-cough, 367, 368, 369. Why crowd our girls into the profession? 67. Winter cough, 189. Wives who become delicate and nervous, 93. Womb, 123. tear or laceration of, 84. Women’s rights vice women’s wrongs, 68. Women, after getting up from confinement, 74. Wounds, 378. contused, 379. incised, 379. lacerated, 379. punctured, 379. ZIEGLER, Prof., on infection, 286. |