This novel was originally serialized in the New York Family Story Paper; this electronic edition is derived from the later hardcover reprint in the Columbus Series, in which it shared a volume with Wild Margaret by "Geraldine Fleming" (actually Charles Garvice). Added table of contents. Retained some obsolete spellings (e.g. hight). Page 5, changed "marry him for him for money" to "marry him for his money." Page 10, moved comma from before to after "now" in "May I ask if you are friends with Mr. Templeton now, Mrs. St. John?" Page 13, added missing open quote before "I'll tell them that you are mad." Page 15, changed "you generosity" to "your generosity" and "where both drawn" to "were both drawn." Page 16, changed "brought it with my gold" to "bought it with my gold." Page 17, changed "desparate" to "desperate." Page 21, changed ? to ! in "No, no—oh, better that she were!" Page 22, changed "by-and-bye" to "by-and-by." Page 26, capitalized d in "Doctor Shirley" and added missing close quote after "serve her as well." Page 30, changed Carrol to Carroll. Page 31, changed "Mr. Carroll" to "Mrs. Carroll." Page 33, changed "gaping audibly" to "gasping audibly." Page 36, changed "sound's" to "sounds." Page 37, changed "Howord Templeton" to "Howard Templeton." Page 38, changed "prevade" to "pervade." Page 48, changed . to ? in "Is it not a brilliant victory?" Page 50, changed ? to ! after "too horrible." Page 51, changed "Mr. Carroll" to "Mrs. Carroll." Page 56, removed erroneous quotes from text following "Ninon said." Page 59, changed "unknow" to "unknown." Page 61, changed "unknow" to "unknown." Page 64, changed . to ? in "how could he return to Lora without the child?" Page 67, changed "about to attended" to "about to attend." Page 72, changed "nonchalantly" to "nonchalant." Page 79, added missing second hyphen to "mother-in-law." Page 82, added missing period after "persisted Captain Mainwaring." Page 86, added missing inner close quote after "my child and yours" and changed "Uupon" to "Upon." Page 87, added missing close quote after "world's censure." Page 88, changed "foward" to "forward" and "grset" to "greet." Page 90, changed "exclaimed" to "exclaims." |