- Acadian flycatcher, 161.
- Arkansas goldfinch, 23.
- At four o'clock in the morning, 95.
- Barbed wire fence, 157.
- Behind the tangle, 246.
- Birds:
- and poets, 194.
- a strange song, 73.
- different ways, 264.
- hard to study, 20.
- in Colorado, 18.
- in Colorado Springs, 260.
- in Denver, 260.
- in the "Wrens' Court," 161, 166, 168.
- leave nesting place, 154.
- morning chorus, 21, 22, 105.
- music in Colorado, 32.
- not on exhibition, 19.
- not sing alike, 34.
- panic among, 39.
- unfamiliar, 23, 259.
- Utah, 260.
- Black-headed grosbeak, 244, 251.
- Blue jay, 126.
- and doll, 103.
- and red-headed woodpecker, 104.
- apple-tree nest, 151.
- a struggle, 149.
- attentive to mate, 127.
- bad name, 147.
- devoted mother, 127.
- eating, 144.
- getting over the ground, 145.
- home deserted, 140.
- interview with, 146.
- joke or war-cry? 134.
- manners, 130, 132, 144.
- my search for nest, 126.
- no pretense, 130.
- pine-tree nest, 126.
- vocabulary, 133.
- when babies are noisy, 131.
- with a stranger, 148.
- with catbirds, 150.
- Blue jay, the young:
- accident to, 140.
- beauty of, 143.
- climber, 141.
- first outing, 138.
- imperfect, 152.
- intelligence in house, 152.
- on edge of nest, 137.
- returned to parents, 153.
- Bobolink song, 120.
- Burro an investigator, 89.
- Camp Harding, 9.
- Camping in Colorado, 95.
- Glen, a beautiful, 155.
- Grasshopper, a clacking, 266.
- Grave of "H. H.," 90, 91.
- Great-crested flycatcher, 167.
- Gull, the herring, 211.
- following the plow, 213.
- flight, 215.
- manners, 213.
- nesting, 216.
- nooning, 215.
- penalty for killing, 212.
- sent to the "Chosen People," 212.
- value of, 216.
- Horned lark:
- horns, 36.
- nest, 36.
- song, 35.
- Horse, a scared, and result, 228.
- House wren, the Western, 24.
- babies, 27, 28.
- disturbed, 27.
- manners, 24.
- nest, 25.
- song, 27.
- strange cry, 25.
- Humming-bird:
- collecting spiders, 271.
- different from the Eastern, 38.
- dislike of heat, 272.
- in caÑon, 76.
- last glimpse, 273.
- manners, 269.
- nesting, 272.
- noisy, 38.
- precious beak, 271.
- scolding, 42.
- surveillance, 40.
- the broad-tailed, 268.
- toilet of, 271.
- Ideal retreat, an, 247.
- In a pasture, 207.
- In the Middle Country, 93.
- In the Rocky Mountains, 1.
- Irrigation vagaries, 242, 245, 267.
- Kansas, 7.
- Kitchen, an al fresco, 243.
- Kitten, a lost, 39.
- Lazuli-painted finch, 261.
- Magpie: