| | | PAGE |
I. | Camping in Colorado | 3 |
II. | In the Cottonwoods | 17 |
| Western wood-pewee. Contopus richardsonii. | |
| Western house wren. Troglodytes aËdon aztecus. | |
| Towhee. Pipilo erythrophthalmus. | |
III. | An Uproar of Song | 32 |
| Western meadow-lark. Sturnella magna neglecta. | |
| Horned lark. Otocoris alpestris leucolÆma. | |
| Yellow warbler. Dendroica Æstiva. | |
| Western wood-pewee. Contopus richardsonii. | |
| Humming-bird. Trochilus colubris. | |
| Long-tailed chat. Icteria virens longicauda. | |
IV. | The Tragedy of a Nest | 42 |
| Long-tailed chat. Icteria virens longicauda. | |
V. | A Feast of Flowers | 52 |
VI. | A Cinderella among Flowers | 60 |
VII. | Cliff-Dwellers in the CaÑon | 70 |
| CaÑon wren. Catherpes mexicanus conspersus. | |
| American dipper. Cinclus mexicanus. | |
VIII. | At Four O'Clock in the Morning | 95 |
| Purple grackle. Quiscalus quiscula. | |
| Mourning dove. Zenaidura macroura. | |
| Red-headed woodpecker. Melanerpes erythrocephalus. | |
| Blue jay. Cyanocitta cristata. | |
| Cardinal grosbeak. Cardinalis cardinalis. | |
| American robin. Merula migratoria. | |
| Golden-wing woodpecker. Colaptes auratus. | |
| House sparrow. Passer domesticus. | |
IX. | The Little Redbirds | 113 |
| Cardinal grosbeak. Cardinalis cardinalis. | |
| House sparrow. Passer domesticus. | |
X. | The Cardinal's Nest | 119 |
| Cardinal grosbeak. Cardinalis cardinalis. | |
| Bobolink. Dolichonyx oryzivorus. | |
| Meadow-lark. Sturnella magna. | |
XI. | Little Boy Blue | 126 |
| Blue jay. Cyanocitta cristata. | |
XII. | Story of the Nestlings | 136 |
| Blue jay. Cyanocitta cristata. | |
XIII. | Blue Jay Manners | 144 |
| Blue jay. Cyanocitta cristata. | |
XIV. | The Great Carolinian | 154 |
| Great Carolina wren. Thryothorus ludovicianus. | |
| Yellow-billed cuckoo. Coccyzus americanus. | |
| Crested flycathcer. Myiarchus crinitus. |