La parte reguline est etroitement unie au principe arsenical, qu’elle est par elle-meme caustique drastique, emetique, et virulente. Matiere Medicalle, tom. ii. sect. xv. chap. v. De l’antimoine crud. A Paris, 1765. Since I have spoke my sentiments freely, I am looked upon as the chief of heretics, as an enemy of the public and of the author’s reputation; and for this reason I have been unhappily disgraced, and defamatory libels, of the most virulent kind, have been printed against me. I expect yet more terrible storms; however, I adore that Providence which directs all for his glory and my good, from whom I should deserve a disgrace infinitely more fearful than that which I now suffer, if for the sake of transitory glory, perishable treasures, or tranquillity of life, that may be taken from me in this world, I should become a confederate with those who have thus infamously abused the publick confidence, to the disgrace of physick. See Medical Museum, vol. III. London, 1764. |