
The Medical Society of London, have resolved to give an honorary Gold Medal to the Author of the best Dissertation on fevers.

Gentlemen who become candidates are desired to attend to the following regulations.

Dissertations on this subject are to be delivered to the Secretary in Crane Court, on or before the third Tuesday of April, 1775, written in a fair hand, and in the English or Latin language, and along with each a packet (sealed up) containing the name of the Author, and his place of residence, some motto or device being written on the outside of the packet, and at the beginning or end of the Dissertation.

It is resolved that the medal shall be publickly adjudged on the fifth day of June, 1775, after which all the papers, excepting that which obtains the honorary reward, shall be returned with the packets unopened, so that all the names excepting that of the successful candidate shall be concealed.

N. B. No Member of the Society will be admitted a Candidate for the Medal.

The Medical Society, being instituted for the improvement of medicine in all its branches, will be obliged to all who shall contribute toward the execution of their extensive design.

Papers intended for them may be directed to their Secretary in Crane Court, Fleet Street, or to any of the Members.

BOOKS printed for J. Johnson, No. 72, St. Paul’s Church-yard; and D. Wilson, and G. Nicol, opposite to York Buildings, in the Strand.

I. Observations on the prevailing Diseases in Great Britain. Together with a Review of the History of those of former Periods, and in other Countries. By John Millar, M. D. Price 12s. in Boards.

II. A Discourse on the best Means of promoting Medical Enquiries, delivered before the Medical Society at their annual Meeting, on Tuesday the 18th Jan. 1774. and published at their Request. By James Sims, M. D.


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