CHAPTER XIV September , 1916-1917 CHAPTER XV CHARACTER, APPEARANCE, ETC. SOME STORIES OF HIM BY THE SAME AUTHOR. The Mammals of Great Britain and Ireland. 3 vols. Quarto, cloth, gilt top, £18 18s. net. Volume I, Order Cheiroptera, Order Insectivora, Order Carnivora. With 18 Photogravures by the Author; 31 Coloured Plates by the Author, Archibald Thorburn, and G. E. Lodge; and 63 Uncoloured Plates by the Author, and from Photographs. Volume II, Order Carnivora (continued) and Order Rodentia. With 21 Photogravures by the Author, H. GrÖnvold, G. E. Lodge, and from Photographs by D. English; 19 Coloured Plates by Archibald Thorburn and G. E. Lodge; and 33 Uncoloured Plates by the Author and from Photographs. Volume III, Rodentia (completion), with the Hares and the Rabbit; the CervidÆ (The Deer family); the BovidÆ (the Oxen), and the CetaceÆ (Whales). With 23 Photogravures from Drawings by the Author, H. GrÖnvold, and E. S. Hodgson; 12 Coloured Plates by the Author, A. Thorburn, and H. W. B. Davis, R.A.; and 44 Uncoloured Plates by the Author, A. Thorburn, Sir Edwin Landseer, and from Photographs. Newfoundland and its Untrodden Ways. With 2 Maps, 6 Coloured Plates, 6 Photogravure Plates and 115 other Illustrations by the Author and from Photographs. Royal 8vo, cloth, 22s. net. The Wildfowler in Scotland. With a Frontispiece in Photogravure after a Drawing by Sir J. E. Millais, Bart., P.R.A.; 8 Photogravure Plates, 2 Coloured Plates, and 50 Illustrations from the Author's Drawings and from Photographs. Royal 4to, cloth, gilt top, 30s. net. The Natural History of the British Surface-Feeding Ducks. With 6 Photogravures and 66 Plates (41 in Colours) from Drawings by the Author, Archibald Thorburn, and from Photographs. Royal 4to, cloth, gilt top, £6 6s. net. British Diving Ducks. With Coloured, Photogravure, and Collotype Plates by Archibald Thorburn, O. Murray Dixon, H. GrÖnvold, and the Author. 2 vols. Imperial 4to, cloth, gilt top, £12 12s. net. Rhododendrons, in which is set forth an account of all species of the genus Rhododendron (including Azaleas) and the various Hybrids. By J. G. Millais, F.Z.S., M.B.O.U. With Coloured Plates by Archibald Thorburn, Beatrice Parsons, E. F. Brennand, and W. Walker; also 14 Collotype Plates and numerous Half-tone Illustrations. 4to. 16 x 12 ins. £8 8s. net. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO., LONDON, NEW YORK, BOMBAY, CALCUTTA AND MADRAS. Photo: J Russell & Sons. Frederick Courtenay Selous, D.S.O., Captain 25th ROYAL FUSILIERS. Killed in Action, January 4th, 1917. Photo: J Russell & Sons. Frederick Courtenay Selous, D.S.O., Captain 25th ROYAL FUSILIERS. Killed in Action, January 4th, 1917. LIFE OF FREDERICK |