When difficulty is experienced in procuring any of the articles mentioned in this book, the name of the nearest Agent can be obtained by sending a post card to the Maker. The following stock a selection of these goods:— EDINBURGH, HEALTH FOODS DEPOT, 40 Hanover St. Health Foods and RICHARDS & Co., 73 N. Hanover Street. GLASGOW, THE HEALTH FOOD SUPPLY Co., 363 New City Rd., 73 Dundas St., & 430 Argyle St. Wholesale, Retail, and Export Manufacturers and Dealers in every description of Vegetarian Health Foods. THE "ARCADIAN" FOOD REFORM RESTAURANT AND HEALTH FOOD STORES, 132 St. CRANSTON'S TEA ROOMS, Ltd., 28 Buchanan Street and 43 Argyll Arcade. ABERDEEN, JOHN WATT, 209 Union Street. DUNDEE, J.P. CLEMENT & CO., 256-258 Hilltown. J.F. CROAL, Crichton Street. PEEBLES BROTHERS, Whitehall Crescent. THOMAS ROGER & SON, Newport-on-Tay. GREENOCK, CLYDESIDE FOOD STORES, 13-15 Charles St. With Branches at BIRMINGHAM, PITMAN STORES, 121-131 Aston Brook St. R. WINTER, City Arcades and New Street. BRISTOL, HEALTH FOOD STORES, St James', Barton. LEEDS, "HEALTH" STORES, 124 Albion Street. HEALTH FOOD STORES, 48 Woodhouse Lane. MANCHESTER, VEGETARIAN STORES, 257 Deansgate. MAPLETON'S NUT FOOD CO., Ltd., Paget Street, Rochdale Road. WARDLE (LANCS.) MAPLETON'S NUT FOOD CO., Ltd. Pioneers and Inventors of Nut Cream Butters. List of 150 varieties of Nut Goods on application. LIVERPOOL, CHAPMAN'S HEALTH FOODS DEPOT, Eberle Street. LONDON, THE WALLACE BAKERY, 465 Battersea Park Road, S.W. * * * * * * THE HEALTH FOOD SUPPLY CO.,GLASGOW.THE FIRST IN THE FIELDWe manufactured Health Foods eight Years Ago in London, and to-day are the Largest Dealers in and Manufacturers of Vegetarian Foods in North Britain. Our VEGETABLE MEATS are the Original, and are unequalled in quality or prices. Our "ARTOX" BREAD and BISCUITS are our Leading Lines in Baking. Call or write for our Free Booklet List on Healthful Vegetarianism at our City Depot, 73 DUNDAS STREET, ORWEST END STORES, 363 New City Road, GLASGOW * * * * * * HOVISA Health Bread. [Illustration] SOME FACTS,HOVIS Strengthens: Contains 11.13% Proteid. HOVIS Promotes Energy: Contains 42.34% Carbohydrates, and 2.11% Fat. HOVIS Builds Bones: Contains 1.62% mineral matter. HOVIS is Pure: Contains no adulterants. HOVIS is Digestive: Contains Cerealin, a valuable digestive ferment. HOVIS is Pleasant: The large proportion of germ renders it sweet and nutty. HOVIS is Uric-Acid-Free: Thus Best Brown Bread for Gouty Subjects. Dr Gordon Stables says, in "Fresh Air Treatment for FOR HOME USE.Hovis Flour can be obtained from most bakers. It makes delicious [Illustration] ALL PARTICULARS FROMThe Hovis Bread Flour Co., MACCLESFIELD.See Recipes on pages 105, 108, 109. * * * * * * Entered at Stationers' Hall. REFORM COOKERY.* * * * * * WHY HESITATE?Thousands of grateful consumers by their daily use of Vejola, F.R. Nut. TRY A TIN TODAY.Idealists will also find an ideal food in Nut Cream Rolls and Biscuits. They are made from choice nuts converted into a rich cream, mixed with a finely stone-ground wheatmeal, containing all the nutritious elements of the golden wheatberry. This makes them the most nourishing and concentrated food obtainable. Made in 30 varieties. Assorted sample 1/- post free. Procure a packet now, THEN YOU WILL ACT LIKE OLIVER TWISTAlso get samples of the L. N. F. Co.'s Nut and Fruit Cakes, Genoa Cakes, Malted Nut and Fruit Caramels, Chocolate Nut and Fruit Dainties, and our wonderful new Savoury Nut Meat, NUTTORIA, which you will enjoy AND ASK FOR MORE.Samples of above five last-named foods sent for 2/6 post Free. SOLE MANUFACTURERS:The London Nut Food Co., 465, Battersea Park Road, London, S.W. * * * * * * REFORM COOKERY BOOK.UP-TO-DATE HEALTH COOKERY FOR THE TWENTIETH CENTURY.BYMrs MILL. OVER 300 RECIPESNEW AND ENLARGED EDITION, COMPLETING 20,000."We could live without poets, we could live without books, But how in the world could we live without cooks." |