
Mushroom Ketchup.

Fresh mushrooms—those just past the cooking stage for preference—spread not too thickly on flat dish. Sprinkle liberally with salt and let stand from 24 to 30 hours. Strain off liquor, pressing mushrooms thoroughly. Boil and bottle. If preferred, spices may be added, but we prefer it "unadulterated."

"Reform" Cheese.


The following is an original recipe for cheese without rennet given me by
Mrs Wallace, a well-known pioneer in Food Reform.

Put the strained juice of 3 lemons into a quart of boiling milk, then remove immediately and set aside to cool. Place a wet cheese-cloth in a hair sieve and place in the contents of the saucepan. Let drain, shape by gathering the cloth together, compress and leave for a little. Garnish with parsley. Eaten with raw tomatoes and oatcakes it is delicious. The whey, if sweetened to taste, forms to those who like it a pleasant, cooling, and health-giving beverage.

Manhu Wheat Yorkshire Pudding.

Three tablespoonfuls Manhu Wheat, 2 eggs, a little over half a pint of milk; salt to taste; 1 oz. butter.

Put the wheat in a basin, mix with milk until it forms a nice batter; add a little salt. Beat up the eggs very lightly, and add to the batter. Put the butter in a small baking tin in the oven, and, when hot, pour in the batter. Bake about 20 minutes in a sharp oven.

Breakfast Savoury.

Allow 1 egg, 1 small tomato, 1/4 oz. butter or vegetable butter, to each person. Scald, peel, and slice tomatoes, and fry till quite cooked in the butter. Add seasoning to taste—salt, pepper, little grated onion, pinch herbs, a little Vegetable Extract or Ketchup—any or all of these—and the eggs, which may either be dropped in or slightly beaten up. Scramble till set, and serve heaped up on hot buttered toast. A pleasing variety of flavour is produced by substituting walnut butter for the other. The toast might also be spread with a very little "Marmite."



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