- Adam of Bremen, page 41.
- Ætna, 142, 151.
- Agriculture in Iceland, 178, 303.
- AlmannagjÁ, 73.
- Althing, or Iceland Congress, 42, 45, 78.
- Althing, Journal of, 296.
- America discovered by the Northmen, 36.
- Angelica Archangelica, 125.
- Angling, 78.
- Annexation of an island to Denmark, 148.
- Apavatn Lake, 97.
- ArbrandsÁ river, 115.
- Arnason, Jon, Librarian of Public Library, 309.
- Atmosphere, its transparency, 141.
- Barrow, the English traveler, 206.
- Bath in the Geyser, 111.
- Beard a protection against the elements, 121.
- Beards worn in Iceland, 60.
- Beards worn by the gods, 249.
- Bessastath, 63.
- Biarni Heriulfson, the First Discoverer of America, 63.
- Birds—the curlew, 169;
- cormorant, 223;
- eider-duck, 219;
- western eider, 221;
- fulmar, 168;
- gannet, or solan goose, 31, 224;
- Iceland gull, 228;
- skua gull, 228;
- jer-falcon, 230;
- white owl, 229;
- penguin, 222;
- plover, 169;
- pochard, 118;
- ptarmigan, 90;
- puffin, 163, 168;
- ravens, 114, 170;
- sea-fowl on the Westmann Islands, 163;
- on the coast of Iceland, 198;
- snow-birds, 226;
- tern, or sea-swallow, 107, 198.
- Bjarnarfell mountain, 112.
- Bjolfell mountain, 141, 145.
- Blacksmithing, 89.
- Blue berry, the only fruit in Iceland, 157.
- Books published in Iceland, 295.
- BrÆthratunga church, 119.
- Brandy, use of it in Iceland, 180.
- Breithifjorth, 313.
- Briem, Rev. Johan, 123.
- Brinjulfsson, Gisli, 311.
- Mr. of Hafnarfiorth, 63, 213.
Jonson, Rev. at VogsÓsar, 196. KirkubÆr, 139. Krisuvik, 200. Ladies riding on horseback, 91, 215. Laugardalr, or Vale of Warm Springs, 94. Laugarfjall mountain, 112. Laugman, or administrator of the laws, 42. Lava, 93, 126, 211. Lava from eruption of Mount Hekla, 134, 146. LaxÁ, or Salmon river, 68, 124. Lilloise, French vessel lost in the Arctic Sea, 316. Lindesness, Cape, 319. Literature of Iceland, 52, 270, 281. Louis Philippe’s liberality to the Icelanders, 316. Markarfliot river, 161. Marsh, Hon. Geo. P., opinion of the Icelandic language, 292. Meadows in Iceland, 115, 116, 125. Meal Sack island, 31, 314. Milton’s Paradise Lost, translated by Thorlakson, 53; Mud Geyser, 206. Myggeness island, 236. Mythology of the Scandinavians, 242. Myvatn, 203. Needles, the, 314. Newspapers in Iceland, 296. Newspaper, quotation from, 291. NÆfrholt, 129, 159. NorÐurfari, 312. Norway, coast of, 23, 319. Norwegian collectors in Faroe, 240. Ornithology of Iceland, 218, 226. Petrifactions, 191. Pfeiffer, Madam, 95, 123, 161. Philmore, Mr., an English traveler, 210. Plum-pudding Stone, 199. Pope’s Essay on Man, in Icelandic, 53. Portland, or Dyarholar, 315. Postal arrangements in Iceland, 56. Post-ship, time of sailing, |