Transcriber's Notes

A number of typographical errors were corrected in the text.
Page Original Corrected to Context
34 appearence appearance of singular appearance and interesting habit.
42 mammel mammal the smallest living mammal
46 suddently suddenly he came suddenly on a lion
71 desease disease specific against cattle disease
74 stic her dome her domestic genial warmth of her domestic hearth
79 is its In its pure state
79 its is perfume is agreeable
87 inhabitated inhabited proximity to inhabited dwellings
114 canis Canis Canis domesticus
125 formally formerly less needed now than formerly
188 Hippotamus Hippopotamus The Hippopotamus is gregarious
249 if of one of the most
255 acccording according according to Mrs. Bowdich
354 vocacious voracious They are extremely voracious
362 appropiate appropriate It will attack, and appropriate

Some words occur with and without hyphenation in the text.
Hyphenated Instances Unhyphenated Instances
bed-room 1 bedroom 5
blood-hound 1 bloodhound 3
Blood-hound 1 Bloodhound 6
cat-like 2 catlike 2
eye-witness 2 eyewitness 1
farm-house 1 farmhouse 1
fore-feet 2 forefeet 1
fore-noon 1 forenoon 2
fore-paw 1 forepaw 1
fore-paws 2 forepaws 1
Fox-hound 3 Foxhound 1
fox-hound 2 foxhound 1
Goat-sucker 1 Goatsucker 1
gun-shot 1 gunshot 1
hedge-hog 1 hedgehog 9
hind-quarters 1 hindquarters 1
mid-day 2 midday 1
off-spring 1 offspring 10
re-discovered 1 rediscovered 1
road-side 2 roadside 2
sand-banks 1 sandbanks 1
sea-side 1 seaside 1
tortoise-shell 1 tortoiseshell 1

Some words occur with and without ligatures in the text.
Ligature Instances No Ligature Instances
Cebidae 1 CebidÆ 7
Corvidae 1 CorvidÆ 1
Cotingidae 1 CotingidÆ 1

Both "M. d'Obsonville" and "M. D'Obsonville" occur on page 99.


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