utenberg@html@files@28428@28428-h@28428-h-28.htm.html#Pg_593" class="pginternal">593 - Deafness, varieties of, 553
- Decompression of brain, 396
- Deep sensibility, 332
- Deformities of extremities, 241. See Individual Regions
- Dental caries, 507
- Dentigerous cysts, 517
- Diplacusis, 554
- Dislocation. See also Individual Joints and Bones
- compound, 40
- congenital, 43
- by elongation, 96
- with fracture, 40
- habitual, 43, 65
- old-standing, 40, 65
- pathological, 43
- recurrent, 43
- traumatic, 36
- varieties of, 37
- Displacement of semilunar menisci, 168
- Dorsal abscess, 444
- Drop-finger, 318
- Dugas' symptom in dislocation of shoulder, 54, 55
- Dupuytren's contraction, 314
- Dysphagia, 623, 636
- Ear, 553. See also Tympanic membrane
- Ear, aspergillus in, 562
- boils, 562
- cardinal symptoms of disease of, 554
- deafness, 553, 554
- deformities of, 560
- discharge from, 555
- earache, 554
- eczema of, 562
- foreign bodies in, 563
- furunculosis of, 562
- hearing tests, 555
- inspection of, 556
- middle, acute infection of, 564
- chronic suppuration in, 565
- inflation of, 558
- noises in, 554
- otorrhoea, 555
- outstanding, 560
- pain in, 554
- physiology of, 553
- polypi, 558
- rupture of membrane of, 563
- syringing of, 561
- surgical anatomy of, 553
- tumours of, 560
- vertigo, 555
- wax in, 561
- Earache, 4, 8, 14, 19, 24
- Smith's, 106
- spiral, 6
- splints in, 22
- sprain-, 35
- subcutaneous, 4
- sub-periosteal, 6
- transverse, 6
- traumatic, 3
- treatment of, 20, 25
- un-united, 12, 78, 100, 101, 183
- varieties of, 4
- violence, forms of, causing, 3
- X-rays in, 16
Frog-face, 581 Frontal sinus, suppuration in, 577 - Gampsodactyly, 302
- Genu recurvatum, 263
- Gingivitis, 508
- Girdle-pain, 419
- Glands, lymph. See Lymph Glands
- Globus hystericus, 624
- Glomus carotica, tumours of, 603
- Glossitis, 530, 533
- Glosso-pharyngeal nerve, 403
- Goitre, 605
- adenomatous, 610
- colloid, 607
- cystic, 607
- exophthalmic, 614
- fibrous, 607
- intra-thoracic, 607, 609, 613
- malignant, 612
- non-toxic, 605
- parenchymatous, 605
- retro-sternal, 607, 609, 613
- sudden dyspnoea in, 608–610
- thyreoidectomy for, 610
- toxic, 614
- vascular, 607
- Gooch's splinting, 22
- Graefe's symptom, 614
- Graves' disease, 614
- Gravitation paraplegia, 414
- Greenstick fracture, 5
- Gumboil, 507
- Gums, affections of, 508
- Gun-shot injuries. See Individual Structures
- Habitual dislocation, 43
- HÆmarthrosis, 33
- HÆmatoma auris, 234
white swelling of, 233 Knock-knee, 265 Kocher's method of reducing dislocation of shoulder, 58 Kyphosis, 461, 462
, 624 dilatation of, 625 diverticula of, 625 examination of, 616 foreign bodies in, 619, 621, 623 inflammation of, 623 intubation of, 632 paralysis of, 625 rupture of, 618 spasm of, 624 stricture of, cicatricial, 628 surgical anatomy of, 616 swallowing of corrosive substances, 618 syphilis of, 623 tuberculosis of, 623 tumours of, 629 varix of, 623 wounds of, 618 X-ray examination of, 617 Old-standing dislocations, 40. See also Individual Joints Olecranon, fracture of, 85 - separation of epiphysis of, 87
Olfactory nerve, 399 Ophthalmia, sympathetic, 487 Ophthalmoplegia externa, 400 Optic nerve, 399 Orbit, aneurysms of, 490 - cellulitis of, 487
- contusions of, 484
- emphysema of, 486
- eyeball, injuries of, 486
- foreign bodies in, 485
- fractures of, 485
- injuries of, 484
- tumours of, 487
- wounds of, 485
Os magnum. See Capitate Bone Osteo-chondritis deformans juvenilis, 228 Os trigonum tarsi, 193 Otitis media, 564 Otorrhoea, 555 OzÆna, 575 - Pachymeningitis, 374, 433
- Palate, affections of, 498
- Palmar fascia, Dupuytren's contraction of, 314
- Panophthalmitis, 487
- Paracusis of Willis, 554
- Paralysis, abductor, 404, 639
- Bell's, 401
- conjugate, 335
- crossed, 334
- facial, 400
- infantile, 242
- spastic, 247
- of sterno-mastoid, 404
- of tongue, 542
- of trapezius, 404
- Paraplegia dolorosa,
f epiphyses of, 69, 70
- winged, 306
Schlatter's disease, 165 Scissors-leg deformity, 224, 257 Scoliosis, of adolescents, 465 Sculler's sprain, 97 Semilunar menisci of knee, injuries of, 167 Sensation, varieties of, 332 Separation of bony processes, 6 - of epiphyses. See Individual Bones
Shock, cerebral, 341, 344 Shoulder, ankylosis of, 204 - arthritis deformans of, 203
- contusion of, 66
- diseases of, 201
- deformities of, paralytic, 308
- dislocation of, with fracture of humerus, 63
- dislocation of, 52
- congenital, 306
- old-standing, 65
- paralytic, 308
- recurrent or habitual, 65
- varieties, 53
- examination of, 44
- injuries of, 44
- loose bodies in, 204
- neuro-arthropathies of, 203
- pyogenic diseases of, 203
- sprain of, 66
- Sprengel's, 303
- surgical anatomy of, 44
- tuberculosis of, 201
Sigmoid sinus, phlebitis of, 384 Sinus phlebitis, 383 Skull, contusion of, 361 - diseases of, 406
- fracture of, 361
- base, 367
- anterior fossa, 369
- middle fossa, 370
- posterior fossa, 371
- comminuted, 364
- compound infected, 382
- by contre-coup, 362
- depressed, 364
- fissured, 363
- gutter, 364
- indentation, 364
- pond, 364
- punctured, 364
- vault, 361
- injuries of, 360
- necrosis of, 406, 303
Wens, 324 White swelling of knee, 233 Winged scapula, 306 Wisdom tooth, impaction of, 508 Wounds. See Individual Regions and Organs Wrist, diseases of, 208 - dislocation of, 111, 112
- drop-, 311
- injuries of, 102
- Madelung's deformity of, 313
- sprain of, 115
- surgical anatomy of, 102
- tuberculous disease of, 208, 209
Wry-neck, 587 - Xerostomia, 547
- X-rays in fracture, 16
- Zygomatic bone, fracture of, 519