
I. The end of the voyage 9
II. A strange alliance 14
III. The home of the Links 25
IV. A reconnoitre 36
V. Hostile neighbours 44
VI. Language and weapons 50
VII. Important discoveries 60
VIII. Attacked and besieged 67
IX. The cauldron of gold 76
X. Daylight at last 86
XI. A camp on the hill 91
XII. A deadly foe 97
XIII. The night in the jungle 108
XIV. An old rouÉ 115
XV. A gleam of hope 120
XVI. Treachery and a battle 127
XVII. Saurians as foes 141
XVIII. The enemy near 151
XIX. Adoration scorned 155
XX. The chief is pleased 159
XXI. War with the Blacks 165
XXII. Home joys and troubles 172
XXIII. Needed munitions gathered 183
XXIV. Experimental gunpowder 188
XXV. The tribe frightened 197
XXVI. Sport at the lake 203
XXVII. An exploration 211
XXVIII. Amazing discoveries 218
XXIX. A sacred disguise 229
XXX. Again besieged 240
XXXI. Lost in the jungle 247
XXXII. The bamboo bombs 261
XXXIII. King at last 271
XXXIV. A moment of rest 276
XXXV. A fellow human 282
XXXVI. Surprise and suspense 293
XXXVII. The goddess 306
XXXVIII. A prospect of wealth 313
XXXIX. Stealing the enemy’s fire 324
XL. Coveted gold 334
XLI. Farewell to the camp 344
XLII. Golden gleams 358
XLIII. Surrounded by the Blacks 365
XLIV. Vale faithful Fatty 380
XLV. No longer a king 387

The Crystal Sceptre


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