- Abuccius, 99.
- Accius,
- birth, 55;
- literary activity, friendships with leading men, 56;
- character, 56;
- plays and other works, 57;
- Accius on philology and philosophy, 57;
- views on Accius, 58;
- relations with Pacuvius, 35;
- on the dates of Livius, 1;
- imit. by Lucr. 121;
- by Virg. 161.
- Acro, 354.
- Acta diurna and Acta senatus,
- used by Tac. 346;
- by Sueton. 349.
- Aedituus, see Valerius.
- Aelius Stilo, 10, 25, 29.
- Aelius Tubero, 220.
- Aemilius Macer, 182.
- Aemilius Scaurus, 58.
- Aeschylus,
- imit. by Livius, 3;
- by Accius, 57;
- by Sen. 253;
- trans. by Cic. 88.
- Aesop, imit. by Phaedrus, 239.
- Aesopus, actor, 69.
- Aetna, see Lucilius Iunior.
- Afranius, L. 64.
- Agricola, 338, 341.
- Agrippina, 243 sqq.;
- Albinovanus Celsus, 181.
- Albius, see Tibullus.
- Alcaeus, imit. by Hor. 174 sqq.
- Alexandrian influence on Catull. 139, 175;
- Alimentus, Cincius, 53.
- Amafinius, 83.
- Ambivius Turpio, 38, 43 sqq.
- Amiternum, birthplace of Sallust, 125.
- Anacreon, foll. by Hor. 175.
- Andes,
- Andronicus, Livius,
- dispute as to his dates, 1;
- facts of life, 2;
- actor and schoolmaster, 3;
- plays, 3;
- Odisia, 3;
- Hor.’s reference to, 165.
- Annaeus, see Cornutus, Lucanus, Seneca.
- Anser, 184, 141-2.
- Antias, see Valerius.
- Antioch, birthplace of Publilius Syrus, 145.
- Antiochus,
- teacher of Cicero, 154;
- by Mart. 301.
- Catulus, see Lutatius.
- Celsus, Cornelius,
- his encyclopaedia, 235;
- its subdivisions, extant part De Re Medica, 236;
- foll. by Quint. 309.
- Christians, Tacitus’ view of, 347.
- Cicero, M. Tullius,
- birth, education, at the bar, 69;
- in the East, political career, Catilinarian conspiracy, banishment, 70;
- recall, proconsul of Cilicia, in civil war, 71;
- death, 73;
- speeches, 73;
- philosophical works, 79;
- Cic. as a philosopher, 83;
- rhetorical works, 83;
- letters, 85;
- their style, lost prose writings, 86;
- poems, 87;
- criticisms of his poetry, 88;
- on chronology, 1, 9;
- verses on Ter. 51;
- conversed with Accius, 56;
- criticises Sisenna, 67;
- attacked by Catull. 138;
- his reference to Lucr. 119;
- editorship of Lucr. 120;
- relations with Nep. 114;
- with Calvus, 142;
- foll. by Nep. 117;
- by Lucr. 120;
- by Hor. 174;
- by Val. Max. 234;
- largely quoted by Quint. 308;
- admired by elder Sen. 228.
- Cicero, Quintus, 89.
- Cincius Alimentus, 53;
- Cinna, C. Helvius,
- friend of Catull. 136-9, 140;
- partisan of Caesar, discussion of his identity, 141;
- poems, 141;
- patronized by Pollio, 112.
- Claudius, emperor,
- relations with Livy, 216;
- with Sen. 243 sqq.
- Claudius Quadrigarius, 67;
- Clodia (Lesbia), 76;
- Catullus’ relations with, 134 sqq.
- Clodius, P. 70, 76.
- Clodius Licinus, 220.
- Cluvius Rufus, foll. by Tac. 346.
- Codrus, 183.
- Coelius Antipater, 58;
- Columella,
- birth, military service, property, date, 258;
- works, 258-9.
- Comum, birthpl. of the two Plinii, 281, 326.
- Contaminatio, 172, 179;
- nature of the Satires, 173;
- Odes, models of, 174;
- metre and subjects of, 175;
- Epistles, subjects of, 179;
- Hor. and nature, popularity of Hor. 180;
- relations with Virg. 151;
- with Tibull. 189;
- with Propert. 195;
- patronized by Pollio, 112;
- on Calvus and Catull. 143, 176;
- on Atac. 144;
- imit. Lucilius, 62;
- Lucr. 125;
- parodied Bibac. 100;
- imit. by Persius, 263;
- by Lucan, 271;
- by Mart. 301;
- by Juv. 325;
- foll. by Quint. 309.
Hortensius, 74. Hostia, see Cynthia. Hostius, 65; Hyginus, C. Iulius, 224; - Iambi = satirical verses, 100, 174.
- Imbrex, Licinius, 39.
- Italicus, see Silius.
- Iulia, grand-daughter of Augustus, 203.
- Iulius, see Caesar, Calidus, Florus, Frontinus, Hyginus.
- Iunior, see Lucilius.
- Iuvenalis, D. Iunius,
- sources for his life, 312;
- birth, 313;
- inscription at Aquinum, 314;
- parentage, position, and education, 314-6;
- military and civil career, 316;
- in Britain, 317;
- references to Britain, 318;
- life in Rome, 319;
- dates of Satires, 320;
- banishment, 322;
- death, 323;
- subjects of Satires, 323;
- pessimism, rhetorical learning and style, 324-6;
- friend of Mart. 298;
- imit. Virg. 163.
- Iuventius, 52.
- Jerome, 351;
- Jews, Tacitus’ view of, 347.
- Labeo, Fabius, 42, 52.
- Laberius,
- dates, 193-4;
- later life, 194-5;
- relations with Maecenas, Augustus, and contemporary poets, 195-6;
- elegies, 196;
- dates and contents of the four books, 196-9;
- his archaeological tastes, 198;
- character, 200;
- friend of Ovid, 206;
- imit. Virg. 163;
- imit. by Mart. 301.
- Prosody, 22, 32.
- Publilius Syrus,
- life and works, 145;
- views on, 146;
- contest with Laberius, 97, 145.
- Pupius, 185.
- Pythagoreanism,
- in Enn. 30;
- in Laberius, 99;
- in Virg. 162.
- Quadrigarius, see Claudius.
- Quintilianus, M. Fabius,
- pl. of birth, 302;
- probable date of birth, his teachers, at the bar, 303;
- professor of oratory, date of the Institutio, retirement, 304;
- tutor to Domitian’s grandnephews, consul, flattery of Domitian, domestic relations, 305;
- earlier works, 306;
- Institutio, 306;
- scope of work, 307;
- his authorities, 308;
- spurious works, 309;
- friend of Martial, 298;
- teacher of Pliny the younger, 327;
- views on Roman writers, passim.
- Quintius, see Atta.
- Rabirius, 83.
- Reate, birthpl. of Varro, 91.
- Religion,
- in Enn. 29;
- in Pacuv. 36;
- in Accius, 57;
- in Lucr. 122;
- in Virg. 161;
- in Livy, 222;
- in Tac. 343.
- Rhinthonica, 11.
- Roscius, actor, 69, 73.
- Rudiae, birthpl. of Enn. 26.
- Rufus, see Curtius, Valgius, Varius.
- Rusticus, see Fabius.
- Rutilius, 220.
- Sallustius Crispus, C.,
- dates, youth, rank, 125;
- political and military life, 126-7;
- retirement, 128;
- Bell. Cat., object of work, 128;
- Bell. Iug., object of work, 129;
- Hist. 129;
- spurious works, 130;233;
- by Val. Max. 235.
- Tibiae, 45, 50.
- Tibullus, Albius,
- birth, 185;
- rank and wealth, 186;
- friendship with Messalla, 187;
- relations with Delia and Nemesis, 188;
- with other poets, 189;
- poems, 189;
- imit. Virg. 163;
- friend of Ovid, 206;
- imit. by Mart. 301.
- Ticidas, 140.
- Ticinum, birthpl. of Nepos, 113.
- Tingentera, birthpl. of Mela, 259.
- Tiro, M. Tullius, 90;
- edits Cicero’s works, 78, 85.
- Titinius, 52.
- Titius, 181.
- Togata fabula, 6, 52, 64, 185.
- Trabea, 39.
- Trabeata fabula, 185.
- Tragicomoedia, 10.
- Tranquillus, see Suetonius.
- Trogus, Pompeius, 223;
- followed by Val. Max. 235.
- Tucca, 154, 160.
- Tullia, 72, 80.
- Tullius, see Cicero, Tiro.
- Turpilius, 52.
- Tusculum, birthpl. of Cato, 53.
- Vacca, biographer of Lucan, 264.
- Valerius, see Catullus, Probus, Martialis.
- Valerius, writer of palliatae, 52.
- Valerius Aedituus, 65.
- Valerius Antias, 67;
- Valerius Cato, 133.
- Valerius Flaccus,
- life, 234.
- the Argonautica, 287;
- imit. Virg. 163.
- Valerius Maximus, 234;
- his Facta et Dicta Memorabilia, 234;
- foll. by Juv. 325.
- Valerius Soranus, 65.
- Valgius Rufus, 180.
- Varius Rufus, L., 181;
- friend of Virg. 154, 160;
- of Horace, 166 sqq.
- Varro Atacinus, P. Terentius, 144;
- Varro, M. Terentius,
- birth, 91;
- military and political career, 91-