I. The Legend of Coombs Rocks. II. The Legend of Alman's Death. VI. Robin Hood's Visit to Longdendale. IX. The Legend of Charlesworth Chapel. XII. The Raiders from the Border-Side. XIII. The Legend of Gallow's Clough. XVII. The Devil and the Doctor. XVIII. The Writing on the Window Pane. XIX. A Legend of the Civil War. XXIII. The Boggart of Godley Green. Legends of Longdendale Legends of Longdendale LEGENDS of LONGDENDALEBeing a Series of Tales Should you ask me whence these stories? Whence these Legends and Traditions? ******* I should answer, I should tell you, I repeat them as I heard them From the lips of Nawadaha, The musician, the sweet singer. Should you ask where Nawadaha Found these songs so wild and wayward, Found these legends and traditions, I should answer, I should tell you, In the bird’s nest of the forest. ******* All the wild fowl sang them to him, In the moorlands and the fenlands, In the melancholy marshes. ******* In the Vale of Tawasentha, In the green and silent valley.—(Longfellow). Hyde |