Fig. 1, page 33. Part of the drawing engraved on the bronze cista of Ficoroni, dating from the early part of the fourth century B.C. A beautiful example of Greek drawing.
" 2 " 37. Miniature of classical design from a twelfth century Psalter in the Vatican library.
" 3 " 39. Painting in the "House of Livia" on the Palatine Hill in Rome.
" 4 " 41. A Pompeian painting of Hellenic style, as an example of Greek drawing and composition.
" 5 " 43. The Prophet Ezechiel from a Byzantine manuscript of the ninth century A.D.
" 6 " 49. Miniature from the Vienna manuscript of Genesis.
" 7 " 51. Miniature from the manuscript of the work on Botany by Dioscorides, executed at Constantinople about 500 A.D. for the Princess Juliana.
" 8 " 58. Mosaic of the sixth century in the apse of the church of SS. Cosmas and Damian in Rome.
" 9 " 60. Miniature from a Byzantine manuscript of the eleventh century; a remarkable example of artistic decadence.
" 10 " 63. An initial P of the Celtic-Carolingian type, of the school of Alcuin of York.
" 11 " 64. An initial B of the Celtic-Carolingian type.
" 12 " 66. Miniature of Christ in Majesty from a manuscript of the school of Alcuin, written for Charles the Great.
" 13 " 68. A cope made of silk from the loom of an Oriental weaver.
" 14 " 71. King Lothair enthroned; a miniature from a manuscript about the year 845 A.D.


15 " 73. Illumination in pen outline, from a manuscript written in the ninth century at St Gallen. It represents David riding out against his enemies.
Figs. 16 and 17, pages 74 and 75. Subject countries doing homage to the Emperor Otho II.; from a manuscript of the Gospels.
Fig. 18, page 77. Miniature of the Evangelist Saint Mark; from a manuscript of the Gospels.
" 19 " 78. Miniature of the Crucifixion from a German manuscript of the eleventh century; showing extreme artistic decadence.
" 20 " 91. Miniature from the Gospels of MacDurnan of the ninth century.
" 21 " 100. Miniature from the Benedictional of Aethelwold; written and illuminated by a monastic scribe at Winchester.
" 22 " 127. A page from the Psalter of Saint Louis, written about the year 1260, by a French scribe.
" 23 " 130. Miniature representing King Conrad of Bohemia, with an attendant, hawking.
" 24 " 132. Scene of the martyrdom of Saint Benedicta from a Martyrology of about 1312.
" 25 " 134. Miniature of the Birth of the Virgin painted by the illuminator Jacquemart de Odin for the Duc de Berri. The border is of the characteristic French or Franco-Flemish style.
" 26 " 142. Miniature executed for King RenÉ of Anjou about 1475.
" 27 " 145. Miniature of the Marriage of the B. V. Mary from a French manuscript of about 1480, with details in the style of the Italian Renaissance.
" 28 " 146. Border illumination from a Book of Hours by Jacquemart de Odin which belonged to the Duc de Berri; see fig. 25.
" 29 " 155. A page from the Missal of the Emperor Henry II.
" 30 " 156. Figure of King David from a stained glass window in the Cathedral of Augsburg, dating from 1065.
" 31 " 157. Miniature from an eleventh century manuscript of the Gospels, by a German illuminator.
" 32 " 159. An initial S, illuminated with foliage of the Northumbrian type, from a German manuscript of the twelfth century.
" 33 " 160. Miniature of the Annunciation from a German manuscript of the beginning of the thirteenth century.


34 " 161. Page of a Kalendar from a German Psalter of about 1200 A.D.
" 35 " 163. Initial Y from a German manuscript of the beginning of the thirteenth century, with a most graceful and fanciful combination of figures and foliage.
" 36 " 164. Paintings on the vault of the church of St Michael at Hildesheim, closely resembling in style an illuminated page in a manuscript.
" 37 " 166. Miniatures of Italian style from a German manuscript of 1312, showing the influence of Florentine art on the illuminators of southern France.
" 38 " 168. Miniature symbolizing the month of April from the Kalendar of the Grimani Breviary, executed about 1496.
" 39 " 170. A page from the Book of Hours of King RenÉ, painted about 1480.
" 40 " 171. A page from a Book of Hours at Vienna, of the finest Flemish style.
" 41 " 173. Marginal illumination of very beautiful and refined style from a manuscript executed for King Wenzel of Bohemia about the year 1390.
" 42 " 174. Miniature of Duke Baldwin, painted about the year 1450 by an illuminator of the school of the Van Eycks of Bruges.
" 43 " 176. Retable painted by Martin SchÖngauer, in the style of a manuscript illumination.
" 44 " 177. An altar-piece of the Cologne school, showing the influence of manuscript illumination on the painters of panel-pictures, especially retables.
" 45 " 179. Wing of a triptych, with a figure of St Elizabeth of Hungary, painted by the elder Hans Holbein; this illustrates the influence on painting of the styles of manuscript illumination at the beginning of the sixteenth century.
" 46 " 180. Illuminated border drawn by Albert DÜrer in 1515.
" 47 " 185. Illumination from an Italian manuscript executed for the Countess Matilda in the twelfth century; this illustrates the extreme decadence of art in Italy before the thirteenth century.
" 48 " 187. Miniature of Saint George and the Dragon from a Missal, illuminated about 1330 to 1340 by a painter of the school of Giotto.
" 49 " 196. An illuminated border from a manuscript by Attavante, of characteristic north-Italian style.


50 " 198. A miniature from the Bible of Duke Borso d'Este, painted between 1455 and 1461 by illuminators of the school of Ferrara.
" 51 " 201. A Venetian retable by Giovanni and Antonio di Murano, in the style of an illuminated manuscript.
" 52 " 208. Grotesque figure from a French manuscript of the fourteenth century.
" 53 " 209. Miniature of a comic subject from a German manuscript of the twelfth century, representing a monastic scribe worried by a mouse.
" 54 " 213. View of the scriptorium alley of the cloisters at Gloucester, showing the recesses to hold the wooden carrels for the scribes or readers of manuscripts.
" 55 " 219. Picture by Quentin Matsys of Antwerp, showing a lady selling or pawning an illuminated manuscript.
Frontispiece. Painting on panel by a fifteenth century artist of the Prague school; it represents Saint Augustine as an Episcopal scribe. The background and the ornaments of the dress are stamped in delicate relief on the gesso ground and then gilt. This picture, which is now in the Vienna Gallery, was originally part of the painted wall-panelling in the Chapel of the Castle of Karlstein.

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