5" class="pginternal">485-488.
  • Bowring, Sir John, demands right of entry into Canton, i. 160; Russian despatches brought to, i. 233; plenipotentiary at Hongkong, i. 309; dealings with Yeh, i. 310, 313, 314; visit to Tientsin, i. 311; protects factories at Canton, i. 312; influenced towards strong measures, i. 315; policy of, i. 319, 323 note; superseded, i. 319, 320.
  • Boxers, ii. 462, 463.
  • Bright, the Right Hon. John, confidence of, in Sir R. Hart, ii. 164-166; attitude of, towards China trade, ii. 365, 366.
  • Brodie, Sir Benjamin, i. 25.
  • Brown, J. McLeavy, ii. 194.
  • Brown, Major-General, i. 385, 386, 392.
  • Browne, Colonel Horace, ii. 266, 267.
  • Bruce, the Hon. Frederick—Tientsin treaty brought home by, i. 335; repulsed at Taku forts, i. 348; British minister at Peking, i. 355; prohibits Englishmen from visiting Peking, i. 363; adopts determined attitude, i. 367; refuses to defend Ningpo, i. 377; Gordon's interview with, i. 383; supports Burgevine's cause, i. 384, 385; implicated in the Lay-Osborn flotilla failure, i. 389, 390; applauds Gordon's resentment against Li, i. 392; policy and diplomacy, i. 401-404, 407; correspondence with Prince Kung, i. 404-406, 409; confuses legal authority of himself and Supreme Court, ii. 124, 125; succeeded by Alcock, ii. 130; anecdote of his housekeeper, ii. 152; relations with Inspector-General of Customs in Peking, ii. 156, 159, 160.
  • Burgevine, General, i. 382, 384-387.
  • Burlingame, the Hon. Anson, mission of, as Chinese envoy, ii. 192-198; Alcock's approval of the mission, ii. 194, 195; Alcock's subsequent view, ii. 217; British Government influenced by mission, ii. 208, 209; negotiates American treaty giving full privileges to Chinese immigrants, ii. 174; asserts Chinese welcome to missionaries, ii. 232.
  • Burma— Browne, Colonel H., expedition under, ii. 266, 267. King of, ii. 269.
  • 97, 98, 364; coerced by Government, i. 108, 109; feared by Government, i. 109, 424; direct diplomatic negotiations with, i. 109-111.
  • "Progress," no word for, ii. 136.
  • Provincial officials, smuggling undertaken by, i. 44, 45; power of, ii. 184, 372; responsibility of, ii. 441, 442.
  • Punishments, difficulties of ensuring, i. 426, 427; not inflicted for wrongs against foreigners, i. 436, 440, 441.
  • Real estate, importance of, i. 176, 177, 434; missionary problem complicated by question of, ii. 234, 235.
  • Rhubarb exported from, i. 168.
  • Salt trade, i. 210, 439-442, ii. 188.
  • Smuggling. See that title.
  • Supreme Court, award given against Alcock by, ii. 124; independence of, ii. 354; removal of, to Shanghai, ii. 355; subordinated to British legation, ii. 358.
  • Taiping Rebellion—
    • Burgevine's defection to rebels, i. 386.
    • Canton, at, Yeh asks British aid against, i. 312.
    • ChÊkiang campaign against, i. 380, 394.
    • Commerce continued during, i. 148.
    • Devastation caused by, i. 375, 377, 378, 350, 381, 394, ii. 449.
    • End of, i. 394.
    • Foreign desperadoes attacked by, i. 303.
    • Imperial measures against, i. 381; view of, i. 395, 396.
    • Magnitude of, i. 135.
    • Maritime Customs the important outcome of, i. 142.
    • Nanking, capture of, i. 136.
    • Ningpo, capture of, i. 376, 377.
    • Russian attitude towards, i. 394, 395.
    • Shanghai captured, i. 136; besieged by Imperial troops, i. 137; collision between foreigners and troops, i. 137, 138; French bombardment of city, i. 139; rebel refugees in, i. 141, 142; departure of rebels from, i. 156.
    • Yangtze, rebel strongholds and operations on the, i. 369, 371-255-263; representations of, to Lord Elgin, i. 322.
    • "Merchants' War," i. 316 seq.
    • Mixed Commission regarding redress of grievances, ii. 211, 212.
    • Native trade, i. 207-210.
    • Peking, in, ii. 148, 149.
    • Pioneer expeditions (1859), i. 220.
    • Ports overcrowded with goods, i. 224; number open in 1861, i. 402.
    • Precarious position of, i. 35, 412, 413, 419.
    • Real estate a valuable asset, i. 176, 177.
    • Shipments from United Kingdom in various years, values of, i. 203.
    • Simplicity of, i. 168.
    • Transit of goods, ii. 214-216, 218-220.
    • Value of, in 1839, i. 87.
    • War no bar to, i. 68, 69, 148, ii. 158.
    • Gold discoveries a stimulus to, i. 227.
  • Japan, in—
    • Development of, ii. 116-118.
    • Merchants, preference of, for Yokohama to Kanagawa, ii. 17, 18, 123; regret of, at Alcock's recall, ii. 89; interests of, at variance with diplomatic, ii. 119-124, 126.
    • Methods of, ii. 27, 28.
    • Profits of, in early days, ii. 20 note, 29.
    • Value of, annually, ii. 117 note.
  • Opium, Silk, Tea. See those titles.
  • Straits, with, suggested by Alcock, i. 208.
  • Comprador, position of, i. 266, 267.
  • Confucianism, i. 229.
  • Consular Court system, drawbacks of, ii. 125, 126, 354, 356, 357.
  • Cooke, Wingrove, quoted, i. 252, 253, 300, 303-305, 339; cited, i. 317, 322, 323 and note, 325.
  • Coolie trade, i. 295, ii. 168-174.
  • Cooper, W. M., o 548-h@44548-h-10.htm.html#Page_330" class="pginternal">330.
  • ernor of, i. 112.
  • Reformers safe in, ii. 459.
  • Schools in, i. 281, 282.
  • Supreme Court in, ii. 354, 355.
  • Tonnage entered and cleared at, in 1898, i. 277 note.
  • Yokohama guard despatched from, ii. 77.
  • Hong-tjyong-on, ii. 299-302.
  • Hope, Admiral Sir James, Yangtze formally opened by, i. 223; commands British naval contingent in Peking campaign, i. 349; repulsed at Taku forts (1859), i. 350; visits Peking, i. 365; relations with Taipings, i. 370-373, 375-379; opinion on Taiping Rebellion, i. 375; vigorous policy of, i. 376; friendship with Admiral ProtÊt, i. 379; comradeship with Ward, i. 382; advises strong measures in Japan, ii. 55; scheme for offensive measures in Japan, ii. 59; correspondence with Capt. Birileff regarding Tsushima, ii. 111-114.
  • Hoppo, position of, i. 44, 45.
  • HsienfÊng, Emperor, death of, i. 397.
  • Hu Lin-yi, ii. 377.
  • Huang, Governor-General, i. 342, 343.
  • Hunter, W. C., quoted, i. 34, 46-48, ii. 20 note; cited, i. 82.
  • Hwang-chu-ke, massacre of Englishmen at, i. 104, 108.
  • Ignatieff, General, assists Sir H. Grant, i. 353, 354; negotiates cession of Vladivostock, i. 357, 358; attitude towards British Legation and Chinese, i. 359.
  • Ilipu, Commissioner, i. 76, 77, 81.
  • India—
    • Alcock's visit to (1869), ii. 219.
    • Calcutta Convention, ii. 312.
    • Chinese imports from, i. 168.
    • East India Company. See that title.
    • Elgin's opportune arrival in, i. 321.
    • Gordon summoned from, ii. 292.
    • Opium trade. See that title.
    • Tea trade, i. 182-186.
    • Tibetan expedition, ii. 305-310.
  • InouyÉ, Count, British Legation building burnt by, ii. 62 note; return from Europe and mission to Choshiu, ii. 80, 81; mission to Korea, ii. 302.
  • Ito, Count, return from Europe and mission to Choshiu, ii. 80, 81; mission to Peking, ii. 302.
  • Japan (for particular persons, towns, see their titles)—
    • Aggressive policy of, ii. 259.
    • Port Hamilton incident, ii. 303, 305.
    • Russian pledge regarding, ii. 424, 425.
    • SÖul, Émeute in, ii. 294, 296-298.
  • Kowloon, concession of, acquired by Parkes, i. 286, 330.
  • Kuldja, Russian claims regarding, ii. 290-293.
  • Kung, Prince, Lord Elgin's negotiations with, i. 329, 352, 353; signs Peking treaty, i. 354; deceived by Ignatieff, i. 358; member of Tsungli-YamÊn, i. 360; Gordon's interviews with, i. 383; implicated in the Lay-Osborn flotilla failure, i. 389, 390; executes coup d'État, i. 397, 398; correspondence with British Minister, i. 403-406, 409; high-handed tone of, i. 410; intimate relations with British Legation, ii. 134, 135; efforts against coolie trade, ii. 171, 172; declines responsibility for Korean persecutions, ii. 176; action in Yangchow affair, ii. 202; circular regarding missionaries, ii. 231; Sir T. Wade's remonstrance to, on Chinese official tone, ii. 244; present at audience of foreign Ministers, ii. 261; imperial claims of, ii. 263; enmity between Empress and, ii. 264, 312; action regarding Margary case, ii. 274; dismissed by Empress, ii. 312; efforts regarding Pei-t'ang Cathedral, ii. 342; moderating influence of, ii. 374; vetoes proposed assassination of Li, ii. 387.
  • Kuper, Rear-Admiral Sir Augustus, attack on Satsuma, ii. 67; operations against Prince of Nagato, ii. 80, 81; appeals to Foreign Office regarding Alcock's recall, ii. 89.
  • Kwanghsu, Emperor, selected by Empress, ii. 263; comes of age, ii. 318; childlessness of, ii. 456; reform programme adopted by, ii. 458.
  • Kweiliang, i. 334, 360.
  • Lane-Poole, Stanley, cited, i. 117, 316.
  • Lang, Captain, ii. 396, 400, 412.
  • Lay, H. N., residence of, at Foochow, i. 118 note; Inspector-General of Customs, i. 155; negotiates Tientsin treaty, i. 331; Osborn flotilla fiasco, i. 387-391; summary of Chinese affairs (1858-63), i. 409, 410; fidelity to Chinese Government, ii. 280.
  • Convention signed at (1886), ii. 310.
  • Disadvantages of, as site for capital, ii. 474 and note.
  • Distant view of, ii. 143.
  • Elgin's error in omitting to visit, i. 334-337 and note.
  • Fur market, ii. 149.
  • German Legation established in, ii. 254.
  • Health of, ii. 144 note.
  • Hostility of natives in, i. 364.
  • Inaccessibility of, ii. 142.
  • Innovations after 1884, ii. 315.
  • Insanitary condition of, ii. 144, 145.
  • Lama temple, ii. 145, 146.
  • Legations, diplomatic difficulties of, i. 398-401; relieved by military force (1900), ii. 437.
  • Macaulay's mission to, ii. 307, 308.
  • Maritime Customs Inspector established in, ii. 156.
  • Mules and camels, ii. 147.
  • Pei-t'ang Cathedral, erection of, ii. 341; transfer of, ii. 346, 347.
  • Prohibitions against English visitors, i. 363.
  • Residence of British representative at, suggested in merchants' memorial (1839), i. 89; residence included in Tientsin treaty, i. 332, 336; right of residence suspended, i. 337, 346.
  • Russian mission in, i. 356, ii. 154.
  • Sarat Chandra Das, visit of, ii. 308-310.
  • Social Life in, ii. 138-142.
  • Street traffic in, ii. 149-153.
  • Summer retreat from, ii. 154, 155.
  • Temple of Heaven, ii. 146.
  • Treaty signed at (1860), i. 354.
  • Pin Ch'un, ii. 137, 186.
  • Piracy—
    • Alcock's views on, i. 208.
    • British action against, i. 299, 301, 305-307.
    • Chinese attitude towards, i. 299-301.
    • Foreigners engaged in, in China, i. 302; foreigners subjected to, i. 306, 307.
    • Hongkong headquarters of, i. 302, 305.
    • Portuguese leniency to, i. 295, 296; their earlier assistance against, i. 289, 290.
    • Prevalence of, i. 194, 209, 218.
    • Steam traffic a blow to, i. 307.
    • Taiping Rebellion complicat s="pginternal">219.
    • Chunghou, condemned at meetings in, ii. 241.
    • Custom-house. See under China—Taxation.
    • Development of, i. 124-126.
    • French concession in, i. 139.
    • Inland trade from, i. 210.
    • Kim assassinated in, ii. 301.
    • Lindsay's mission to (1832), i. 115.
    • Naval construction attempted at, ii. 396.
    • Neighbourhood of, i. 126, 127.
    • Opening of (1843), i. 115.
    • Self-reliance of community in, i. 140.
    • Silk trade facilitated by opening of, i. 188.
    • Smuggling centre at, i. 144.
    • Supreme Court for China and Japan established at, ii. 355-358.
    • Taipings, danger from, i. 377-379.
    • Thirty mile radius established round, i. 128, 372, 376, 383, 384.
    • Tientsin treaty negotiations conducted at, i. 343, 347.
    • Tonnage famine at, i. 232, 233.
    • Tsingpu affair, i. 129-133.
    • Yokohama guard of Beloochis sent from, ii. 78.
  • Shantung—
    • German seizure of port in, ii. 421; British opinion on seizure, ii. 423; Russian attitude, ii. 431.
    • Scenery of, i. 221.
    • Unrest most violent in, ii. 462.
  • Shaw, Sir Charles, sketch of career of, i. 12-14; appreciation of Alcock, i. 14-17, 21, 22.
  • Shimadso Saburo, ii. 58, 59 and note.
  • Shimoda, opening of, ii. 4.
  • ShimonosÉki, Straits of, blockaded by Prince of Nagato, ii. 69, 76, 77; forts at, captured by Allies, ii. 83.
  • Shimonoseki treaty, ii. 387, 418.
  • Shipping—
    • Convoy system in China, i. 302-304.
    • Disguise of boats for Chinese coasting trade, i. 246, 247.
    • East India Company's, i. 211-215.
    • Gold discoveries' effect on, i. 227-231.
    • Hanseatic and Scandinavian, i. 218, 219.
    • Junks. See under China.
    • Lorchas. See under China.
    • Merchant owners, i. 217, 218, 224.
    • Navigation Law repealed, i. 230.
    • Opium clippers, i. p://" class="pgexternal">317; contemptuous of treaties, i. 333; superseded, i. 342; capture and death of, i. 328.
    • Yerburgh, Mr, ii. 427.
    • Yokohama—
      • Foreigners' residence prepared by Japanese at, ii. 13; improved, ii. 90.
      • Garrison of British troops in, ii. 77, 78, 84.
      • Legations' withdrawal to, during assassination period, ii. 36.
      • Merchants' preference for, to Kanagawa, i. 18, 122, 123.
      • Tycoon's inability to maintain order in, ii. 74.
    • Yuan Shih-kai, ii. 406.
    • Yunnan—
      • Burmese expedition and murder of Mr Margary, ii. 266, 267; negotiations regarding, ii. 267-276; settlement of affair, ii. 278.
      • Rebellion in, ii. 290.

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