5" class="pginternal">485- 488. Bowring, Sir John, demands right of entry into Canton, i. 160; Russian despatches brought to, i. 233; plenipotentiary at Hongkong, i. 309; dealings with Yeh, i. 310, 313, 314; visit to Tientsin, i. 311; protects factories at Canton, i. 312; influenced towards strong measures, i. 315; policy of, i. 319, 323 note; superseded, i. 319, 320. Boxers, ii. 462, 463. Bright, the Right Hon. John, confidence of, in Sir R. Hart, ii. 164-166; attitude of, towards China trade, ii. 365, 366. Brodie, Sir Benjamin, i. 25. Brown, J. McLeavy, ii. 194. Brown, Major-General, i. 385, 386, 392. Browne, Colonel Horace, ii. 266, 267. Bruce, the Hon. Frederick—Tientsin treaty brought home by, i. 335; repulsed at Taku forts, i. 348; British minister at Peking, i. 355; prohibits Englishmen from visiting Peking, i. 363; adopts determined attitude, i. 367; refuses to defend Ningpo, i. 377; Gordon's interview with, i. 383; supports Burgevine's cause, i. 384, 385; implicated in the Lay-Osborn flotilla failure, i. 389, 390; applauds Gordon's resentment against Li, i. 392; policy and diplomacy, i. 401-404, 407; correspondence with Prince Kung, i. 404-406, 409; confuses legal authority of himself and Supreme Court, ii. 124, 125; succeeded by Alcock, ii. 130; anecdote of his housekeeper, ii. 152; relations with Inspector-General of Customs in Peking, ii. 156, 159, 160. Burgevine, General, i. 382, 384-387. Burlingame, the Hon. Anson, mission of, as Chinese envoy, ii. 192-198; Alcock's approval of the mission, ii. 194, 195; Alcock's subsequent view, ii. 217; British Government influenced by mission, ii. 208, 209; negotiates American treaty giving full privileges to Chinese immigrants, ii. 174; asserts Chinese welcome to missionaries, ii. 232. Burma— Browne, Colonel H., expedition under, ii. 266, 267. King of, ii. 269. 97, 98, 364; coerced by Government, i. 108, 109; feared by Government, i. 109, 424; direct diplomatic negotiations with, i. 109-111. "Progress," no word for, ii. 136. Provincial officials, smuggling undertaken by, i. 44, 45; power of, ii. 184, 372; responsibility of, ii. 441, 442. Punishments, difficulties of ensuring, i. 426, 427; not inflicted for wrongs against foreigners, i. 436, 440, 441. Real estate, importance of, i. 176, 177, 434; missionary problem complicated by question of, ii. 234, 235. Rhubarb exported from, i. 168. Salt trade, i. 210, 439-442, ii. 188. Smuggling. See that title. Supreme Court, award given against Alcock by, ii. 124; independence of, ii. 354; removal of, to Shanghai, ii. 355; subordinated to British legation, ii. 358. Taiping Rebellion— - Burgevine's defection to rebels, i. 386.
- Canton, at, Yeh asks British aid against, i. 312.
- ChÊkiang campaign against, i. 380, 394.
- Commerce continued during, i. 148.
- Devastation caused by, i. 375, 377, 378, 350, 381, 394, ii. 449.
- End of, i. 394.
- Foreign desperadoes attacked by, i. 303.
- Imperial measures against, i. 381; view of, i. 395, 396.
- Magnitude of, i. 135.
- Maritime Customs the important outcome of, i. 142.
- Nanking, capture of, i. 136.
- Ningpo, capture of, i. 376, 377.
- Russian attitude towards, i. 394, 395.
- Shanghai captured, i. 136; besieged by Imperial troops, i. 137; collision between foreigners and troops, i. 137, 138; French bombardment of city, i. 139; rebel refugees in, i. 141, 142; departure of rebels from, i. 156.
- Yangtze, rebel strongholds and operations on the, i. 369, 371-255-263; representations of, to Lord Elgin, i. 322.
- "Merchants' War," i. 316 seq.
- Mixed Commission regarding redress of grievances, ii. 211, 212.
- Native trade, i. 207-210.
- Peking, in, ii. 148, 149.
- Pioneer expeditions (1859), i. 220.
- Ports overcrowded with goods, i. 224; number open in 1861, i. 402.
- Precarious position of, i. 35, 412, 413, 419.
- Real estate a valuable asset, i. 176, 177.
- Shipments from United Kingdom in various years, values of, i. 203.
- Simplicity of, i. 168.
- Transit of goods, ii. 214-216, 218-220.
- Value of, in 1839, i. 87.
- War no bar to, i. 68, 69, 148, ii. 158.
- Gold discoveries a stimulus to, i. 227.
Japan, in— - Development of, ii. 116-118.
- Merchants, preference of, for Yokohama to Kanagawa, ii. 17, 18, 123; regret of, at Alcock's recall, ii. 89; interests of, at variance with diplomatic, ii. 119-124, 126.
- Methods of, ii. 27, 28.
- Profits of, in early days, ii. 20 note, 29.
- Value of, annually, ii. 117 note.
Opium, Silk, Tea. See those titles. Straits, with, suggested by Alcock, i. 208. Comprador, position of, i. 266, 267. Confucianism, i. 229. Consular Court system, drawbacks of, ii. 125, 126, 354, 356, 357. Cooke, Wingrove, quoted, i. 252, 253, 300, 303-305, 339; cited, i. 317, 322, 323 and note, 325. Coolie trade, i. 295, ii. 168-174. Cooper, W. M., o
548-h@44548-h-10.htm.html#Page_330" class="pginternal">330.
ernor of, i. 112. Reformers safe in, ii. 459. Schools in, i. 281, 282. Supreme Court in, ii. 354, 355. Tonnage entered and cleared at, in 1898, i. 277 note. Yokohama guard despatched from, ii. 77. Hong-tjyong-on, ii. 299-302. Hope, Admiral Sir James, Yangtze formally opened by, i. 223; commands British naval contingent in Peking campaign, i. 349; repulsed at Taku forts (1859), i. 350; visits Peking, i. 365; relations with Taipings, i. 370-373, 375-379; opinion on Taiping Rebellion, i. 375; vigorous policy of, i. 376; friendship with Admiral ProtÊt, i. 379; comradeship with Ward, i. 382; advises strong measures in Japan, ii. 55; scheme for offensive measures in Japan, ii. 59; correspondence with Capt. Birileff regarding Tsushima, ii. 111-114. Hoppo, position of, i. 44, 45. HsienfÊng, Emperor, death of, i. 397. Hu Lin-yi, ii. 377. Huang, Governor-General, i. 342, 343. Hunter, W. C., quoted, i. 34, 46-48, ii. 20 note; cited, i. 82. Hwang-chu-ke, massacre of Englishmen at, i. 104, 108. Ignatieff, General, assists Sir H. Grant, i. 353, 354; negotiates cession of Vladivostock, i. 357, 358; attitude towards British Legation and Chinese, i. 359. Ilipu, Commissioner, i. 76, 77, 81. India— - Alcock's visit to (1869), ii. 219.
- Calcutta Convention, ii. 312.
- Chinese imports from, i. 168.
- East India Company. See that title.
- Elgin's opportune arrival in, i. 321.
- Gordon summoned from, ii. 292.
- Opium trade. See that title.
- Tea trade, i. 182-186.
- Tibetan expedition, ii. 305-310.
InouyÉ, Count, British Legation building burnt by, ii. 62 note; return from Europe and mission to Choshiu, ii. 80, 81; mission to Korea, ii. 302. Ito, Count, return from Europe and mission to Choshiu, ii. 80, 81; mission to Peking, ii. 302. Japan (for particular persons, towns, see their titles)— - Aggressive policy of, ii. 259.
- Port Hamilton incident, ii. 303, 305.
- Russian pledge regarding, ii. 424, 425.
- SÖul, Émeute in, ii. 294, 296-298.
Kowloon, concession of, acquired by Parkes, i. 286, 330. Kuldja, Russian claims regarding, ii. 290-293. Kung, Prince, Lord Elgin's negotiations with, i. 329, 352, 353; signs Peking treaty, i. 354; deceived by Ignatieff, i. 358; member of Tsungli-YamÊn, i. 360; Gordon's interviews with, i. 383; implicated in the Lay-Osborn flotilla failure, i. 389, 390; executes coup d'État, i. 397, 398; correspondence with British Minister, i. 403-406, 409; high-handed tone of, i. 410; intimate relations with British Legation, ii. 134, 135; efforts against coolie trade, ii. 171, 172; declines responsibility for Korean persecutions, ii. 176; action in Yangchow affair, ii. 202; circular regarding missionaries, ii. 231; Sir T. Wade's remonstrance to, on Chinese official tone, ii. 244; present at audience of foreign Ministers, ii. 261; imperial claims of, ii. 263; enmity between Empress and, ii. 264, 312; action regarding Margary case, ii. 274; dismissed by Empress, ii. 312; efforts regarding Pei-t'ang Cathedral, ii. 342; moderating influence of, ii. 374; vetoes proposed assassination of Li, ii. 387. Kuper, Rear-Admiral Sir Augustus, attack on Satsuma, ii. 67; operations against Prince of Nagato, ii. 80, 81; appeals to Foreign Office regarding Alcock's recall, ii. 89. Kwanghsu, Emperor, selected by Empress, ii. 263; comes of age, ii. 318; childlessness of, ii. 456; reform programme adopted by, ii. 458. Kweiliang, i. 334, 360. Lane-Poole, Stanley, cited, i. 117, 316. Lang, Captain, ii. 396, 400, 412. Lay, H. N., residence of, at Foochow, i. 118 note; Inspector-General of Customs, i. 155; negotiates Tientsin treaty, i. 331; Osborn flotilla fiasco, i. 387-391; summary of Chinese affairs (1858-63), i. 409, 410; fidelity to Chinese Government, ii. 280. Convention signed at (1886), ii. 310. Disadvantages of, as site for capital, ii. 474 and note. Distant view of, ii. 143. Elgin's error in omitting to visit, i. 334-337 and note. Fur market, ii. 149. German Legation established in, ii. 254. Health of, ii. 144 note. Hostility of natives in, i. 364. Inaccessibility of, ii. 142. Innovations after 1884, ii. 315. Insanitary condition of, ii. 144, 145. Lama temple, ii. 145, 146. Legations, diplomatic difficulties of, i. 398-401; relieved by military force (1900), ii. 437. Macaulay's mission to, ii. 307, 308. Maritime Customs Inspector established in, ii. 156. Mules and camels, ii. 147. Pei-t'ang Cathedral, erection of, ii. 341; transfer of, ii. 346, 347. Prohibitions against English visitors, i. 363. Residence of British representative at, suggested in merchants' memorial (1839), i. 89; residence included in Tientsin treaty, i. 332, 336; right of residence suspended, i. 337, 346. Russian mission in, i. 356, ii. 154. Sarat Chandra Das, visit of, ii. 308-310. Social Life in, ii. 138-142. Street traffic in, ii. 149-153. Summer retreat from, ii. 154, 155. Temple of Heaven, ii. 146. Treaty signed at (1860), i. 354. Pin Ch'un, ii. 137, 186. Piracy— - Alcock's views on, i. 208.
- British action against, i. 299, 301, 305-307.
- Chinese attitude towards, i. 299-301.
- Foreigners engaged in, in China, i. 302; foreigners subjected to, i. 306, 307.
- Hongkong headquarters of, i. 302, 305.
- Portuguese leniency to, i. 295, 296; their earlier assistance against, i. 289, 290.
- Prevalence of, i. 194, 209, 218.
- Steam traffic a blow to, i. 307.
- Taiping Rebellion complicat
- Chunghou, condemned at meetings in, ii. 241.
- Custom-house. See under China—Taxation.
- Development of, i. 124-126.
- French concession in, i. 139.
- Inland trade from, i. 210.
- Kim assassinated in, ii. 301.
- Lindsay's mission to (1832), i. 115.
- Naval construction attempted at, ii. 396.
- Neighbourhood of, i. 126, 127.
- Opening of (1843), i. 115.
- Self-reliance of community in, i. 140.
- Silk trade facilitated by opening of, i. 188.
- Smuggling centre at, i. 144.
- Supreme Court for China and Japan established at, ii. 355-358.
- Taipings, danger from, i. 377-379.
- Thirty mile radius established round, i. 128, 372, 376, 383, 384.
- Tientsin treaty negotiations conducted at, i. 343, 347.
- Tonnage famine at, i. 232, 233.
- Tsingpu affair, i. 129-133.
- Yokohama guard of Beloochis sent from, ii. 78.
Shantung— - German seizure of port in, ii. 421; British opinion on seizure, ii. 423; Russian attitude, ii. 431.
- Scenery of, i. 221.
- Unrest most violent in, ii. 462.
Shaw, Sir Charles, sketch of career of, i. 12-14; appreciation of Alcock, i. 14-17, 21, 22. Shimadso Saburo, ii. 58, 59 and note. Shimoda, opening of, ii. 4. ShimonosÉki, Straits of, blockaded by Prince of Nagato, ii. 69, 76, 77; forts at, captured by Allies, ii. 83. Shimonoseki treaty, ii. 387, 418. Shipping— - Convoy system in China, i. 302-304.
- Disguise of boats for Chinese coasting trade, i. 246, 247.
- East India Company's, i. 211-215.
- Gold discoveries' effect on, i. 227-231.
- Hanseatic and Scandinavian, i. 218, 219.
- Junks. See under China.
- Lorchas. See under China.
- Merchant owners, i. 217, 218, 224.
- Navigation Law repealed, i. 230.
- Opium clippers, i.
p://www.gutenberg.org/files/42732/42732-h/42732-h.htm#Page_317" class="pgexternal">317; contemptuous of treaties, i. 333; superseded, i. 342; capture and death of, i. 328.
- Yerburgh, Mr, ii. 427.
- Yokohama—
- Foreigners' residence prepared by Japanese at, ii. 13; improved, ii. 90.
- Garrison of British troops in, ii. 77, 78, 84.
- Legations' withdrawal to, during assassination period, ii. 36.
- Merchants' preference for, to Kanagawa, i. 18, 122, 123.
- Tycoon's inability to maintain order in, ii. 74.
- Yuan Shih-kai, ii. 406.
- Yunnan—
- Burmese expedition and murder of Mr Margary, ii. 266, 267; negotiations regarding, ii. 267-276; settlement of affair, ii. 278.
- Rebellion in, ii. 290.