PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON. MICHELIN DURING THE WAR THE MICHELIN HOSPITAL When the Great War broke out, Michelin at once converted an immense new four-storied warehouse into an up-to-date Hospital, with Operating Theatre, X-Ray, Bacteriological Laboratory, etc. Seven weeks later (September 22, 1914) Doctors, Dispensers, Nurses, Sisters of Mercy, and auxiliaries were all at their posts. The first wounded arrived the same night. In all, 2,993 wounded were received. All expenses were paid by Michelin. The story of how Michelin did "his bit" during the war is told briefly and simply in the illustrated booklet, "The Michelin Hospital," sent post free on application. A VIEW OF ONE OF THE WARDS. A VIEW OF ONE OF THE WARDS. MICHELIN & Cie., Clermont-Ferrand, France. MICHELIN TYRE Co., Ltd., 81, Fulham Road, London, S.W. 3. THE Michelin |