PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON. XXI Bis, 1-2,133-3-2020. MICHELIN DURING THE WAR. As early as 1908 Michelin became interested in Aviation, and foreseeing the possibilities of the aeroplane in warfare, he instituted in 1911 the "Aerocible" Prize for accurate bomb dropping. In 1912 Michelin sounded a note of warning in his famous booklet "Notre Avenir est dans l'air." Throughout the war he concentrated the whole of his energies and resources on the study and production of bombing planes. Gen. Gallieni, of Marne fame, was so impressed with the results obtained that he created and placed at Michelin's disposal a special aviation ground at Aulnat, near Clermont-Ferrand. The French military authorities, in furtherance of their 1910 aviation programme, requested Michelin to study all types of bomb-dropping apparatus for use on French bombing planes. Michelin improvised an immense factory for the manufacture of bombing planes at his tyre works in Clermont-Ferrand, giving the first 100 planes to the army and supplying the balance at cost of manufacture. Up to Armistice Day Michelin had supplied 1,864 bombing planes to the allied armies. MICHELIN & Cie., Clermont-Ferrand, France. MICHELIN TYRE Co., Ltd., 81, Fulham Road, London, S.W. 3. THE TOURING OFFICE Open to all Motorists seeking information and advice regarding Tours The MICHELIN Touring Office saves the intending Tourist time and trouble, and generally assists him in mapping out his Tour free of charge, and irrespective of the make of Tyres he uses. Send us a rough draft of your next proposed Tour: we will prepare a complete and detailed itinerary and forward it on to you, within three or four days. When in France write or call: MICHELIN TOURING OFFICE, 99, Boulevard Pereire, Paris. MICHELIN TOURING OFFICE 81, FULHAM ROAD, LONDON, S.W.3. Telephone: Kensington 4400. Telegrams: "Pneumiclin, London." MICHELIN ROAD MAPS Scale 1.200,000 or 3.15 Miles to the Inch. BRITISH ISLES Published in 31 Sheets. On Canvas 2s. net: post free 2s. 2d. FRANCE Published in 48 Sheets. On Canvas 2s. net: post free 2s. 2d. The MICHELIN MAPS may be obtained at all Booksellers, at the Royal Automobile Club, London, The Automobile Association, London, at all MICHELIN Stockists, at MICHELIN & Cie, Paris, and at MICHELIN TYRE CO., LTD. 81, FULHAM ROAD, LONDON, S.W.3. |