Foreword | 2 | HISTORICAL PART | 3 to 16 | Day of September 5, 1914 | 7 | " September 6, 1914 | 8 | " September 7, 1914 | 9 | " September 8, 1914 | 11 | " September 9, 1914 | 12 | Days of September 10 to 13, 1914 | 15 | TOURIST'S GUIDE | 17 to 261 | Practical Information | 18 to 19 | I.—THE OURCQ | 20 to 114 | Chantilly | 20 to 35 | From Chantilly to Senlis | 35 | Senlis | 37 to 65 | From Senlis to Meaux | 66 to 73 | Meaux | 74 to 79 | Visit to the Ourcq Battle-Fields | 80 to 114 | II.—THE MARSHES OF St.-GOND | 114 to 196 | From Meaux to Coulommiers | 116 to 121 | Coulommiers | 122 to 125 | From Coulommiers to Provins | 126 to 127 | Provins | 128 to 146 | From Provins to SÉzanne | 147 to 157 | SÉzanne | 158 | The Marshes of St.-Gond | 159 to 184 | From SÉzanne to ChÂlons-sur-Marne | 185 to 196 | III.—THE PASS OF REVIGNY | 197 to 261 | ChÂlons-sur-Marne | 198 to 212 | From ChÂlons to Vitry-le-FranÇois | 213 to 217 | Vitry-le-FranÇois | 218 to 220 | From Vitry-le-FranÇois to Bar-le-Duc | 221 to 237 | Bar-le-Duc | PLANS AND MAPS Plan of | Bar-le-Duc | (black) | 239 | " | ChÂlons | (2 colours) | between | 198/199 | " | Chantilly | (black) | 21 | " | Coulommiers | (black) | 122 | " | CrÉcy | (black) | 117 | " | Meaux | (2 colours) | between | 74/75 | " | Provins | " | 128/129 | " | Senlis | " | 36/37 | " | SÉzanne | (black) | 158 | Map of | the Region of Senlis | (4 colours) | between | 66/67 | " | " the Ourcq | " | 80/81 | " | of the Excursion described in the part "The Marshes of St.-Gond" | (4 colours) | between | 116/117 | " | of the Excursion described in the part "The Pass of Revigny" | (4 colours) | between | 212/213 | PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON Vc—2,109-6-1925
The MICHELIN Maps Invaluable to Motorists & Tourists. FRANCE. (Scale—1:200,000) Published in 47 Sections. Beautifully printed in Five Colours. The BRITISH ISLES. (Scale 3·15 miles to the inch.) Published in 31 Sections. Beautifully engraved and printed in six colours. Price of Maps (English or French) per Section: - On Paper -1/- or post free 1/(1½)
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Open to all those seeking information and advice regarding Tours. Its purpose is to save the intending Tourist time and trouble and to generally assist him in mapping out his tour, free of charge and irrespective of the make of tyres he uses. The latest information relating to Tours, in any part of the World, can be furnished. If you are unable to pay a visit to this office, send us a rough draft of your next proposed tour, and we will prepare a complete and detailed Itinerary and forward it to you by return of post. The MICHELIN Touring Office, 81, Fulham Road, LONDON, S.W. 3. Tel.: Kensington 4,400.
- FERTÉ-GAUCHER (LA) (Seine-et-Marne).
- du Sauvage, 25 r. de Paris. (wc) coach-house 4 19.
- MICHELIN STOCK H. Bourgeois, faub. de Paris. Agt de: Charron. 12 Petrol DepÔt 38.
- — LiÉvaux, 5 r. de Strasbourg. 10 Petrol DepÔt .
- PROVINS (Seine-et-Marne).
- de la Fontaine, 10 r. Victor-Arnoul. Central heating Shed 4 courtyard 20 10.
- de la Boule-d'Or, 22 r. de la Cordonnerie. Inner shed 6 12.
- Louis Pouget, 3 r. Christophe-Opoix. Agt de: Renault, de Dion, Chenard et Walcker, Darracq. 20 Petrol DepÔt 1·31.
- — MÉtivier, 38 r. Hugues-le-Grand. Petrol DepÔt .
- — Boucher, 19 r. FÉlix-Bourquelot. Agt de: Delahaye. 20 Petrol DepÔt.
- — Thiriot, 40 r. du Val.
- SÉZANNE (Marne).
- de France, 25 Grande-Rue. Central heating ? (wc) coach-house 3 shed 5 12.
- A la Femme-sans-TÊte, 9 et 11 r. de Broyes. Central heating ? (wc) coach-house 50 m. 4 16.
- MICHELIN STOCK (Compressed Air) Victor Quinet, 29 Grande-Rue. Agt de: Corre La Licorne. 10 Petrol DepÔt 9.
- — Brochet Georges, 20 et 31 r. Notre-Dame. 5 Petrol DepÔt.
- — F. Mayet, 19 et 21 r. Notre-Dame. Agt de: Vinot-Deguingand. 6 Petrol DepÔt.
- de la Haute-MÈre-Dieu, 26 pl. de la RÉpublique. Central heating ? (wc) Gar 6 HÔtel-Meunier 4.
- du Renard, 24 pl. de la RÉpublique. Central heating ? (wc) Coach-house 4 Inner courtyard 8 1·48.
- MICHELIN STOCK (Compressed Air) Maurice Leblanc, 5 pl. Godard. Agt de: Berliet, de Dietrich. 15 Petrol DepÔt 85.
- — MICHELIN STOCK (Compressed Air) G. Jacotin, 1 r. Faubourg-de-Marne. Agt de: Delahaye. 20 Petrol DepÔt 2·65.
- — MICHELIN STOCK (Compressed Air) Hauser, 13 pl. de la RÉpublique. Agt de: Peugeot, Delage, Darracq. 10 Petrol DepÔt 2·28.
- — A. ViÉville, 15 r. de Vaux. 4 Petrol DepÔt.
- — Ch. Rouche, cycles, 36 r. de Marne.
- de la Cloche, r. de Frignicourt. Central heating (wc) Shed 6 66.
- MICHELIN STOCK (Compressed Air) E. Greux, 11 Faub. St-Dizier (rte de Nancy). Agt de: ClÉment-Bayard, Chenard et Walcker. 30 Petrol DepÔt 134.
- — MICHELIN STOCK (Compressed Air) Gillet fils, Pl. de la Glendarmerie. Agt de: Charron, Darracq. 40 Petrol DepÔt 138.
- — Ollinger, 15 r. du Pont. Agt de: Peugot. 4 Petrol DepÔt .
- — Kremer, cycles, 7 r. de Frignicourt.
- de la Gare. Inner coach-house 4.
- MICHELIN STOCK LuinÉ, r. de la ChavÉe. Agt de: Delage, Unic. 4 .
- de la Source (2 km.). ? (wc) Inner coach-house 20 8.
- de la Cloche, 16 r. de Vitry. (wc) Inner coach-house 2 7.
- Bar-le-Duc (Meuse).
- de Metz et du Commerce, 17 et 19 boul. de la Rochelle. Central heating ? (wc) Shed 10 1.10.
- MICHELIN STOCK J. Petit, 44 boul. de la Rochelle. Agt de: Unic. 20 Petrol DepÔt .
- — MICHELIN STOCK L. Henrionnet, 126 boul. de la Rochelle. Agt de: ClÉment-Bayard, Chenard et Walcker. 5 Petrol DepÔt 1.71.
- — MICHELIN STOCK (Compressed Air) L. Antoine, 8 boul. de la Rochelle. Agt de: Darracq, Peugot. 4 Petrol DepÔt 156.
- — Guillemin et Muriot, 7 r. du Cygne. 6 Petrol DepÔt.
The above information, dating from January 1, 1919, may possibly be no longer exact when this falls under the reader's eyes. It would be more prudent, therefore, before making the tour described in this volume, to consult the latest French edition of the 'Guide Michelin.' |   |