INDEX OF NAMES AND LOCALITIES MENTIONED IN THIS WORK The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain. ILLUSTRATED MICHELIN GUIDES TO THE BATTLE-FIELDS. |
Compressed Air | DepÔt for 'bouteilles d'air Michelin' for inflation of tyres. |
Repair shop. | |
Agt de | Manufacturer's Agent. |
3 | Garage showing car capacity. |
Repair Pit. | |
Electric installation for recharging accumulators. | |
104 | Telephone number. |
Telegraphic address. |
- MEAUX (Seine-et-Marne).
- de la SirÈne, 34 r. St-Nicolas. Ⓑ(wc) Gar 3 Shed 5 SirÈne 83.
- des Trois-Rois, 1 r. des Ursulines and 30 r. St-RÉmy. (wc) Shed 4 Inner courtyard 10 146.
- MICHELIN STOCK (Compressed Air) Garage Central (A. FeillÉe), 17-21 r. du Grand-Cerf. Agt. de: Panhard, Renault, de Dion. 30 G Petrol DepÔt 59.
- — MICHELIN STOCK Auto-Garage de Meaux (E. Vance), 55-57 pl. du MarchÉ. Agt de: Delahaye. 20 G 84.
- SENLIS (Oise).
- du Grand-Cerf, 47 r. de la RÉpublique. Central heating Ⓑ (wc) Inner coach-house 6 Grandcerf 111.
- des ArÈnes, 30 r. de Beauvais. (wc) Inner coach-house 7 ott 17.
- MICHELIN STOCK Guinot, 8 pl. de la Halle. Stock: de Dion. Agt de: Peugeot. 3 46.
- — MICHELIN STOCK L. Buat and A. RÉmond, 2 r. de CrÉpy. Agts de: Panhard, Renault, Cottin-Desgouttes, Delahaye, Rochet-Schneider, Mors. 10 G 38.
- du Grand-CondÉ, av. de la Gare. Closed in 1917. Asc Central heating Ⓑ (wc) Gar 50 52.
- d'Angleterre, r. de Paris and pl. de l'HÔpital. Ⓑ (wc) Inner shed 8 59.
- Noguey's Family Hotel, 10 av. de la Gare. Ⓑ (wc) Inner coach-house 5 146.
- MICHELIN STOCK Grigaut, 72 r. du ConnÉtable. 1.14.
- — MICHELIN STOCK Garage Bourdeau, 1 bis r. de Gouvieux. 6 G 1.90.
- COULOMMIERS (Seine-et-Marne).
- du Soleil-Levant, 62 r. de Melun. Central heating, Inner coach-house 3 courtyard 15 22.
- de l'Ours, r. de Melun. Central heating. Inner coach-house 3 courtyard 10 27.
- MICHELIN STOCK DoupÉ-Lejeune, 42 r. de Paris. Agt de: Panhard, Delage, Darracq. 10 Petrol DepÔt 92.
- — Gautier, 6 av. de la FertÉ-sous-Jouarre. Agt de: Peugeot, Vinot-Deguingand, de Dion. 4 Petrol DepÔt 1.19.
- — P. Fritsch, 51 av. de Strasbourg. Agt de: Brasier, Le ZÈbre. 6 Petrol DepÔt.
- — Purson, cycles, 1 r. de Melun. Agt de: ClÉment-Bayard. 2 Petrol DepÔt.
- — A. Gontier, cycles, Le Martroy.
- — DoupÉ-Boucher, cycles, 1 r. de la FertÉ-sous-Jouarre. Petrol DepÔt.
17, Rue de SurÈne, PARIS (VIIIe)
The 'Office National du Tourisme' was created by an Act of April 8, 1910, and reorganised in 1917. It enjoys civil privileges and financial autonomy.
It is directed by an administrative council chosen by the Minister of Public Works.
Its mission is to seek out every means of developing travel; to urge and, if necessary, to take any measure capable of ameliorating the condition of the transport, circulation and sojourn of tourists.
It co-ordinates the efforts of touring societies and industries, encourages them in the execution of their programmes and stimulates legislative and administrative initiative with regard to the development of travel in France.
It promotes understanding between the public services, the great transport companies, the 'Syndicats d'Initiative' and the 'Syndicats Professionnels.'
It organises propaganda in foreign countries; and arranges for the creation of travel enquiry offices in France and abroad, with a view to making known the scenery and monuments of France as well as the health-giving powers of French mineral waters, spas and bathing places.
65, Avenue de la Grande ArmÉe, 65
The 'Touring-Club de France' (founded in 1890), is at the present time the largest touring association in the world. Its principal aim is to introduce France—one of the loveliest countries on earth—to the French people themselves and to tourists of other nations.
It seeks to develop travel in all its forms: on foot, horseback, bicycle, in carriage, motor, yacht or railway, and, eventually, by aeroplane.
Every member of the association receives a badge and an identity ticket, free of charge, and also the 'Revue Mensuelle' every month.
Members have the benefit also of special prices in a certain number of affiliated hotels; and this advantage holds good in the purchasing of guide-books and Staff (Etat-major) maps, as well as those of the 'MinistÈre de l'IntÉrieur,' the T.C.F., etc. They may insert notices regarding the sale or purchase of travelling requisites, in the 'Revue' (1 fr. per line). The 'ComitÉ de Contentieux' is ready to give them council with regard to travelling, and 3,000 delegates in all the principal towns are retained to give advice and information about the curiosities of art or of nature of the neighbourhood, as well as concerning the roads, hotels, motor-agents, garages, etc.
Members are accorded free passages across the frontier for a bicycle or motor-bicycle. For a motor-car the association gives a 'Triptyque' ensuring free passage through the 'douane,' etc.
Commander-in-chief of the French Army
Copyright 1919 by Michelin & Cie.
All rights of translation, adaptation, or reproduction (in part or whole) reserved in all countries.