Political History of Rheims 3-7
Military History of Rheims 8 and 9
The Battles for Rheims, 1914-1918 9-15
The Destruction of Rheims by the bombardments 16-21
Life in the bombarded City 21-26
I.—A Visit to the City 27-120
The Cathedral (description of) 28-60
History of the Cathedral 28-30
The Cathedral during the War 31 and 32
Coloured Plan of Rheims between 32 and 33
Plan of the Cathedral and Archi-episcopal Palace 33
Exterior of the Cathedral 34-49
Interior of the Cathedral 50-60
First Itinerary—The City 61-94
The Place du Parvis 62
The Archi-episcopal Palace 63-66
The Place Drouet d'Erlon and The Promenades 70 and 71
The HÔtel-de-Ville 72
The Place des MarchÉs 74
The Place Royale 78
The Musicians' House 80
The Mars Gate 82
The Rue de CÉrÈs 87
Second Itinerary—The City (continued) 95-120
The Rue Chanzy 95-97
The LycÉe 97 and 98
The Abbey of Saint Pierre-les-Dames 98
The Pommery Wine-Cellars 101
The Church of St. Remi 103-116
The HÔtel-Dieu (Hospital) 117
II.—A Visit to the Battlefield.
First Itinerary (Morning)

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