PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, ‘THE TOURING-CLUB DE FRANCE’ The ‘Touring-Club de France’ (founded in 1890) is at the present time the largest touring association in the world. Its principal aim is to introduce France—one of the loveliest countries on earth—to the French people themselves and to tourists of other nations. It seeks to develop travel in all its forms: on foot, horseback, bicycle, in carriage, motor, yacht or railway, and, eventually, by aeroplane. Every member of the association receives a badge and an identity ticket, free of charge, and also the ‘Revue Mensuelle’ every month. Members have the benefit also of special prices in a certain number of affiliated hotels; and this advantage holds good in the purchasing of guide-books and Staff (Etat-major) maps, as well as those of the ‘MinistÈre de l’IntÉrieur,’ the T.C.F., etc. They may insert notices regarding the sale or purchase of travelling requisites in the ‘Revue’ (1 fr. per line). The ‘ComitÉ de Contentieux’ is ready to give them counsel with regard to travelling, and 3,000 delegates in all the principal towns are retained to give advice and information about the curiosities of art or of Nature of the neighbourhood, as well as concerning the roads, hotels, motor-agents, garages, etc. Members are accorded free passages across the frontier for a bicycle or motor-bicycle. For a motor-car the association gives a ‘Triptyque’ ensuring free passage through the ‘douane,’ etc. TO TOUR FRANCE IN COMFORT JOIN BEAUTIFUL FRANCE Volcanic in origin, this fantastically picturesque region contains numerous watering-places famous, since time immemorial, for their health-giving, warm mineral-water springs. Its deep, smiling valleys and rugged mountain peaks are readily accessible to excursionists—thanks to the good roads—and are known to motorists the world over. After world-renowned Vichy, the thermal stations of La Bourboule, Mont-Dore and St. Nectaire—all within easy distance of one another—merit the tourist’s attention. Other places of interest are: Thiers (celebrated for its cutlery) and La Chaise-Dieu (14th-century Abbey with incomparable tapestries). Riom, with its ancient churches and ruined Abbey of Mozac; ChÂtel-Guyon, famous for its mineral springs; Royat, modern watering-place (hot mineral springs), near to Clermont-Ferrand, capital of Auvergne, with its magnificent cathedral of Notre-Dame and old Roman Church of Notre-Dame du Port. Situated at the foot of the Puy-de-DÔme, the highest of a range of extinct volcanoes (altitude 4,500 ft.), Clermont-Ferrand is a favourite centre for excursions. Nor should Issoire and Le Puy be forgotten. The latter, one of the most remarkable cities of France, contains the famous ChÂteau de Chavagnac, birthplace of the illustrious La Fayette, equally dear to all liberty-loving peoples. In the district of Le Cantal are the delightful valleys of the CÈre, Jordanne, Moers and Maroune. The thermal springs of Vic-sur-CÈre and the health resort of Le Lioran (altitude 3,500 ft.) are amongst their numerous attractions. Equally interesting are Aurillac, Mauriac and St. Flour, the latter with its “sky-scraper” viaduct bridge of Garabit. The ancient city of Salers is well known to archÆologists and artists. FOR ALL TOURIST INFORMATION, WRITE TO MICHELIN TOURING OFFICES Why ask the Way, when ... ...Michelin will tell you free of charge? Drop a line, ring us up, or call at one of our Collection of the “Michelin Illustrated Guides,” sold ? ? A cloth-bound volume with 488 illustrations and many coloured |