- Affinity, 17, 51
- Agassiz, 122
- Albtrecht, 61
- Aldrovandi, 13
- America, discovery of, 24, 112
- Aristotle, 2, 24, 17 n., 30, 39, 45, 47, 63, 73, 102 n.
- Aselli, 21
- Bacon, Francis, 39
- ----Roger, 28
- Bacteria, 137
- Baer, Von, 66, 102, 104, 121, 127
- Bagehot, 135
- Baker, 67, 69
- Barry, 106
- Belon, 13
- Bernard of Breydenbach, 23
- Bestiaries, 6, 23
- BichÂt, 105
- Bock, 9, 12, 37, 124
- Bonnet, 45, 60
- Bonpland, 118
- Bossuet, 66
- Brown, 105 n.
- Brunfels, 9, 12
- Buffon, 40, 45, 63, 68, 71, 94 n., 95, 120, 130
- Busbecq, 113
- Butler, 67
- Caignard-Latour, 137
- Caius, 19, 67
- Camerarius, 48
- Cesalpini, 12, 17 n., 34, 37, 80, 85
- Chamisso, 46
- Parkinson, 20
- Pasteur, 136
- Pecquet, 22
- Perrault, 36, 37, 67
- Peter Martyr Angierius, 24
- Physiologus, 6
- Pliny, 5
- Plumier, 115 n.
- Pope, 45
- Poupart, 37, 38, 67
- PrÉvost, 106
- Priestley, 77
- Quackelbeen, 113
- Rathke, 104, 127
- Ray, 17 n., 22, 35, 38, 41, 48, 68, 124
- RÉaumur, 37, 40, 54, 60, 64, 68, 70, 87
- Redi, 39
- Rhineland, 11
- Roesel von Rosenhof, 67, 69, 100
- Rondelet, 13
- Rudbeck, 22
- Sars, 101
- Saussure, De, 79
- Schleiden, 105
- Scott and Oliver, 83, 85
- Schwann, 105, 106, 137
- Seneca, 28, 113
- Serres, Olivier de, 26
- Smith, 35
- Socrates, 133
- Spallanzani, 40
- Spence, 68
- Spencer, 122
- Sprengel, 89
- Stenson, 34
- Suminski, 108
- Swammerdam, 29, 37, 38, 40,
Transcriber's Notes 1.Simple typographical errors were silently corrected. 2.INDEX of page references is arranged with hyperlinks in running Alphabetical Order; from page-wise bi-column list-wise appears in the source publication. |