

(The date of a discovery is the date of first publication, where this is known.)

1202 Arabic numeration introduced into Europe by Leonardo of Pisa (Liber Abaci); it spread slowly, and did not become universal till the middle of the seventeenth century.
1214-1294. Roger Bacon.
1265-1321. Dante.
1271-1295. Travels of Marco Polo.
1304-1374. Petrarch.
1324?-1384. Wycliffe.
1340?-1400. Chaucer.
1410. Wood-engraving introduced about this time.
1423. Earliest known block-book.
1450? Mazarin Bible, printed by moveable types.
1453. Taking of Constantinople by the Turks.
1466?-1536. Erasmus.
1471-1528. Albert Durer.
1472-1543. Copernicus.
1475-1564. Michael Angelo.
1477-1576. Titian.
1483-1520. Raphael.
1483-1546. Martin Luther.
1492. First voyage of Columbus.
1497-1498. Voyage of Vasco da Gama to India by the Cape.
1516. More's Utopia.
1517. Luther's theses.
1519-1521. Mexico conquered by Cortez.
1519-1522. Circumnavigation of the globe by a ship of Magellan's squadron.
1530-1536. Brunfels' Herbarum vivÆ eicones. Confession of Augsburg.
1532. Peru conquered by Pizarro.
1534. Society of Jesus founded by Loyola.
1539. Bock's New Kreutterbuch (without figures); 2nd ed. (with figures) 1546.
1542. Fuchs' Historia Stirpium.
1543. Copernicus' De Revolutionibus Orbium Celestium. Vesalius' Fabrica Humani Corporis.
1545. Botanic garden at Padua founded.
1545-1564. Council of Trent.
1547. Botanic garden at Pisa founded.
1551. Belon's Histoire Naturelle des estranges poissons marins.
1551-1587. Gesner's Historia Animalium.
1553. Belon's De aquatilibus, etc., and his Observations de plusieurs singularitez, etc. (Travels in the Levant.)
1554. Rondelet's De piscibus marinis.
1555. Belon's Histoire de la nature des Oyseaux. Rondelet's UniversÆ aquatilium HistoriÆ pars altera.
1564-1616. Shakespeare.
1564-1642. Galileo.
1566. Revolt of the Netherlands.
1571. Battle of Lepanto (advance of the Turks checked).
1571-1630. Kepler.
1572. Massacre of St. Bartholomew.
1576. L'Obel's Plantarum seu Stirpium Historia and Adversaria.
1577-1580. Drake's circumnavigation.
1583. Cesalpini's De Plantis.
1588. The Invincible Armada.
1596-1650. Descartes.
1600. Olivier de Serres' ThÉÂtre d'Agriculture.
1601. Clusius' Rariorum plantarum Historia.
1605. Clusius' Exoticorum libri decem.
1610. Galileo's microscope invented about this time.
1614. Napier's Logarithms.
1618-1648. Thirty Years' War.
1620. Voyage of Mayflower. Bacon's Novum Organum.
1621. Aselli re-discovers the lacteals.
1623. C. Bauhin's Pinax Theatri Botanici.
1626. Jardin des Plantes founded.
1628. Harvey's De motu cordis et sanguinis published, the lectures had been delivered in 1614.
1635. French Academy founded.
1638. First authenticated cure of fever by chincona bark (in Peru).
1642. New Zealand and Van Dieman's Land discovered by Tasman.
1642-1727. Newton.
1643. Barometer invented by Torricelli.
1650? Air-pump invented by Otto von Guericke. Thoracic duct discovered by Pecquet.
1653. Lymphatic vessels discovered by Rudbeck.
1660. Royal Society founded; incorporated 1662. Boyle's Spring of Air and its Effects. Ray's Catalogus Plantarum circa Cantabrigiam nascentium.
1661. Boyle's Sceptical Chemist. Passage of blood through capillaries observed by Malpighi.
1665. Hooke's Micrographia.
1666. AcadÉmie des Sciences founded. Composition of white light discovered by Newton.
1668. Redi on the Generation of Insects.
1669. Swammerdam's Historia Insectorum Generalis. Malpighi's De Bombyce.
1671-1677. Grew's Anatomy of Plants; collected in one volume, 1682.
1672-1679. Malpighi's Anatome Plantarum; collected in his Opera Omnia, 1686.
1673. Malpighi's De formatione pulli in ovo. Leeuwenhoek's first paper published by the Royal Society.
1675. Greenwich Observatory founded. Velocity of light determined by Roemer.
1676. Willughby's Ornithologia.
1677. Spermatozoa discovered by Hamm.
1680. Yeast-cells discovered by Leeuwenhoek.
1682. Ray's Methodus Plantarum.
1683. Bacteria discovered by Leeuwenhoek.
1687. Newton's Principia.
1691-1694. Camerarius on the sexes of flowering plants.
1702. Hydra discovered by Leeuwenhoek.
1711-1776. Hume.
1723-1790. Adam Smith.
1725. Vico's Scienza Nuova.
1734-1742. RÉaumur's Histoire des Insectes.
1736-1810. Watt.
1737. LinnÆus's Systema NaturÆ; last edition by LinnÆus, 1766. LinnÆus's Genera Plantarum.
1737-1738. Swammerdam's Biblia NaturÆ published; written long before.
1738. LinnÆus's Classes Plantarum.
1740-1761. Roesel von Rosenhof's Insecten-Belustigungen begun.
1744. Trembley's Polype d'eau douce (Hydra).
1745. Bonnet's TraitÉ d'Insectologie (aphids, Nais).
1748. Montesquieu's Esprit des Lois.
1749-1804. Buffon's Histoire Naturelle, the last volumes posthumous.
1752. Identity of lightning and electricity demonstrated by Franklin.
1753. British Museum founded.
1755. Black's experiments on carbonic acid and alkalis.
1759. C. F. Wolff's Theoria Generationis.
1760. Lyonet's TraitÉ Anatomique, etc. (larva of goat-moth).
1770. New South Wales discovered by Captain Cook.
1775. Priestley's experiments on the restoration by green leaves of air vitiated by combustion or respiration, and on "dephlogisticated air" (oxygen). Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations.
1777. Spallanzani's experiments on the spontaneous generation of minute organisms.
1781. Uranus discovered by Herschel. Leroy's Lettres sur les Animaux (first collected edition).
1784. Cavendish's Experiments on Air (composition of water).
1785. Hutton's Theory of the Earth.
1787-1789. Lavoisier's MÉthode de nomenclature chimique (1787) and TraitÉ ÉlÉmentaire de chimie (1789).
1789. First French Revolution. A. L. de Jussieu's Genera Plantarum. White's Natural History of Selborne.
1790. Goethe's Metamorphosen der Pflanzen.
1791. Galvani's experiments on animal electricity.
1792. Sprengel's Entdeckte Geheimniss der Natur. F. Huber's Nouvelles Observations sur les Abeilles.
1796. Cuvier on recent and fossil elephants.
1798. Jenner's Inquiry (vaccination against small-pox). Lithography invented by Senefelder.
1799. William Smith's Order of the Strata and their Embedded Organic Remains.
1799-1825. Laplace's MÉcanique Celeste.
1800. Volta's electric pile.
1807. Dalton's Atomic theory. Davy's decomposition of potash and soda.
1811. Motor and sensory roots of spinal nerves discovered by Bell.
1812. Cuvier's Ossemens Fossiles.
1816. Cuvier's RÈgne Animal.
1819. Electro-magnetism discovered by Œrsted. Chamisso's De Salpa.
1823-1831. Pollen-tubes traced to the ovule (Amici, Brongniart, Robert Brown).
1827. Discovery of mammalian ovum by Baer.
1828-1837. Baer's Entwickelungs-geschichte.
1830-1832. Lyell's Principles of Geology.
1835. Cell-division in plants observed by Mohl.
1837. Caignard-Latour's demonstration that alcoholic fermentation is due to living organisms.
1839. Schwann and Schleiden's cell-theory.
1840-1849. Joule's determination of the mechanical equivalent of heat.
1841. Faraday's discovery of electric induction.
1846. Discovery of Neptune by Leverrier and Adams. Agassiz and Buckland's announcement of extensive glaciation in Scotland.
1848. Discovery of the antheridia of ferns by Suminsky.
1849-151. Hofmeister's comparative studies of the higher cryptogams and the flowering plants.
1809-1851. Charles Darwin.
1822-1895. Louis Pasteur.


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