Francis Thompson in 1877
Selected Poems of Francis Thompson With a Biographical Note by Wilfrid Meynell LONDON METHUEN AND CO. LTD. | BURNS AND OATES LTD. | Essex Street | Orchard Street | W.C. | W. |
The Twenty-fifth Thousand
THE CONTENTS | Page | Frontispiece: Portrait of Francis Thompson | iv | A Note on Francis Thompson | ix | The Dedications | xix,xx | | | Poems on Children | | Daisy | 1 | The Poppy | 3 | To Monica Thought Dying | 6 | The Making of Viola | 9 | To my Godchild | 12 | Ex Ore Infantium | 14 | | | From Sister Songs | | A Child's Kiss | 16 | Poet and Anchorite | 20 | The Omen | 22 | The Mirage | 24 | The Child-Woman | 26 | To a Child heard repeating her Mother's Verses | 28 | A Foretelling of the Child's Husband | 31 | | | Love in Dian's Lap | | Before her Portrait in Youth | 33 | To a Poet Breaking Silence | 35 | A Carrier Song | 37 | Her Portrait | 39 | Epilogue to the Poet's Sitter | 45 | After her Going | 47 | | | Miscellaneous Poems | | A Fallen Yew | 48 | The Hound of Heaven | 51 | To the Dead Cardinal of Westminster | 57 | A Dead Astronomer | 63 | A Corymbus for Autumn, | 64 | From "The Mistress of Vision" | 69 | The After Woman | 72 | Lines: To W.M. | 74 | The Way of a Maid | 75 | Ode to the Setting Sun, | 76 | Epilogue to "A Judgement in Heaven" | 86 | Grace of the Way | 87 | To a Snowflake | 88 | Orient Ode | 89 | From "From the Night of Forebeing" | 96 | A Counsel of Moderation | 101 | From "Assumpta Maria" | 102 | From "An Anthem of Earth" | 105 | Contemplation | 112 | Correlated Greatness | 114 | July Fugitive | 115 | From "Any Saint" | 118 | From "The Victorian Ode" | 124 | St Monica | 127 | To the Sinking Sun | 128 | Dream-Tryst | 129 | Buona Notte | 130 | Arab Love Song | 131 | The Kingdom of God | 132 | Envoy | 134 | | | Appreciations of Francis Thompson | 135 | The Works of Francis Thompson | 143 |