Part I. | Enlistment and Service on Governor's Island, New York Harbor, in 1854 | 1 | Part II. | At Carlisle Barracks, Pa., in 1855 | 33 | Part III. | Journey from Carlisle to Fort Pierre Nebraska, Territory, in 1855 | 49 | Part IV. | Fort Pierre and the Sioux Indians, 1855-1856 | 71 | Part V. | Establishing Fort Lookout, 1856-1857 | 109 | Part VI. | Service at Fort Randall, Campaigning in Kansas and Expiration of My Enlistment, 1857-1859 | 127 | Part VII. | Re-enlistment and Return to Frontiers, 1860 | 157 | Part VIII. | Service in Washington and Georgetown, D.C., 1861-1862 | 177 | Part IX. | The Peninsula Campaign, 1862 | 197 | Part X. | The Seven Days' Retreat, 1862 | 225 | Part XI. | Harrison's Landing to Fredericksburg, Va. 1862-1863 | 257 | Part XII. | Chancellorsville to Winter Camp of 1863-1864 | 287 | Part XIII. | In Grant's Campaign, 1864 | 311 | Part XIV. | Departure from the Field and Last Days of Service, 1865 | 341 | Reflections | | 351 | Addenda | | 353 |