SMITHSONIAN ANNALS OF FLIGHT VOLUME 1 - NUMBER 2 1. Agreement between Hermann I. A. Dorner and Packard Motor Car Company 2. Packard to Begin Building Diesel Plane Engines Soon 3. Effect of Oxygen Boosting on Power and Weight Frontispiece—President Herbert Hoover (in front of microphones) presenting the Collier Trophy to Alvan Macauley (nearest engine), President of the Packard Motor Car Co., on March 31, 1932 (although the award was for 1931). Also present were Hiram Bingham, U.S. Senator from Connecticut (nearest pillar), Clarence M. Young, Director of Aeronautics, U.S. Department of Commerce (between Macauley and Hoover), and Amelia Earhart, first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean (between Macauley and the engine). In the foreground is a cutaway Packard diesel aeronautical engine and directly in front of Senator Bingham is the Collier Trophy, America’s highest aviation award. (Smithsonian photo A48825.) |