The Bradford Committee ignores its reference. It recommends measures that would cost $6,500,000 a year, in the hope of satisfying the postal employees, who had asked for $12,500,000 a year. Lord Stanley, Postmaster General, rejects the Bradford Committee’s Report; but grants increases in wages and salaries aggregating $1,861,500 a year. In the preceding chapter it was stated that the Government in August, 1903, appointed Sir Edward Bradford, Mr. Charles Booth, Mr. Thomas Brodrick, Mr. R. Burbidge, and Mr. Samuel Fay a Committee “to inquire into the scales of pay received by the undermentioned classes of Established Post Office Servants, and to report whether, having regard to the conditions of their employment and to the rates current in other occupations, the remuneration of (a) Postmen, (b) Sorters (London), (c) Telegraphists (London), (d) Sorting Clerks and Telegraphists (Provincial) is adequate.” No further question was submitted to the Committee. The Committee, in May, 1904, reported: “We have not seen our way to obtain any specific evidence as to the comparative rates of wages current in other occupations. Business Methods not applicable in State Service “Moreover, it is difficult to make any valid comparison between a National Postal Service and any form of private industrial employment, the entire conditions being necessarily so different; payment by results and promotion or dismissal according to the will of the employer being inapplicable if not impossible under the State.”210 The Committee’s report covers nineteen pages, but only these two paragraphs are in answer to the reference given to the Committee. In them the Committee reports its failure; and with that report of failure the Committee should have contented itself, under all of the rules of procedure governing Committees and Commissions appointed by the British Government. But Upon the Report of the Committee, The Economist211 (London) commented as follows: “This Committee was asked to compare the wages of Post Office servants with those paid for corresponding work outside. Their answer was, in effect, that no such comparison could be instituted. Why, when postal servants are taken from various ascertained classes [of society], it should be impossible to compare their pay with that ordinarily received by the same classes in other employments is not obvious. What is obvious is that the Committee either mistook the inquiry entrusted to them, or did not choose to enter upon it.” The Times212 said: “The reference here is explicit, … The Committee concluded with the statement that the adequacy of the wages obtaining among the postal employees could be tested by the numbers and character of those who offered themselves; by the capacity they showed on trial; and finally, by their contentment. It found that there was no lack of suitable candidates; that there was no complaint as to their capacity; but that there was widespread discontent. It added that the Tweedmouth and Norfolk-Hanbury settlements did not give satisfaction at the time; and that that dissatisfaction had been “aggravated by the general rise in wages and prices and in the standard of life which took place to some extent even during the two years occupied by the Tweedmouth inquiry (1895 and 1896) and had continued since, culminating, however, in Taking these statements in their order, one finds, first of all, that the Committee took no evidence on the question how Post Office wages had compared with wages in outside employment previous to the rise in wages and prices in the period from 1895 to 1900, nor on the question of the rise in wages in the Post Office Service in 1896 to 1900, compared with the rise in wages in outside employment and in prices in 1895 to 1900. The first statement of the Committee, therefore, was supported by no evidence, it was a mere assertion. The second statement, namely, that the growth of the Postal and Telegraph business had caused greater pressure of work, also was not supported by evidence. On the other hand, it was absolutely essential that such a statement should be supported by evidence, because it is a fact that in both branches of the Postal Service the policy obtains of having so large a body of employees “that the maximum of work, as a rule, can be dealt with without undue pressure.”214 As to the Post Office having lowered its charges to the public in the period from 1895 to 1900, it is to be said, first, That a body of five men, of whom four were respectively a Liverpool merchant and ship owner, a general manager of a railway, a manager of a large wholesale coÖperative society, and a manager of a large department store, could make a Report such as the foregoing one, affords a melancholy illustration of the fact that no matter how far popular governments may go in assuming the conduct of great business enterprises, they never will succeed in creating a public opinion that will sustain them in their efforts to conduct their business ventures on the commonly accepted principles of the business world. In the House of Commons, Lord Stanley, the Postmaster General, said: “As to the Committee’s Report, it did not comply with the reference, because no comparison was made with the rates of pay in other occupations … but they conclude that as there was discontent there ought to be an increase of wages. That was a direct premium on discontent, a direct encouragement to the employees to say among themselves that if they were to be discontented and to agitate, they would get more in the future. The Committee, on the other hand, went outside the reference, because they proposed a complete reorganization of the Post Office, including overseers, who were not referred to in the reference. On this particular subject they took no evidence…. Since the employees of the Post Office had said in a circular: ‘We wish to make it perfectly Sir Albert Rollit acted as the spokesman of the Postal employees. He is a Solicitor in Mincing Lane and at Hull; a steamship owner at Hull, Newcastle and London; and a Director in the National Telephone Company, which pays its employees materially less than the Post Office pays the employees of the Post Office Telephone system.222 He has been President of the Associated Chambers of Commerce of the United Kingdom, as well as of the London and Hull Chambers of Commerce. He was Mayor of Hull from 1883 to 1885; and for several years past he has been the President of the Association of Municipal Corporations. Sir Albert K. Rollit was not re-elected to Parliament in the General Election of January, 1906; and in the following March, the Postal Telegraph Clerks’ Association passed a resolution “expressing appreciation of the services rendered to the Postal movement in and out of Parliament by Sir Albert K. Rollit, and regret After the Balfour Government had rejected the Report of the Bradford Committee, in the interest of the taxpayers, Lord Stanley, Postmaster General, instituted “a careful comparison between Post Office wages and those current in other employments; and, as the result of the comparison, he felt justified in recommending to the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty’s Treasury certain improvements of pay” aggregating $1,861,500 a year.224 The improvements of pay were granted to sorters, telegraphists, sorting clerks and telegraphists, postmen, assistant and auxiliary postmen, and various smaller classes throughout the United Kingdom. 209 There was no reference but that one. 210 Report and Appendices of the Committee appointed to inquire into Post Office Wages, 1904. 211 September 17, 1904. 212 September 12, 1904. 213 Report of the Bradford Committee on Post Office Wages, 1904, p. 198. Dr. A. H. Wilson, Chief Medical Officer of the Post Office, testified: “When cases of breakdown have been brought to my notice I have invariably found the primary origin of the illness to have been due to causes outside Post Office life. These causes are generally drink, financial worry, domestic troubles, etc.” 214 Compare Chapter XI, testimony of Mr. Kerry. 215 Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates, April 27, 1900, pp. 229 and 136; Mr. R. W. Hanbury, Financial Secretary to the Treasury. 216 Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates, May 11, p. 342; Mr. Austen Chamberlain, Postmaster General. 217 Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates, April 20, 1903, p. 1,022; Mr. Austen Chamberlain, Postmaster General. 218 Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates, July 6, 1905, p. 1,390; Lord Stanley. 219 The Times, September 17, 1904: Correspondence. 220 The Times, September 12, 1904, denominated this episode “a melancholy and even ominous illustration of the process of democratic degeneration.” In the same issue Mr. S. W. Belderson writes that 130 Members of the House signed the paragraph in question. 221 The Times, August 10, 1904. 222 Report of the Inter-Departmental Committee on Post Office Establishments, 1897; q. 13,804; Mr. S. Walpole, Permanent Secretary of the Post Office. 223 The Times, March 17, 1906; and Who’s Who, 1905. 224 Fifty-first Report of the Postmaster General, 1905. |