Title: John the Baptist Author: F. B. Meyer Language: English E-text prepared by Al Haines Transcriber's note: In the original book, each right-hand page had its own header. In this e-book, each chapter's headers have been collected into an introductory paragraph immediately following that chapter's introductory poem. (The left-hand pages' header was the chapter's title.) JOHN THE BAPTISTby F. B. MEYER, B.A.Author of London: Morgan and Scott Office of The Christian 12, Paternoster Buildings, E.C. And may be Ordered of any Bookseller 1911 By Rev. F. B. MEYER, B.A. THE "BIOGRAPHICAL" SERIES. ABRAHAM: Or, The Obedience of Faith. Preface. The life and character of John the Baptist have always had a great fascination for me; and I am thankful to have been permitted to write this book. But I am more thankful for the hours of absorbing interest spent in the study of his portraiture as given in the Gospels. I know of nothing that makes so pleasant a respite from the pressure of life's fret and strain, as to bathe mind and spirit in the translucent waters of Scripture biography. As the clasp between the Old Testament and the New—the close of the one and the beginning of the other; as among the greatest of those born of women; as the porter who opened the door to the True Shepherd; as the fearless rebuker of royal and shameless sin—the Baptist must ever compel the homage and admiration of mankind. In many respects, such a life cannot be repeated. But the spirit of humility and courage; of devotion to God, and uncompromising loyalty to truth, which was so conspicuous in him, may animate us. We, also, may be filled with the spirit and power of Elijah, as he was; and may point, with lip and life, to the Saviour of the world, crying, "Behold the Lamb of God." Contents I. THE INTEREST OF HIS BIOGRAPHY II. THE HOUSE OF ZACHARIAS III. HIS SCHOOLS AND SCHOOLMASTERS IV. THE PROPHET OF THE HIGHEST V. THE FIRST MINISTRY OF THE BAPTIST VI. BAPTISM UNTO REPENTANCE VII. THE MANIFESTATION OF THE MESSIAH VIII. NOT THAT LIGHT, BUT A WITNESS IX. "HE MUST INCREASE, BUT I MUST DECREASE" X. THE KING'S COURTS XI. "ART THOU HE?" XII. "NONE GREATER THAN JOHN THE BAPTIST, YET…" XIII. A BURNING AND SHINING LIGHT XIV. SET AT LIBERTY XV. THE GRAVE OF JOHN, AND ANOTHER GRAVE XVI. YET SPEAKING XVII. THE SPIRIT AND POWER OF ELIAS |