
(An asterisk indicates the edition to which reference is made.)

Julien Offray de la Mettrie.
1745 L’histoire naturelle de l’Âme.” The Hague. (This work appears as “TraitÉ de l’Âme” in La Mettrie’s collected works.)
1748 L’homme machine.” Leyden.
L’homme machine par La Mettrie, avec une introduction et des notes.” J. AssÉzat. Paris, 1865.
1751 Œuvres philosophiques.” London (Berlin).
1764 * Œuvres philosophiques de Monsieur de la Mettrie,” Amsterdam. Besides “L’homme machine” and “TraitÉ de l’Âme,” the “Œuvres philosophiques” contain the following (dates of first publication added in parentheses):
  • “AbrÉgÉ des systÈmes.”
  • “L’homme plante” (1748).
  • “Les animaux plus que machines” (1750).
  • “L’Anti-SÉnÈque” (1748).
  • “L’art de jouir” (1751).
  • “SystÈme d’Epicure.”
Elie Luzac.
1748 L’homme plus que machine.” London (Leyden).
* “Man More than a Machine,” translated from the French of Elie Luzac, and printed with the translation of “Man a Machine” for G. Smith, 1750.
RenÉ Descartes.
1637 Essais philosophiques,” including “Discours de la mÉthode.
* “The Discourse on Method,” translated by John Veitch. Open Court Publishing Co., 1903.
1641 Meditationes de prima philosophia.”
1644 Principia philosophiae.”
* “The Meditations and Selections from the Principles of Philosophy,” translated by John Veitch. Open Court Publishing Co., 1905.
1650 Les passions de l’Âme.”
* Œuvres de Descartes,” Vol. IV. Edited by Victor Cousin, Paris, 1824.
John Toland.
1704 * “Letters to Serena.” London. Printed for Bernard Lintot.
Thomas Hobbes.
1650 “Human Nature or the Fundamental Elements of Policie.” London.
1651 “Leviathan; Or the Matter, Form, and Power of a Commonwealth, Ecclesiastical & Civil.” London.
1655 Elementorum Philosophiae Sectio Prima: De Corpore.” London.
* English Works edited by Sir William Molesworth, 1839–45. Volume III. Leviathan.
Volume IV. Human Nature.
John Locke.
1690 “An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. London.
* Edition of Books II and IV (with omissions) preceded by the English version of Le Clerc’s “Eloge historique de feu Mr. Locke,” ed. M. W. Calkins. Open Court Publishing Co., 1905.
Etienne Bonnot de Condillac.
1754 TraitÉ des sensations.” Paris and London.
1755 TraitÉ des animaux.” Paris and London.
* Œuvres complÈtes,” 23 vols. Edited by Guillaume Arnoux and Mousnier. Paris, 1798. Vol. III. “TraitÉ des sensations. TraitÉ des animaux.”
Baron P. H. D. von Holbach.
1770 SystÈme de la nature,” par M. Mirabaud [really Von Holbach].
* Nouvelle edition avec des notes et des corrections par Diderot. Paris, 1821.
C. A. Helvetius.
1758 De l’esprit.” Paris.
* De l’esprit, or Essays on the mind and its several faculties,” translated from the French by William Mulford. London, 1810.
1772 De l’homme, de ses facultÉs, et de son Éducation.” 2 vols. London.
* “A Treatise on Man; His Intellectual Faculties and His Education,” translated from the French, with notes, by W. Hooper, M. D., 1810.
Frederick the Great.
* Œuvres de Frederic II., Roi de Prusse, publiÉes du vivant de l’auteur.” Berlin, 1789: “Eloge de Julien Offray de la Mettrie,” Vol. III, pp. 159 ff.
Francis Bacon.
* Sylva Sylvarum, sive Historia Naturalis,” transcripta a J. Grutero Lug. Batavor. 1648.
F. A. Lange.
* “History of Materialism,” translated by Ernest Chester Thomas, Boston, 1877.
W. Windelband.
* “History of Philosophy,” translated by J. H. Tufts, New York, 1898.
A. W. Benn.
* “History of English Rationalism in the Nineteenth Century.” London, 1906.
La Grande EncyclopÉdie. Inventaire RaisonnÉ des Sciences, des Lettres, et des Arts, par une SociÉtÉ de Savants et de Gens de Lettres.” Paris, 1885–1903.
“The Encyclopaedia Britannica. A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General Literature.” Ninth Edition.
“The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia.” New York.
“Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology,” edited by J. M. Baldwin. London and New York, 1901.


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