I. Insistence on the Empirical Standpoint 16f.; 88f.; 72, 142
II. Arguments in Favor of Materialism:
a. The “Soul” is Affected,
1. By Disease 18f.; 90f.
2. By Sleep 19f.; 91f.
3. By Drugs 20; 92
4. By Food 21f.; 93ff.
5. By Age and Sex 23f.; 95f.
6. By Temperature and Climate 24f.; 96ff.
b. There is No Sharp Distinction Between Men and Animals (Machines) 28f., 100ff.; 41ff., 113ff.; 75f., 142f.
c. Bodily Movements are Due to the “Motive Power” of the Body 51ff., 129ff.
III. Conception of Matter.
a. Matter is Extended 154f.
b. Matter Has the Power of Motion 70, 140; 156ff.
c. Matter Has the Faculty of Feeling 159ff.
IV. Conception of Man:
a. Man is a Machine 17, 89; 21, 93; 56, 128; 69, 140f.; 73, 143; 80, 148
b. All Man’s Faculties Reduce to Sense and Imagination 35ff., 107ff.
c. Man is Like Animals in Being Capable of Education 38, 110
d. Man is Ignorant of His Destiny 79, 147
V. Theological Doctrine:
a. The Existence of God is Unproved and Practically Unimportant 50, 122
b. The Argument from Design is Ineffective Against the Hypothesis of Mechanical Causality 51ff., 124ff.
c. Atheism Makes for Happiness 55, 126f.

1 The references are to pages of this book.?



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