We have seen some of the strange vehicles of England and Europe, and now we will travel eastward into Asia. There, as is only right, we must go first to India, for the great peninsula is one of King George's dominions, and its inhabitants, whether they be black, brown, or yellow, Hindoo or Mahomedan, civilised or savage, are as much British subjects as we are ourselves. State Elephant in India. India is an immense country, extending as it does from the Himalayas in the north to Point de Galle in the extreme south of Ceylon, and if we travel through the country we shall find many curious vehicles. Some of them are exactly the same as those which were in use hundreds of years ago, for India is a conservative land, and, although there are railways and tramways there now, while fine motor-cars speed along the roads, most of the natives are content with old ways, and travel through the country districts in the CART IN COLOMBO, CEYLON. We will begin with Colombo, as that is usually the place where travellers land on their journey to the East. When we go ashore from our steamer we either take rickshaws, which were introduced into the island from Japan in 1883, or else engage one of the little bullock carts and The bullocks are often decorated with elaborate patterns cut or branded into their hides, and the natives excuse this cruel practice by saying that not only does it distinguish the animals from each other and prevent their being stolen, but that it also protects them from rheumatism. There are many larger carts with quaint, palm-thatched roofs to be seen in Colombo. These are called hackeries and are found in many parts of India. It is often strange and amusing to see the numbers of natives, men, women, and children, who are able to pack themselves into one of these vehicles. There are a great many different varieties of bullock carts in India. Those in Coonoor, for instance, have very high, narrow hoods, while in Bombay an awning is provided which stretches out over the bullock's back and shelters both passengers and driver. Another type of cart has four wheels and curious cage-like sides, while the wooden cover is provided with blinds and there is a rack for baggage on the roof. In Madras the raikla, a vehicle of quite a different BOMBAY CART WITH HOOD. In Ajmere the bullock carts have awnings supported by four poles, and in Calcutta there are elaborately decorated carriages drawn by gaily caparisoned oxen. Other interesting conveyances are those in which the zenana ladies travel. These are carts with a hood, and velvet curtains at the sides. When in use the curtains can be tightly drawn, so that passers-by cannot catch a glimpse of the passengers. CONVEYANCE FOR ZENANA LADIES. EKKA CAMELS HARNESSED TO CARRIAGE. Besides these elaborate conveyances there are several kinds of palanquins for use on rough roads and in mountainous districts. Palkis are litters attached to a single long pole which is carried on the shoulders of two or more men. Dhoolies are square boxes, rather like sedan chairs, in which native ladies sometimes travel, and the ruth is a palanquin on wheels. In India camels are ridden by both men and women. The latter often sit in kujawas, which are small square panniers made of wood and strong netting, and are hung on either side of the animal's back. Horses, bullocks, and donkeys are also ridden, but the most imposing steed in India is the elephant, and very magnificent these great animals look when they are carrying native rajahs or taking part in some religious procession. On these occasions the howdah, which is like a palanquin perched on the elephant's back, is painted or covered with gold and silver, while the animal itself is often gaily coloured and has his tusks decorated with jewels and flowers. Elephants, however, are not always decked in this fantastic fashion, and often the howdah is a very simple affair rather like a huge basket in One of the most curious conveyances to be seen in India is a travelling theatre, which consists of a large, railed platform fastened across the backs of two elephants which walk side by side. This strange moving stage figures in wedding processions and other festivals, and during its passage through the streets of a town dancing girls give performances on the platform, which is brightly illuminated. Elephants are strange animals and need to be very carefully trained and kindly treated. There is a story that once in Ceylon a newly-caught elephant, when required to draw a wagon, felt this to be such an indignity that he lay down between the shafts and died! Perhaps his relations in India are not quite so proud and sensitive, for in that country we find them doing a great deal of hard work. They move large logs of wood, carry heavy burdens, and also drag cannon. At times, even, they may be seen taking the place of steam-engines and drawing railway trucks along the line. In fact, there is nothing in the way of hard and heavy work that the elephant cannot do. |