ion from, 2 Doyen, M., operation on double monsters, 216 Dragon-tree, of Orotava, 96, 97, 98 Drakenberg, age of, 87 Drunkenness, and morality, 317 Dryopithecus, 334 Ducks, old, 11 Duering, on pessimism, 248 Durand-Fardel, M., on atheroma, 30 Duration of life, in animals, 39 et seq., 133 Eagles, intestinal flora of, 82 Ecclesiastes, quotation from, 233 Eckermann, narrative of Goethe’s last years, 271, 274, 279 Egoism, 227, 306, 331 Egyptian milk, 105 Eimer, Th., on intestines of bats &c., 62, 63 Einhorn, Dr., on bradyfagy, 159 Elective Affinities, Goethe’s, 273 Elephants, 9, 54, 83, 197 Eliot, George, 322 Elixir vitÆ, 138 Ellenberger, on digestion in horse, 78 Enriquez, on infusoria, 13 EphemeridÆ, duration of life of, 113, 118 Epicureans, 309 Epiphyses of bones, as giving period of growth, 40 Ermenghem, van, on botulism, 70 Errera, Dr., on cause of sleep, 121 Eudoxia, 218 Ewald, on absorption in colon, 64 Exhaustion, as cause of plant death, 104, 107 Extinction of animals, 213 Eye, in old age, 36 Fatigue, Weichardt on cause of, 123 “Faust” and Goethe, 283 et seq. Favorsky, Dr., on botulism, 82 Fear, analysis of, 194 Fecundity and duration of life, 43, 44, 45, 57, 58 Feinkind, case of somnambulism quoted from, 204 Femininist movement, 224 Fermentation, cause of, 105 Fertility and longevity, 44, 45 Fish, longevity of, 50 Flamans, M., 5 Fletcher, on chewing, 159 Flora, of intestines, poisonous effect of, 47 Loewenberg, Dr., on Mde. Robineau, 7 London Zoological Gardens, 51, 81 Longevity, in animal kingdom, 47 et seq. - human, 84 et seq.
- rules for, 141
- in sexes, 44
- theories of, 39
Lorand, Dr., on ductless glands, 32 Love, Goethe and, 272 Luxury, 321 Macfadyen, Nencki and Mde. Sieber, on digestion, 153, 161 Macrophags, 25, 147 Mailaender, 235, 255 Malaquin, M., on Monstrilla, 116, 117 Male rotifers, death of, 114, 115 Malthus, theory of, 214 Mammals, longevity of, 53 Mammary glands, in males, 186 Man, compared with apes, 184, 185 - natural death of, 119 et seq.
- longevity of, 84 et seq.
ManouÉlian, M., on neuronophagy, 21, 22 Marinesco, M., on neuronophogs, 19 Marrow of the bones, in old age, 37 MarsiliaceÆ, duration of life of prothallus, 99 Martin, on Gibbons, 192 Massart, on cause of death in plants, 102, 109 Massol, Prof., 178 Mastication, and intestinal putrefaction, 160 Matchinsky, M., on atrophy of ovary, 26 Maternal instinct, 319, 320 Mauclaire, M., operations on large intestine, 153, 154, 155 Maumus, M., on digestion in cÆca, 61 Mauritius, giant tortoise from, 12 Maupas, M., on infusoria, 13 Maya, 178 Mayers, on Chinese elixir, 138 Meconium, appearance of microbes in, 161 Medical selection, 134 Mesnet and Mottet, Drs., cases of hysteria, 203 Mice, duration of life, 41, 43, 56 Michaelis, on muscles of monkeys, 185 Microbes, as cause of senility, 73 - in food, 162, 163
- passage through intestinal walls, 71
Middlemarch, G. Eliot’s, 34 Timon of Athens, quotation from, 307 Tissier, Dr., on Bacillus bifidus, 161 - on use of lactic microbes, 181
Tissier, and Martelly, on putrid food, 164 Tobacco and longevity, 93 Tokarsky, on natural death, 126 Tolstoi, and death, 94 - “Death of Ivan Ilyitch,” 318
Tortoise, 11, 12, 13, 51 Touch, sense of, in the blind, 257 Troubat, M., on instinctive swimming, 198 Trees, age and death of, 96, 97, 98 Trypanosoma, 124 Unicellular organisms, death of, 95 Urine, analysis of, in a centenarian, 7 Utilitarianism, 305 Vacherot, criticism of Kant, 313 Varenetz, 172 Vascular glands, relation to old age, 33, 34 Verworn, Max, on death in infusoria, 95 Vinegar, in preservation of food, 165 Vivisection, 301 Voisin, M., criticism of neuronophagy, 20 Voltaire, 92, 235 Volz, on swimming power of gibbons, 198 Wales, Mr., quotation from Riley, 174 Weber, Dr., on regimen for old age, 140, 141 Weichardt, on cause of fatigue, 122, 123 Weinberg, Dr., on preparation of human serums, 150 - on thyroid gland in aged, 33
Weiske, on digestion in sheep, 78 Weismann, A., on cause of old age, 15, 16 - on death in infusoria, 95
- on duration of life, 41, 43, 45, 51
“Weltschmerz,” in German poetry, 236 Werther, Goethe’s, 263, 267 Westergaard, statistics of mortality, 142, 144 Wiedersheim, on intestinal tract, 60 Wine, Goethe and, 271, 279 Wolff, J. H., Goethe’s friend, 271 Women, education, 224 et seq. Yahourth, use in intestinal putrefaction, 168, 170, 175, 177, 178 Y