
1 Westergaard, Mortalitaet u. Morbilitaet, 2nd. Edit., 1901, pp. 653-655.

2 The volume of the urine excreted in 24 hours (in January 1905) was 500 c.c., with a density of 1019. There was no albumen or sugar. The quantity, per litre, of urea was 11·50 gr., of chlorides 9 gr., of phosphates 1·15 gr. The sediment contained crystals of uric acid, some pavement epithelium cells, a very few cells from the tubules, some hyaline platelets and isolated white corpuscles.

3 Extinct Animals, London, 1905, pp. 28, 29.

4 Rendiconti d. Accad. d. Lincei, 1906, vol. xiv. pp. 351, 390.

5 Ueb. d. physiologische Degeneration bei ActinosphÆrium eichhornii. Jena, 1904.

6 “Senescence and Rejuvenation,” Journal of Physiology, 1891, t. xii.

7 Biologisches Centralblatt, 1904, pp. 65, 81, 113.

8 Comptes rendus de l’AcadÉmie des sciences, 23 April, 1900.

9 Revue gÉnÉrale des sciences, 30 Dec., 1904, p. 1116.

10 Le Bulletin mÉdical, 1906, p. 721; Le Cerveau sÉnile, Lille, 1906, pp. 64-69.

11 MÉmoires couronnÉs publiÉs par l’AcadÉmie royale de Belgique, Bruxelles, 1906.

12 Revue de MÉdecine, Nov., 1906, p. 870.

13 Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, Oct. 1906, p. 859.

14 Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, 1900, vol. xiv. p. 113.

15 ElÉments d’histologie humaine, French translation, 1856, p. 222.

16 LeÇons sur la physiologie du systÈme nerveux, 1866.

17 De la dÉgenÉrescence graisseuse des muscles chez des vieillards. Paris, 1867.

18 Demange, Étude sur la vieillesse, 1886, p. 118.

19 C. R. de la SociÉtÉ de Biologie, 14 November, 1903.

20 Clinica medica, 1905, n. 6.

21 Bulletins de la SociÉtÉ royale des sciences-medicales de Bruxelles, 1905, n. 4, p. 105.

22 Sarbach, Mittheilungen a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., vol. xv. 1906.

23 Verhandlungen d. Kongr. f. innere Medicin. Wiesbaden, 1906, pp. 59, 98.

24 Archives de Neurologie, 1886.

25 Die Function d. SchilddrÜse, Virchow’s Festschrift, vol. i. 1891, p. 369.

26 Fuss, Der Greisenbogen, in Virchow’s Archiv, 1905, vol. clxxxii. p. 407; S. Toufesco, Sur le cristallin, Paris, 1906.

27 Edmond Fournier, Stigmates dystrophiques de l’hÉrÉdosyphilis, Paris, 1898, p. 4.

28 Histoire naturelle gÉnÉrale et particuliÈre, vol. ii. Paris, 1749.

29 De la longÉvitÉ humaine et de la quantitÉ de vie sur le globe, Paris, 1855.

30 Ueber die Dauer des Lebens, Jena, 1882, p. 4.

31 Brehm, La vie des animaux, MammifÈres, vol. ii. p. 623.

32 LeÇons sur la physiologie et l’anatomie comparÉe, vol. ix. 1870, p. 446.

33 Archiv f. die gesammte Physiologie, Bonn, 1903, vol. xcv. p. 606.

34 La Nature, May 12, 1900, p. 378.

35 Ashworth and Annandale, Proceedings of the R. Society of Edinburgh, vol. xxv. part iv. 1904.

36 Bronn’s Klassen u. Ordnungen des Thierreichs, vol. iii. p. 466.

37 Weismann, The Duration of Life, in “Essays on Heredity” (English translation), Oxford, 1889.

38 Oustalet, “La LongÉvitÉ chez les Animaux vertÉbrÉs,” La Nature, May 12, 1900, p. 378.

39On the Comparative Ages to which Birds live,” The Ibis, Jan., 1899, vol. v. p. 19.

40 J. Maumus, “Les cÆcums des oiseaux,” Annales des sciences naturelles, 902. See also P. Chalmers Mitchell, “On the Intestinal Tract of Birds,” Trans. LinnÆan Soc. of London, vol. viii. part 7, 1901.

41 Weidersheim, Elements of the Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates, translated by W. Newton Parker, p. 236, 1886.

42 Elements of Comparative Anatomy, English translation by F. Jeffrey Bell, B.A., London, 1878, p. 562.

43 Virchow’s Archiv, 1869, vol. xlviii. p. 151.

44 P. Chalmers Mitchell, “On the Intestinal Tract of Mammals,” Trans. Zool. Soc. of London, vol. xvii. part 5, 1905.

45 Travaux de la SociÉtÉ des mÉdecins russes À Saint-PÉtersbourg. September-October, 1905, p. 18 (in Russian).

46 Virchow’s Archiv, 1874, vol. lix, p. 161.

47 Zeitschrift f. klinische. Medicin, 1887, vol. xii.

48 Mittheilungen a. d. Grenzgebieten d. Medicin u. Chirurgie, 1905, vol. xiv.

49 Aldor, Centralblatt f. innere Medicin, 1898, p. 161.

50 L’annÉe biologique, 7th year, 1902. Paris, 1903, p. 590.

51 Gazette des HÔpitaux, 1904, p. 715.

52 Accidents dus À la Constipation pendant la Grossesse, l’Accouchement et les Suites des Couches. ThÈse, Paris, 1902, p. 32.

53 Comptes rendus de l’AcadÉmie des Sciences, Paris, 1905, 10 July, p. 136.

54 Archiv. f. klinische Chirurgie, 1901, vol. lxiii, p. 773.

55 Kolle u. Wassermann, Handb. d. pathogenen Mikro-organismen, vol. ii, 1903, p. 678.

56 Ficker, in the Archiv. fÜr Hygiene, vol. lii, p. 179, has recently published the results of an investigation into this.

57 Quoted by FrÉdericq et Nuel, ElÉments de physiologie humaine, 4th edition, 1899, p. 256.

58 Quoted by FrÉdericq et Nuel, op. cit.

59 L’aviculture (a fortnightly Russian journal), Oct. 1st, 1904, No. 19, p. 3.

60 Country Life, 1905.

61 Quoted by Ebstein, Die Kunst d. mensch. Leben zu verlÄngern, 1891.

62 Op. cit., p. 12.

63 Annuaire statistique de la ville de Paris, 23rd year, 1904, p. 164-171.

64 Ornstein, Virchow’s Archiv., 1891, vol. cxxv, p. 408.

65 Ebstein, op. cit., p. 70.

66 Lejoncourt, Galerie des centenaires, Paris, 1842, p. 96-98.

67 Lejoncourt, op. cit., p. 101.

68 Researches into the Physical History of Mankind, 1836, vol. i, p. 1157.

69 I owe to the kindness of M. Chemin a memoir in which he has brought together the ancient and new records on the centenarians of all countries up to the end of the nineteenth century. M. Chemin was unable to find a publisher, but has given me his manuscript, extending to 182 pages.

70 Ueber die Kunst d. VerlÄngerung d. mensch. Lebens, Bonn, 1890, p. 23.

71 Physiologie gÉnÉrale, 1900, p. 381.

72 Tableaux de la nature (French translation), 1808, vol. ii, p. 109.

73 Webb and Berthelot, Histoire naturelle des Îles Canaries, 1839, vol. i, part 2, pp. 97-98.

74 BibliothÈque universelle de GenÈve, 1839, vol. xlvi, p. 387.

75 Ibid., p. 392.

76 BibliothÈque universelle de GenÈve, vol. xlvii, p. 49.

77 Entstehung u. Begriff d. naturhistorischen Art, 2nd edit., Munich, 1865, p. 37.

78 Griesebach, Die Vegetation der Erde.

79 Batalin, Acta Horti Petropolitani, vol. xi, no. 6, 1890, p. 289.

80 I am indebted to Prof. Hugo de Vries for this and other instances of the prolongation of life in plants.

81 Engler’s Botanische JahrbÜcher, Leipzig, 1882, vol. ii, p. 51.

82 Organographie der Pflanzen, IÉna, 1898-1901.

83 Bulletin du jardin botanique de Bruxelles, vol. i, no. 6, 1905.

84 Hugo de Vries, JahrbÜcher fÜr wissensch. Botanik, 1890, vol. xxii, p. 52.

85 Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, 1902, p. 71.

86 Duclaux, Microbiologie, vol. iii, 1900, p. 460.

87 Archiv. fÜr Anatomie und Physiologie, 1864.

88 Archives de Zoologie expÉrimentale, 1901, vol. ix, p. 81.

89 Observations of Dr. Speyer, quoted by Weismann.

90 See The Nature of Man.

91 Étude clinique sur la vieillesse, Paris, 1886, p. 145.

92 Revue scientifique, 1877, p. 1173.

93 Revue scientifique, 1887, 2nd part, p. 105.

94 Gabriel Bertrand, Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, 1904, p. 672.

95 Therapeutische Monatshefte, 1904, p. 193.

96 MÜnchener medicinische Wochenschrift, 1904, No. 1; Verhandlungen der physiologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin, Dec. 5th, 1904.

97 Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles, Geneva, March, 1905, vol. xvii; Archives de physiologie, vol. iv, p. 245.

98 Laveran and Mesnil, Trypanosomes et Trypanosomiases, Paris, 1904, p. 328.

99 Paris, 1834, 4th edition, vol. ii, p. 118.

100 Revue de mÉtaphysique et de morale, March, 1904.

101 AnnÉe biologique, vol. vii, p. 595.

102 Revue occidentale, July 1st, 1904, vol. xxx, p. 87.

103 Egger, “Le moi des mourants,” Revue philosophique, 1896, i, p. 27.

104 Ibid., pp. 303-307; v. also Bulletin de l’Institut gÉnÉral phycholog., 1903, p. 29.

105 Cicero, Tusculanes, chap, xxviii.

106 Rapport de M. Bienvenu-Martin À la Chambre des dÉputÉs, Paris, 1903.

107 L’Art de prolonger la vie humaine (French translation), Lausanne, 1809, p. 5.

108 A. RÉville, Histoire des religions, vol. iii, Paris, 1889, p. 428.

109 A. RÉville, loc. cit., p. 455.

110 Comptes rendus de la SocietÉ de Biologie, 1899, p. 415.

111 Deutsche medicin. Wochenschrift, 1891, p. 1027.

112 Die physiologisch-chemisch. Grundlagen d. Spermintheorie, Berlin, 1898.

113 British Medical Journal, 1904; Deutsche Mediz. Wochenschr., 1904, Nos. 18-21.

114 Die Lehre von d. Mortalitaet u. Morbilitaet, 2nd edition, Jena, 1901.

115 Medizinische Klinik, 1905, No. 22.

116 Die experimentelle Syphilisforschung, Berlin, 1906, p. 82.

117 Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, 1900, pp. 369-413.

118 Les sÉrums hemolytiques, Lyon, 1903.

119 According to a recent publication of M. Ellenberger (Archiv. f. Anatomie u. Physiologie, Physiologische Abtheilung, 1906, p. 139), the cÆca of the horse, pig and rabbit, play an active part in the digestion of vegetable matter, which is rich in cellulose. At the end of his treatise, Ellenberger insists that the vermiform appendix of the cÆcum is not a rudimentary organ. The reason why the appendix can be removed in the case of man without disturbance to the functions of the body, is that this work can be performed by the Peyer’s patches of the intestine. The existence of the appendix is not necessary to the normal processes of the body, and is a real danger to health and sometimes to life. Comparative study of the cÆca in birds shows that these organs are in process of degeneration.

120 Archiv. fÜr experimentelle Pathologie, vol. xxviii, p. 311.

121 SixiÈme CongrÈs de Chirurgie, Paris, 1903, p. 86.

122 LeÇons sur les auto-intoxications, Paris, 1886.

123 Zeitschrift fÜr Hygiene, 1892, vol. xii, p. 88.

124 Zeitschrift fÜr klinische Medicin, 1903, vol. xlviii, p. 491.

125 There is a summary of this question in Gerhardt’s work on intestinal putrefaction, in Ergebnisse der Physiologie, 3rd year, section 1, Wiesbaden, 1904, pp. 107-154.

126 The A B C of our Nutrition, New York, 1903; Dr. Regnault, Nov. 1, “L’art de manger,” La Revue, 1906, p. 92.

127 Zeitschr. f. diatetische u. physikal. Therapie, t. viii, 1904, 1905.

128 Du Cap au lac Nyassa, Paris, 1897, pp. 291-294.

129 Gaffky and Paak, in Arbeiten d. k. Gesundheitsamtes, vol. vi, 1890.

130 Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, 1903.

131 Cormouls-HoulÈs, Vingt-sept annÉes d’agriculture pratique, Paris, 1899, pp. 57-58.

132 British Medical Journal, 1897, Dec. 25th, p. 1898.

133 Comptes rendus de la Soc. de Biologie, 1906, March 17th.

134 Dr. Combe, L’auto intoxication intestinale, Paris, 1906. This valuable work contains much useful information on the subject.

135 Grundzach, Zeitschrift fÜr klinische Medezin, 1893, p. 70; Schmitz, Zeitschrift fÜr physiologische Chemie, 1894, vol. xix, p. 401; Singer, Therapeutische Monatshefte, 1901, p. 441.

136 Journal fÜr praktische Chemie, 1882, vol. xxvi, p. 43.

137 Archiv. fÜr experimentelle Pathologie, 1883, vol. xvii, p. 442.

138 In the English authorised version as in the translation of Osterwald the word “butter” is used in place of “soured milk.” Professor Metchnikoff follows the translation given by Ebstein in his work on the Medicine of the Old Testament.

139 Presse mÉdicale, 1904, p. 619.

140 “An authentic narrative of the loss of the American brig Commerce wrecked on the western coast of Africa in the month of August, 1815, with an account of the sufferings of the surviving officers and crew, who were enslaved by the wandering Arabs on the African desert or Zaharah; and observations historical, geographical, etc.” by James Riley. Hartford, S. Andrus and Son, 1854.

141 Arbeiten a. d. k. Gesundheitsamte, 1889, vol. v, pp. 297-304.

142 See Grasberger and Schattenfroh, Archiv. fÜr Hygiene, 1902, vol. xlii, p. 246.

143 Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, 1902, p. 65.

144 Revue mÉdicale de la Suisse romande, 1905, p. 716.

145 Comptes rendus de la Soc. Biologique, March 17th, 1906.

146 Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, 1906, p. 977.

147 Soured milk can be taken at any time of the day, with or in between meals.

148 Jahrbuch fÜr Kinderheilkunde, N. F. 12 ErgÆnsungsheft, 1900.

149 Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, 1905, p. 295; Tribune mÉdicale, Feb. 24th, 1906.

150 La nature humaine et la philosophie optimiste, Paris, 1904.

151 Archiv. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Anatom. Abtheil, 1903, p. 205.

152 L’univers et la vie, p. 592.

153 Huxley, Man’s Place in Nature. Collected Essays, vol. vii, p. 54.

154 Ibid., p. 60.

155 Ibid., p. 62.

156 Ibid., p. 67.

157 MÉnÉgaux, Les MammifÈres, p. 24.

158 Darwin, Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, 1873, p. 67.

159 Biologisches Centralblatt, 1904, p. 475.

160 J. de Fontenelle, Nouveau manuel complet des nageurs, Paris, 1837, p. 2.

161 La natation et les bains, Paris, 1887.

162 Quoted by M. Pitres in LeÇons cliniques sur l’hystÉrie, 1891, vol. i.

163 Bourneville et Regnard, Iconographie photographique de la SalpÉtriÈre, 1879-1880, vol. iii, p. 50.

164 StÉphanie Feinkind, Du somnambulisme dit naturel, Paris, 1893, p. 55.

165 Dictionnaire des sciences mÉdicales, 1821, vol. lii, p. 119.

166 Du Sommeil non naturel, Paris, 1886.

167 ConfÉrence faite À la SociÉtÉ de l’Internat, June 28th, 1906.

168 The Crowd: a Study of the Popular Mind. English translation, London, 1896.

169 Souvenirs d’enfance de S. Kowalevsky, 1895, pp. 301-311.

170 W. Herzberg, Sozialdemokratie und Anarchismus, 1906, p. 17.

171 Le problÈme agraire, 1905, p. 147.

172 “The Coming Slavery” in Man versus the State, 1888, p. 18.

173 Human, too Human. French translation, 1899, pp. 405-407. A German critic has reproached me for my ignorance of Nietzsche’s works. I have read several of them, but the mixture of genius and madness in them makes them difficult to use. In this connection Moebius’ volume, Ueber das Pathologische bei Nietzsche (Wiesbaden, 1902), is of interest.

174 Quoted by Oldenberg, Le Bouddha, French translation, Paris, 1894, p. 214.

175 P. RÉgnaud, “Le pessimisme brahmanique,” in Annales du MusÉe Guimet, 1880, vol. i, pp. 110-111.

176 Guyau, La Morale d’Epicure, 4th edition, 1904, p. 116.

177 Ad Marciam, chap. x.

178 PoÉsies et oeuvres morales, by Leopardi. Translated into French 1880, p. 49.

179 These facts are taken from Westergaard, 2nd edit., 1901, p. 649.

180 DieudonnÉ, Archiv fÜr Kulturgeschichte, 1903, vol. i, p. 357.

181 Kowalevsky, Studien zur Psychologie des Pessimismus, Wiesbaden, 1904.

182 Medicinische Klinik, 1906, n. 25 and 26.

183 Der Werth des Lebens.

184 Ueber Schopenhauer, Leipzig, 1899.

185 Moebius, Goethe, vol. i, Leipzig, 1903.

186 V. Kunz, “Zur Blindenphysiologie,” Wiener medicin. Wochenschrift, 1902, No. 21.

187 Physiologie de la Lecture et de l’Écriture, Paris, 1905.

188 Entre aveugles, Paris, 1903.

189 Der Blindenfreund, Feb. 15th, 1906.

190 Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, vol. i, pp. 164-5, in the Essay on Goethe.

191 Briefwechsel zwischen Goethe und Zelter. Letter of Dec. 3, 1812.

192 Quoted in Moebius’ Goethe, vol. ii, p. 80.

193 The Fifth Roman Elegy, Blaze’s French translation, 1873 p. 186. Some of Goethe’s biographers, and amongst them G. H. Lewes, maintain that these lines relate to Christine, Goethe’s wife. This is erroneous; they refer to Faustine (see Bielschowsky, i, p. 517).

194 Moebius’ Goethe, vol. ii, pp. 84-87.

195 Moebius’ Goethe, vol. ii, pp. 84-87.

196 Quoted by Bode in Goethe’s Lebenskunst, Berlin, 1905, p. 59.

197 Ueber die Wirkungen d. Castration, Halle, 1903, p. 82.

198 Comptes rendus de la SociÉtÉ de Biologie, 1889, p. 420.

199 The word Samen of the original is the expression of the alchemists for the “principle of life.”

200 Erich Schmidt, Goethe’s Faust in ursprÜnglicher Gestalt, 6th edit., Weimar, 1905, p. 1.

201 Faust, Bayard Taylor’s translation. London: Warne & Co., pp. 20-21.

202 Op. cit., p. 32.

203 Op. cit., pp. 33, 34.

204 Details of this will be found in Kuno Fischer’s Goethe’s Faust, pp. 328-330.

205 Op. cit., pg. 36.

206 Op. cit., pg. 45.

207 Op. cit., p. 46.

208 Op. cit., p. 46.

209 Op. cit., p. 71.

210 Op. cit., p. 51.

211 Op. cit., p. 151.

212 Op. cit., p. 203.

213 Op. cit., p. 205.

214 Op. cit., p. 230.

215 Op. cit., p. 231.

216 Op. cit., p. 284.

217 Op. cit., p. 287.

218 Op. cit., p 298.

219 Op. cit., p. 305.

220 Op. cit., p. 309.

221 Op. cit., p. 313.

222 Op. cit., p. 351.

223 Op. cit., pp. 354-355.

224 Op. cit., p. 365.

225 Op. cit., p. 370.

226 V. Tribune mÉdicale, 1906, p. 449.

227 La Revue, Nov. 15th and Dec. 1st.

228 Essais de Philosophie critique, Paris, 1864.

229 System der Ethik, 7th and 8th editions, vol. i, p. 199. Berlin 1906.

230 De Vries, in Biologisches Centralblatt, 1906, Sept. 1st, p. 609.

231 Dr. Grasset, “La fin de la vie” in the Revue de philosophie, Aug. 1st, 1903.

232 “Morale et biologie,” Revue philosophique, 1904, vol. lviii, p. 125.


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